1954-07-08too in A regular meeting of ane Down noard,l'own of Wappinger was held the Town Hall on July 8,1954. Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,6upt.of Highway Harry B. Griswold,Justices Edward B.Beatty and ti.H.Dederer,00uncilmen Jesse H.DeVoe and Emory J.hager,James J.Lyons,Atty.and Edith H. Booth,Town Clerk. Ueeting callea to order by Supervisor Scofield at 7:45 P.11. Yinutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. General Fund #1217 O.H.G.&.E.Corp.-- Hugnsonville Light District --- 8b.9e 128 n ,( n 11n " __ Chelsea Lignt District --- 4G .9t3 129 Harry B.Griewoid- Supt's salary June 15 ---- 14b.do 3.30 New York Teleptioae Co. --Service Town Hall --- 10 .bb 131 Campbell Press --- Printing --- 6.46 J62 Editn H .Boo to --- Town Clerk Salary June --- 3.50 .00 166 Douglas C.AcKerwan-Attendance Otricer 19ab-l9b4--- 40.00 134 Edward R.Scoiieid- Supervisor's Salary,April-tel- 300.00 135 Harry B.Griswold- Supt's salary June 30 ---- 145.63 152.89 136 Social Security Fund -Town snare April -Lay -June --- 137 Dwight Robbins-- Services Town Hall - June --- 5.00 138 if It-- Dog Service --- 8.00 139 R.H.Dederer --Justice of Peace Salary June --- 125.00 140 Edward B.Beatty- if " to it if --- bo .00 141 Emory J .Hager- Counc lmans Salary if --- 25.00 142 Jesse H .Devoe- "' it it --- 25.00 143 C.H.G.&.E.Corp:-Hugnsonville Lignt District --- 8b.y6 144 " " " " " " Chelsea Light District --- '+4 .,its 3,45 �' ,� " " Stringhams Bridge --- 12.12 14 59 .4 b Hi gnw ay Fund Louis Doughty ----------------Gravel ---------------- 81.75 Sinclair Refining Co. ----_.___a$ --------------- 117.48 Fisnkill Builders Supply Corp.Gravel --General Repairs 195,.00 Hosner ht.9and & Stone Co. "--------_- --- -- 25'! .25 bbl .48 Macninery Fund Hower R.Holden------------Repairs-------------- 318.20 Sinclair Refining Co.---- Gas --------------- b'1.6i Queen City Oil Co. ---- Oil -------------- 46.00 Wappingers Hardware ---- Supplies -------------- b.o3 Lane Farm Supply Co .ixic .- it -------------- 6.0 Urey Hardware ---_ It _ .1111 Shaker, Travis & Quinn --- Parts -------------- ab H.A.Stein Tractor & Equipment Co .Inc . New loader b7b.00 Ken Smith P_Achinery Co .Iuc .Parts --------------- bl . v3 Homer R.Holden ---- Repairs ------------ - - 2b4.0b 1413.43 Miscellaneous Fund June 1-15 Brush acid Tree Removal ---- 117.20 June lb -30 " " " " ---- 76b.20 Lopez Bros.-- Oil ---- 6.bO Cnarles E.Vewkill --- Kerosene ---- 11.00 Cnristiaxlsen & Linge Lumber Co.-- Cement ---- 3.28 New York Telepnone Co. --Service Town Garage ---- 10.35 0 1513.63 Yotion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Couhcilman DeVoe that bills be paid. Carried 101 1Sotion made Gy Tus�ice Dederer seconded by Councilman Hager that the old State Road be celled the old Fowler House Road and the Card development be called the Fowler House Road. Carried Motion made by Justice Dederer seconded by Councils air DeVoe that the ,Town Board go on record approving petition received from residents living in tine riawieL of Cnelsea,concerning speed zones in said Hamlet ana a copy o= anis resolutioli with Lne petition De sent to Charles H.O'Brien,Dutcness Co.Supt.oi Highway according to Sec . s5 C of Lie vehicle & traffic iaws. Carried Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice 1Jederer that meeting adjourn. Carried Town Clerk A regular meeting oz The Board of iiealtn,Town of Wappinger was ne1d in the Town Hall on July 8,i954 Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,Healtn Officer Dr.Iffiliiam E.Gariick,Supt.of Hi,nw ay harry B.Griswoid,Justices R.H.Dederer & Edward B.Beatity,Councilmen Emory J.Hager & Jesse H.DeVoe aid Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting caliea co oraer by Supervisor Scofield ai 8.00 P.Y. Health oiiicer reported one case of virus pneumonia otherwise Town health in excellent condition. Meeting adjourned