1954-08-05103 A regular iL,teting of jne Tova noa,ra,Towri of 'vVappinger• was hold in the Town Hall on August b ,1954 , Present Supervisor Edward T3.Seofield,Supt.of Highway Harry B.Griswold Justices James J.Lyons and Edward B.Beatty,Councilmen Emory J.Hager and Jesse H.DeVoe and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth Meeting called to order by Supervisor Seorield at 8:15 P.Y. Kinutes of previous Meeting read and approved as corrected. General Fund. #146 State Insurance Fund --Additional Premium --- 160.51 147 C .H . G.& .E.001 -p o --Service Town Bali --- 1.140 148 Stanley Reis -- P;xperises Assn.of Towns Conv. --- 7.,10 149 Rational -bank or Wappingers r'alls-Rent April 1nay-June 195.00 150 Harry B.Griswold- Supt.of Highway Salary July 15 14o.os) 151 New York Telephone Co. - Service Town Hull --- 11.30 152 Dwight L.Roboins Dog Service --- 10.00 ----- 163 I1 it 11 Service Towu Hall ?� .00 154 Rarry B.Griswoid ---- Supt.o± Hignway salary July 31 145.d4 lbb Edith H.Booth ---- Town Clerk Salary July --- 150.00 156 James J .Lyons -- Towii Attorneys salary - `i months --- 1'i0.00 157 Edward B.Beatty --- Justice of Peace Salary July --- b0.00 166 Emory J .Hager -- Couijcilmaris Salary --- 25.00 159 Jesse H.DeVoe -- IfIf " --- 25.00 160 Wiiii auiso a Law Book Co.--- Supplies --- 4.0v 161 C.H.G.&.E.Corp.-- Hughsonville Lignt Dist. --- 85.96 162 It It " " " 11 -- Ctielsea Light Dist. --- 42.98 163 Ruth Sutton,Stenographic work Judge Dederer(June) --- 13.00 164 C.H.G.&.E.Corp.-- Service Town Store House --- 2. �4 166 if ,� ,� �� �� �� t� �, " ,r --- .--. 1.140 $.,1256.08 Hi ghw ay Fund Louis Dougnty --- Gravel --- 26.2b Tne Lansdell Co .Inc . -- Road Oil --- 609.40 Sinclair Refining Co. -- Gas --- i13.41 The Lansdell Co .Inc . -- Road Oil --- 896.116 Fisnxill Builders Supply Corp. -- Gravel --- dB .00 1730 .61 'Machinery Fund Sinclair Refining Co. --- Gas --- 16.45 &pack Votov Truck Corp. --- Repairs --- 8.04 Snaker Travis & Quinn -- " --- 2.68 Yidway, Gas &. Service Station " --- 9.00 Homer R.Holden " --- 31.10 i Victor Sanko --- " --- 1.00 Wappingers Haraware --- Supplies '11.22 11iscel"laneous Fund Eleanor B.Iloi,ton -- Lettering Signs --- 16.00 July 1-15 -- Brush Control & erecting Signs --- 769.60 July 16-o1 -- Pay Roll -Erecting Signs & Guard Rails- 879.el0 New York Telephone Co.- Service Town Garage --- 9.0b Service Lumber Co . ----- Cement --- 3.90 1677.Yb 114 Votion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Justice Tyons that bills be paid Carried. J,otion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice Beatty that the recommendation of the chairman of the Republican and Democrat County Corumittee concerning appointment of election inspectors of the rive election Districts in the Town of Wappinger be approved. Names oil .tile Carried. potion made by Judge Beatty seconded by Councilman] Hager that the Gardner Road oii of Routs ;676 in the Town or Wappinger be accepted as a Town Road. Carried James J. Tempi e,ltTayor of the Village of lappingers Falis anti Aldermen Fred Berinato and Carleton Relyea were present at 'tne meeting concerning chaiigeing of Lne Village aria Towle Boundry line at Oak Park. I'lembers o -L the Town Board agreed to approve cnai,geing the bo"dry line i2 the majority of tlla people living in trlis section of the Village so desired. notion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice Beatty that the resignation of James J .Lyons as attorney nor *t'ne Town of dappinger oe accepted. Carried AZotion made uy Justice BtiziLty seconded by Councilman DeVoe tnat meeting adjourn. Carried , g FI�Vrll C�ii�lli A regular meeting of the Board or Health,Town of �vappinger was neld in tnc Tovvii Hall or August 6,19b4 Present Supervisur Edward R.Scofield,Justices James J.Lyons and &dward B.BeaLty,Councilman 'Emory J .Hager & Jesse H.Devoe Supt.oj. Highway Harry B.Griswoid,Heaitti ufricer Dr.William E.Garlick and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting calied to order oy Supervisoi Scofield at 'l:, b PX, Health of icr3r reported two cases of measles,two of cnicken pox and two of mumps.Otherwise health of Frown in excellent condition. �.Fseeting Adjourned. Town Clerk.