1953-08-0673 A regular meeting of the ,;own Wioard,.Lown of vappinger was held in the Town hall on August 6,1953 Present Supervisor Ldw and a.Scofield, Superintendent of nigaway carry o.Griswold, rustices n.H.Dederer and Edward 6. „eatty Councilmen 'Emory J .Hager and ciesse n.DeVoe and i'own kilerk. Edith n.Booth. Meeting called to order by Supervisor Scofield at `1:30 P.M. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. General fund X138 Dwight Robbins -- Dog Service ----- 8.00 139 harry z.Griswold - Supt's salary duly 15, 14u Lew Cork Telephone Co. - Service town "all --- 9.20 141 Lditn n.Booth--- `.'own Clerks Oalary July 15U.00 142 harry ti.Griswold -- Supt's Salary,duly 31 137.5u 146 Lwight Robbins -- Dog Service --- 4.00 144 U.H.G.&.E.Corp. -- Service :Town Shed --- 1.9u 145 ,t fl „ ' 11 11 -- uugnsonvilie Light ,}ist. --- 7b.6b 146 " It 'i " " __ 6helsea 11" ---b8.66 147 n.H.Dederer -- Justice of Peace salary duly - 116.66 148 Edward-o.Beatty 11it " IT - b0.U0 149 Emory J.Hageer -- Gouncilmans 71- 2b.00 150 Besse ti.DeVoe -- "71" - 25.00 jbl 4Wm.R.Vermilyea -repairing uiliee r'urniture It - 28.22 and parts. gown riall qP 8u7.29 Machinery Fund Sinclair refining Uo . i.xas - ---- 52.26 Shaker,gravis & Quinn --- farts ---- 1.64 Homer ,.Holden --- nepairs ---- 136.10 Ellwood n.Liacy --- " ---- 4.00 Midway Gas & Service Station- Tires & Tubes ---- 166.20 Wappingers aardware --- Supplies ---- 5.65 u rey nardware sjo . _-- it ---- r.: 4.29 tiudson River wales .;orporation- repairs ---- 17.20 387.64 iii ghw air r'und General nepairs --- Ouly 15-31 ---- 942.40 it It , Fishkill nuilders 6upply Uorp . Gravel - 60.00 Lester Lnapp, ------ Digger ------ 56.00 Louis Doughty ------ gravel ------ 64.b0 f William behuerman ---- '° ------ 60.00 Sinclair refining Go. -- Gas ------ 118.16 1301.08 iuiseellaneous fund duly 1-15 --- Brush and 'ree removal 763.35 New York Telephone Uo .-- Service Garage ----- 17.1b '18u . bu MO -tion made bW Justice-.6eatty seconted by .:ouncilman DeVoe that bills oe paid. Carried 74 motion made by Councilman Hager Seconded by Oustice ;,ederer that the Town Attorney be instructed to inform Normington behofield attorney ror Hick Sucich,oithe requirements necessary,for tine Town to take over and maintain the neva developement on the Sueich property,and the original plans of what must be done,to be placed on file in the Town Clerks oiiice. Carried motion made by Councilman iiager seconded by oustice „ederer that meeting adjourn. Carried Town clerk. A regular meeting oz ine "oard os wealth Town or Wappinger was held iii una 'Town call on august 6,19bb. Present Supervisor rdward n. Scofield,supt.of ignway harry is. Liriswold, Justices n.H.Dederer and Edward D. Beatty, Councilmen .amory j .Hager and Besse H.De;Foe,.dealth Cfiieer William E. Garlick and Town ierF.,Editn ".Booth. Meeting called to order uy Supervisor Edward R.Scotield at 8:00 Y.M. Health oiiicer reported no contagious or inteetuous diseases 'own heaitn in excellent condition. meeting adjourned. Towri .,lerk.