1953-12-03A regular meeting of the Town noard,Town of 'Nappinger was held in the Town Hall on aecember3,1953 Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,Supt. of Highway tiarry B.Griswold,Councilmen Emory J.ftager and Jesse H.DeVoe,Justice of the Peace/Edward B.Beatty,Attorney James J .Lyons and Town Clerk,Hdith H.Booth. Meeting was called. to order by Supervisor Scofield at '7:46 P.I". Vinutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. General Fund. #235 Ivan H.Flood------ Printing -------------- 4,00 236 Harry B.Griswold-Supt's balary Nov.14------- 137.50 237 Dew York Telephone Co.- Service Town Hall --- 12.10 z38 Dwight L.Robbins --- Dog bervice---------- 6.00 239 Russel J .Eagan --Custodian -Voting Lachine 1953 lu0.00 240 Louis Berinato --! " " 1953 100.00 241 D.O.Napoleon - Table Justice court Room ----- 15.00 242 Poughkeepsie New Yorker-Advertizing Machin ale pur243 5'00 Dwight Robbins --- Dog Service -------------- 4.00 244 Harry B.Griswold-Supt's balary Nov.30------- 137.50 245 Edith H.Booth-Town Clerzs "salary Nov. ------ 150.00 246 Joseph Eagan-- Postage collector ------ 45.00 247 n.H.Dederer -- Justice oz Peaceelary,Nov.-- 116.bb 248 Edward B -Beatty it if T1 it. " a,*y Emury J.Hager -- Councilmans Salary 460 Jesse H.DeVue -- " " " :5.00 461 Nationa.i Banis. of Nappingex•s :Ia11s,Hent act. -Nov ..195:00 Dec.ly53 252 'ffilliamsoi, Lai Book Co. , Town Law Book, Town Bodi-d 9.64 253 U.H.G.&:.E.Corp. Service 'Town Garage --------- 1.y0 254 IT " It It " if Service Town Shed -------- 2.•b9 255 James J.Lyons,Town Attorney -Salary 1953 ------- 300.00 1442 .0 9 Highway Fund General Repairs -- November 15-30 ---- 715.20 if11-- Lansdell Co. Road Tar ---- 53.63 Louis Doughty -- Gravel ---- 66.00 Sinclair Refining Co. Gas ----- 92,10 926.93 Building Fund Paint ---------------------------------------- 0,73.40 machinery Fund Sinclair Refining Co. --- Gas ----------------- 168.19 Homer R.Holden-------- Repairs ------------- 30.85 Taranto's Garage -------- it ------------- 26.35 Victor Sanko-------- "------------- 9.40 Vidway Gas & Service Station ------------- 120.15 Wappingers Hardware ----- Supplies ----------- 6.65 Abbott & Abbott ----- "----------- b64.66 Miscellaneous Fund Snow and Brush Removal --- IFovember 1-14 618.95 New York Telephone Co. -- Service Town Garage -- 't.10 626.05 hotion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Councilman Hager that bills be paid. Carried 84 IRotion made by Justice neatty seconded by Councilman DeVoe that the proposed Town road offered by Ward S.Scofield and designated as Booth Blvd, be and the same hereby is accepted ,by the.Town of Nappinger and the Town Superintendant of highways is nereby direc- ted to make an order laying out the same as a Town highway Carried Motion made by Councilman Hager secondedby Judge. Beatty that meeting, adjourn. carried A WIA ,;l AN -"yili Town Olerk A regular meeting o:L t,ne Board o.i: Health,Town of Wappinger was neld in, Gne Town Hall on December 6,1956. Present Supervisor Edward R.Scotield,Supt.of Highway harry B.Griswold,Counciimen Emory J.Hager &. Jesse H.DeVoe,Justice Edward B.Beatty, Town Attorney James J .Lyons ,Health Officer Dr.William E.Garlick and Town 61erk Edith H.Booth. Meeting was cal.lea to order by Supr.Scofield at d P.T. Health Ofricerreported one case oi: mumps,no infectuous or contagious diseases Town health in excellent condition. Meeting adjourned Town Clerk. N