1953-05-07A rogalar meeting of the Town 'toard,Town or iappinger was held in 67 the Town gall on Bay 7,1953, Present Supervisor Edward H.Scofield,Supt.of iiighw ay Harry B.Griswold Councilmen Emory J.Hager and Jesse H.DeVoe,A.H.Dederer Justice or the Peace and Edith a.Booth,Town Clerk. Meeting was called to order by 6upr.Scorield at 1:30 P.M. Minutes or previous meeting read and approved as read. General Fund #82 Beasley Agency Inc.Premium Policy C 49524 ---- 844.70 8;5 harry B.Griswold,supt's Salary April 15 ---- 137.60 84 Automatie Voting Machine Corp. Supplies ---- 22.38 85 new York Telephone Co. --- Service 'Town hall ---- 7.65 86 Edith H.Booth,Town Clerk - 6alary April ---- 150.00 87 Harry B.Griswold,Supt's balary April 3U ---- 137.50 88 Ivan H.Flood --- Printing Town Board ---- 4.00 89 u.H.G.&.E.Corp. -- 6ervice Town Hall ---- 4.02 90 it 't " it " -- Hughsonville Light List. ---- 74.9u 91 if it r " " -- Ohelsea Light vist. ---- 38.66 92 R.H.Dederer -- justice of Peace ualary April ---- 116.66 9;o Adward B.Beatty -- if If n n n ---- 50.00 94Emory d.Hager -- Councilmans salary " ---- 25.00 95 Jesse H.DeVoe -- " " ---- 25.00 96 Dwight L.Robbins -- Dog 6ervice " ---- 4100 97 u.H.G.&.E.Corp. -- Service Store House ---- 6.67 # 1648.64 3u 34 .90 machinery Fund 6inelair iefining co . -- Gas ---- 86.36 igen Smith Machinery uo.Ine. -- Parts ---- 17.86 Wappingers hardware --- supplies 1U.9b Homer r.Holden ------ rep airs ---- b3.60 Taranto 's tzarage ------ " ---- b.Ou Victor sanko ------ " 26.25 Queen city uil Co. ------ uil ---- 35.04 universal Road machinery Oo.--- Parts ---- 12.bO lidway Uas & Service station -- itepairs ---- 6.00 2b3.b6 miscellaneous .iound Robert Seymour ---- Painting Highway Fund. 14.OU General Repairs -- Payroll April 15 ---- 852.90 it " -- Payroll April 3u ---- 837.60 it " -- Brighton 6teel uo.,Ino.--Pipe ---- 18u.lb Lahsdell company Inc. -- Road uil ---- 823.07 Fishkill Builders 6upply corp. ------ Gravel ---- 2`77.50 Sinclair refining co. --- Lias ---- 63.68 3u 34 .90 machinery Fund 6inelair iefining co . -- Gas ---- 86.36 igen Smith Machinery uo.Ine. -- Parts ---- 17.86 Wappingers hardware --- supplies 1U.9b Homer r.Holden ------ rep airs ---- b3.60 Taranto 's tzarage ------ " ---- b.Ou Victor sanko ------ " 26.25 Queen city uil Co. ------ uil ---- 35.04 universal Road machinery Oo.--- Parts ---- 12.bO lidway Uas & Service station -- itepairs ---- 6.00 2b3.b6 miscellaneous .iound Robert Seymour ---- Painting bigns down Garage ---- 14.OU .xobert 6eymour ---- Painting road signs ---- 15.00 hew York Telephone Oo.-- Service Town Garage ---- 6.09 �,apitol highway Materials inc. -- Woad signs ---- 41.64 ,;hristensen & Linge Lumber Co. --- Lumber ---- 18.bu 0 94.95 Motion made by councilman Hager seconded by 6ouneilman LeVoe that bills be paid. Oarried Motion made by Justice Dederer seconded by councilman DeVoe that Central Avenue for a distance of three hundred and fifty feet from isent road be accepted as a Town road. of the Town of Wappinger, the same having been.approved by the Town Superintendent of Highway, Carried motion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Councilman Hager that meeting adjourn. O /, " V- �JWFNm 1 %�/i. To r Carried A regular meeting of tine Board of Health,Town or tRappinger was held in tna Town Hall on VayY,19b3. Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,Supt.ot Highway Harry B.Griewold,Justiee of Peace R.H.Dederer,Councilmah Emory J. Hager and Jesse H.DeVoe,Health Officer Dr.William B.Garliak and Town Clerk Edith H.Bootn. Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 8:00 3*V* Health Officer reported twelve cases of measlesotherwise Town health in excellent condition. Meeting adjourned Town Clerk.