1953-06-0469 A regular meeting of the Town Board,'i'own of 4appinger was held in the Town hall on June 4,195b Present Supervisor scofield,supt.of iiighway harry B.Griswold Justices R.H.Dederer and Ldward B.Beatty,Councilmen Amory j. Hager and Jesse ri.DeVoe and Town Ulerk Edith n.Booth• Meeting was called to order by supervisor acofield at 8:u0 o'clock Y.E. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. General rund. t ` 98 harry B.Griswold Supt Aalary may lb ------- 137 .5u 99 Dew York Telephone uo . , service Town nail ---- 1u .O b luO yaniel d.Hannigan Dr. - Dog service ---- 13.00 lul state insurance Fund after audit ---- 12.65 IU2 Beasley Agency tne.,rolicy A.F.19963 Pire & Theft bl.6u lu3 .. 11 it Policy J S 1384 ------- 7.04 IU4 Harry B.Griewold,supt.of highway,salary may 3U 137.bu lu6 imight Aobbine-- Dog Service ------- 4.0U lu6 tdith ii.Booth,Town Olerk salary May ------- 15U.00 lu•i R.H.Dederer,Justice of Peace ►+alary May ------- 116.66 lu d sdw and b " if it .1 lz - _ -- _-- 5u .00 109 .Beatty Lmory J.Hager Couneilmans Aalary to ------- 25.00 110 Jesse H.DeVoe it if if ------- 25.00 111 Edith H.Booth, Lxpenses Town Clerk --- . -- 6.47 112 C.H.G.&.E.Corp.Services Town Garage ------- 1.90 114 williamson Law Book Company,Hecord of Fees ---- 16.10 114 C.H.G.&.E.Corp. Hughsonvi"lle Light Dist.-----•- '14.90 116 " " Ifit " " Chelsea Light Dist. ------ 38.66 116 Alice Hemroth for services rendered as Asst.Clerk b.00 at special meeting concerning vote on 9D road plans held at the Hughsonville Dire House on June 1,1953 888.03 Hignwav Fund General Repairs May 1-16 - --- 774.80 It n blay 15-29 ----- 1116. bO Hosner Mt.Sand and Stene Co.Inc., Sand ---- 42.00 Pishkill Builders Supply Corp. Gravel ---- 157.60 The Lansdell Co . ,Inc . Road Oil ---- 926.26 Sinclair Eefining Co. Gas ---- 181.12 $ 2798.17 Machinery Fund Sinclair Refining Uo. --- Gas ------ b8.88 York TAodern Corp. --- Parts ------ 18.95 Lane Farm Supply Inc. --- Supplies ------ 12.0b Millard Lumber Co. --- " ------ 1b.b0 Taranto's Garage --- Repairs ------ b.bO Bennett & Bolaskey --- it ------ 9.75 Wappingers Hardware --- Supplies ------ 1.54 Homer R.Holden --- Ropairs ------ 107.65 Victor Sanko --- " ------ 12.78 2 20 . b0 Miscellaneous Fund New York Telephone Co. Service Town Garage -- 8.15 Solvay Sales Division - Calcium Chloride -- 640.00 The 116dgdr8''Co'.Ine . - Grates -- - -136.88 78b.03 70 Councilman I)BVoe seconded b Councilman 11ager 'Motion made, by 9 Carried that bills be paid. Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Councilman DeVoe that the action taken by the Supervisor that light.#33 on the corner of Iiiddlebush road and Route 9D be chamged from a 100 Carried e.P. to a 250 C.P.lamp. Lotion made by Judge Dederer seconded by Councilman Hager that when zne necessary papers and deed are presented to the Town attorney the Town of Wappinger will take over the continuance of the Fowler House Road ror a distance of 100 feet going west. Carried A motion was made by Judge Dederer seconded by Judge Beatty in due consideration of the hardships that may be incurred but keeping in mind the improvement in safety '& transportation does unanimously approve plans !aid dow.1i by the New York State Department of Public Works to widen and resurface Route 9D from the village line in Wappingers Falls to the City line o f s ame in Beacon,and that a copy be^sent to the Hon.James S.Bixby Div.Engineer and spread upon the minutes of this meeting Carried. iTotion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Judge Dederer that meeting adjourn. Carried. F � _!.I, Town Clerk No Board of Health Meeting was held. Town Clerk.