1954-08-03102 A special meeting of the town 'Hoard, flown of Wappinger was held in the Town Jsall on August 3,1954 Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,justice of Peace Edward B. Beatty,Couneilman h`mory j .Hager, Fames j .Lyons and 'Town clerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 7:30 P.11. The Supervisor explained that Lhe meeting was called for the purpose of electing a Justice of the Peace to take the°place o. Justice ox Peace A.H.Dederer wno nad recently passed away,The Supervisor then asked for application, for, tue o ffice o1 Justice eX Peace until the next generalelection',there was but one application riled that of James J.Lyon,s. Motion made by Justice Beatty seco:ided by Councilman Hager that i James J.Lyons be appointed Justice of Peace to fill the vacancy caused by tiie death of H.H.Dederer at a salary of §1500.per.year Voting yes- Judge Beatty,Councilman Hager and Supervisor Scofield. Motion Carried A set or resoiutioiis was read by une clerk concerning tine passing of Judge Dederer. Motion made by 0ouiicilmau Hager seconded by Judge Beatty that a copy of anis resolution be tendered to me bereaved family ana spread upon the Minutes oi: gilt: Town records. Motiou carried Votion made by Judge Beatty seconded by Councilman Hager that meeting adjourn. 04rried W � N SUPERVISOR TOWN CLERK AND COLLECTOR SUPT, OF HIGHWAYS HEALTH OFFICER EDWARD R. SCOFIELD EDITH H. BOOTH HARRY B, GRISWOLD DR. W. E, GARLICK TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE MILL STREET TOWN OF WAPPINGER WAPPINGERS FALLS, N. Y. JUSTICE OF PEACE EDWARD B. BEATTY RALPH H. DEDERER COUNCILMEN EMORY J. HAGER JESSE H. DEVOE Mrs.R.H.Dederer and Family Wappingers Falls ,N .Y Dear Mrs .Dederers OFFICE HOURS 9 A. M., TO 12 NOON 2 P. M, TO 4 P. M. SATURDAYS 9 A. M, TO 12 NOON August 5,1954 it is with deep sorrow that we record zhe passing of our Friend and Brother Town Board Member,J.Q.P R.H.Dederer, He has served with untiring devotion and through his time qualities of heart,he has won our high esteem and deep affection. We shall miss him not only in our personal association but also in services so efficiently rendered as a public official,his was a character of rare honesty and all who came in contact with him,felt the influence of his ever ready smile,bac'ked by a wealth of courage and cheer which was ever an inspiration. We who are left shall miss him greatly,but the influence of his €character will ever be present and we can never think of himi as gone but ratner waiting for us in his old accustomed way to cheer us with a cheery smile and nod of greeting To the bereaved family we express our heartfelt sympathy in t.ne great loss that they have sustained. It was resolved on his 3rd.day of August 1954 by tne members OX Lne Town Bo at d , Blown of Wappinger that a copy o i this resolution be tendered to the oereaved tamily and spread upon the minutes of tha Town records. Supervisor Town Clerk J. of Y Councilman --- Councilman -- rZ,y,&�o m. o Highways t.