1953-07-09A regular meeting of tine Town toard , Town oz ri`appinger was held in the Town Hall on July 9,1953. Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,aupt.of Highway Harry B. Griswold,Justices Edward B.Beatty and ft.H.Dederer,Councilmen Emory J.Hager and Jesse H.DeVoe and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting was called to order by Supervisor bcotield at '/:45 P.11. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. General Fund - #117 Paul Reichardt --Flags Memorial flay A.L. ---- 54.00 118 National Bank of Wappingers Falls -Rent April -May- 195.00 119 June harry B.Griswold,bupt's Salary June i5 ---- 137.50 120 New YorkTelephone Co. -Service Town Hall ---- 10.60 121 xoberts Flower Shop -Flowers memorial Day A.L.-- 30.00 122 Douglas Ackerman- Attendance Officer Dist.#4 -- 40.00 123 Edward R.Scofield bupr.balary April-Ma$r-June 300.00 124 Edith H.Booth-Town Clerk aalary June ---- 150.00 125 Harry B.Griswold,Supt's Salary June 30 ---- 137.50 126 Beasley Agency- Voting machine Policys` ---- 39.29 127 R.H.Dederer,Justice of Peace balary June ---- 116.66 128 Edward B.Beatty it 11 If if ►/ ___- b0.00 129 Emory J.Hager Counci.lmans Salary " ---- 25.00 130 Jesse H.DeVoe " " " ---- 25.00 131 C.H.G.&.E.Corp. Service Town Hall ---- 1.90 lb2 11 list " n� - 't Hughsonville Light Dist. ---- 7b .65 163 R It TI Tl If It Chelsea If 11 __-- 68.66 134 TV 11 It it if it Stringhams Bridge ---- 11.24 135 Dwights Robbins -- Dog Service ---- 4.00 136 uampbell Press Printing for Assessors ---- 28.41 167 C.H.G.&.E.Corp.-- Service Town Garage ---- 1.90 Highway Fund General Repairs - V.J.Costanzi ine.--Tractor Service Sinclair Refining Co. ---- Gas __-__ Fishkill Builders Supply Uorp. --- Gravel ----- The Lansdell Co.Inc. -- noad uil ----- Louis Doughty ----------- Gravel Ken Smith Machinery Co .Inc . Pipe 11aehinery Fund Ken Smith Machinery uo.Inc. ---- Parts Everett H.Macy ---- Repairs Midway Gas & Service Station ---- Taranto's Garage J.S.Reynolds Victor Sanko ____ if Homer R.Holden ____ ft Abbott & Abbott ---- Supplies Lane Farm Supply Inc. _-__ puts Wappingers Hardware ---- Supplies Urey Hardware ____ if J.E.Andrewe Hardware Oo . ---- It 14 7 2.01 177.19 164 .45 18'1.50 1326.44 51.75 181.65 2090.98 112.52 3.75 b8.50 52.97 1.80 20.25 36.60 2.12 10 .32 9.90 4.60 3.60 4 316.96 71 72 iecellaneous Pand June 1-16 Brush Control ------- 822.80 it 16-50it if------- 796.90 Dominion Signal Co.` --- Road Signs ------- 32.60 New York Telephone Co. --Service Town Garage- 10.05 1662,25 Motion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Justice Beatty that bills be paid. Carried Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Councilman Devoe that the Republican & Democratic inspectors or election be apptoved . Oarried A letter was received by the Supervisor from the Public aervice oommission,State of new York,concerning railroad -warning signs,the matter was referred to the Supt,of Highway who communicated with the Public service Commission and is now waiting for their representative to inform him where to place the signs. A motion was made by judge Dederer seconded by Councilman Hager that the Town Board send a vote of thanks to the Hughsonville Board of Fire Commissioners for Ahe use of the Fire House for their Town meeting held June 1,1953 Carried Motion made by justice Dederer seconded by Councilman Hager that meeting adjourn. hiq Town clerk. Carried A regular meeting of the board or Health,'i'own of Wappinger was held in the Town liall on July 9,1953 - Present Supervisor Edward H.Scofield,justices ft.H.Dederer & Edward B.Beatty, Supt.of Highway Harry B.Griswold,00uncilmen Emory J.Hager & Jesse H.DeVoe,tlealth ufficer Dr.William E. Uarlick and Town clerk Edith n.Booth. Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 8a00 P.M. Health Officer reported five cases of German measles,otherwise Town health in good condition. Meeting adjourned Town Clerk. SUPERVISOR TOWN CLERK AND COLLECTOR SUPT. OF HIGHWAYS EDWARD R. SCOFIELD EDITH H. BOOTH HARRY B. GRISWOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE MILL STREET TOWN OF WAPPINGER WPPINGERS FALLS, NEW YORK JUSTICE OF PEACE EDWARD B. BEATTY ` RALPH H. DEDERER COUNCILMEN ' EMORY J, HAGER JESSE H. DE VOE Willis I.Phillips,ahairman Hoard of Are oemmissioners Hughsolivi.11e Fire Distriot. Gentlemen& HEALTH OFFICER DR. W. EiGARLICK , OFFICE HOURS 9 A. M. TO 12 M. 2 P. M. TO 4 P.M. SATURDAY 9 A.M. TO 12 M. At a regular meeting of the Town Sowed, Town of Wappin,ger held in the Town Hall on duly 9,1955 with all members present,a motion was made by Judge Dederer seconded by Counoilman Heger that a vote of thanks be tendered the Bughsonvillea Board of Fire oommissionere,for the use of the Fire Roues for their town meeting held June 1,1963,assuring the Hoard that Us use of the Fire House at this time for the above meeting was greatly appreciated. stnaerAly Edith H.Booth Town Qlerk.