1953-10-0877 A regular meeting; of uiie °own ioard,i`own of .rappinger was held in the Town Hall on October 8,1953 Present Supervisor Edward n.Scofield,bupt.of rlighmay darry h. Griswold, justices ialph n.Dederer,and sdward t3.Beatty,00uncilmen Emory J.Hager and Jesse H.DeVoe and Town Clerk Zdith n.Booth Meeting called to order by oupervisor Scofield at 6:;00 o'clock P.M. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. General Fund #164 Barry B . Griswold , Supt's salary Sept .15 , ---- 137.50 165 Dwight Robbins -- Dog Service ---- 4.00 166 J.Amelia Baxter --Services Deputy Town ulerk ---- 39.115 167 New Mork Telephone uo.--Service frown Hall ---- 9.95 168 Dwight Robbins --- Log Service ---- 2.00 169 Poughkeepsie grew Yorker,Public ; otice-Social---- 11.60 Security 17u McCombs Stationery Store -- Supplies ---- 50.04 171 National :dank,wappingers r'alls -tient duly -Aug.--- 195.00 oeptember 172Stanley iieis - Assessors 6alary,1955 ---- 700.00 1'15 J.Morris Goring Post 42'1 A.L.- Maintenance ---- 2u0.00 114 Edith ti.Booth , Town clerk- Sept .Salary ---- 16U.00 175 .6dward tt.Scofield,Supr's salary,july-Aug.- ---- 500.00 September 176 harry B.Griswold,bupt's balary September 30 --- 137.50 1'17 R.H.Dederer,,justice of Peace Salary,aept. ---- 116.66 178 Adward B.Beatt y, qustice of Peace salary ---- bu .00 179 Emory j .Hager-uouncilmans salary sept. ---- 25.00 18u Jesse H.DeVoe- It it e1 ---- 25.00 181 u.H G.&.E.Corp. bervice Store House ---- 1.9u 182 w.S.Beasley -Assessors ualary & expenses 1953 -- 922.00 18iD Edward m.Husted It If it if if --- '12u .00 184 William sou Law Boox uo .1955 ( S) Judge Beatty -- it .50 185 Dennis & Co. 1953 i S) judge Dederer ---- 7.5u 186 u.H.G.&.E.Corp.- Rughsonvilie Light Dist. ---- 83.,1u 1811 ff " it it If if uhelsea Light District --- - 42.86 188 ft.H.Dederer-i,xpenses Magistrates Conference. --- 55.80 39'15.25 H i ghw air Fund General Repairs Sept.1-15 ----- 644.110 Ifis bept.l5-bu ----- 776.10 Ralph Grimes - Repairs Bulldozer service ---- 2U7.00 Fishxii.l Builders Supply corp. gravel ----- 67.5u Douglas u.Cocuran Inc. Compressor Service ----- 114.10 Dave Alexauder -- Bniiaozer Services ----- 276.00 Lansdell Co. -- Eoad uil ----- 66.13 Sinclair Refining Co. --- Gas bervice Lumber uo. -- Lumber ----- 2.00 Louis Dougnty -- gravel ----- 11l+ .75 2459 .9;� Machinery Fund Sinclair Refining Go. --- uil ----- b4.00 Taranto' s Garage --- Repairs ----- lu .00 hidwey Gas & Service station - fepaire ----- 8.u0 Homer R.Holden ---- it fictor banko ,ppingers Hardware--�----- bupplies ----- 6.�$ Universal noad Machinery uo. rarts ----- 4.16 qP 109.29 78 Miscellaneous Grund Millard Lumber Co.Supplies --7 ---------------- ?.60 New York Telephone Co. bervice Town Garage ------- 8.b6 Duso Unemical Co,.Inc . Ualcium Chloride ------- 96.00 $ 111 .65 Motion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Councilman DeVoe that bills be paid. Carried Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice Lederer tnal ' nue preliminary budget of the Town as presented to the ToW.U.Board by tine Town Clerk be approved. Resolved Lnat thJ3 Town board does nereDy prepare and approve as the preliminary budget, of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on une Ist.day of January 1964 the itemized statement 01 estimated revenues and expenditures hereto attacnea and made a pari; of taiis- resolution and be it Further resolvea that suen preliminary budget snall be filed in the o i ilice of Lne Town Clerk where it shall be available for inspection by any interested person at a.11 reasonable hours and be it IiVrther resolved zna-6 uuis board Shall meet on the Xbrd.day of Uctober 19b6 between ine hours of 4:00 and 5:00 P.11. for Lne purpose of nolding a Public Hearing in the mannav provided in Section I I� o L nu Town Law, The official is filed in -the Supervisors Office aria sue preliminary budget is nereby attached• Motion made by Uouncilman Hager seconded by justice 'Dederer that meeting adjourn . 1, "01 A �:11�� Town ulerk carried A regular meeting of Lhe Board of health Town of Wappinger was veld in the Town Hail 0 -ti October 8,19bb. Present Supr.Edwa'rd H.Scofield,Supt.ok Highway Harry B.Griswold Justices R.H.Dederer Euid Edward B.Beatty,Councilmen Emory J.Hager and Jesse H.DeVoe,HeaItn Of.�icer Wil -Liam H ..Gar -Lick aria Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. weeting cal -Lea to order by Snpr.Scofield at 8-6u P.M. Health officer reported Town neailh in excellent condition no infectuous or contagious diseases,BO Board of liealth meeting ueing held in oeptember Health officer reported ouu case U.'L . Luea8ies and two cases of whooping cough for Lnat month. Meeting adjourned Town islerk