1954-09-09105 A regular meeting of the Town '8oard,Town of dappinger was held in the Town Hall on September 9,1954 Louis DOU611LY ---- Gravel .Present Supervisor Edward R.Scolield,Supt.of Highway Harry B. Grisviold,Justice James J.Lyons,Couneilman Jesse H.DeVoe and Tu vv" Clt—rk: Edith i3.Buuth. --- 30 Yeeting called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 8 o'clock I.X. Minutes of previous meeting read a,ud approved as read. Gravel --- 114.40 General Fund. Roaa Oil 166 J67 Josepn Costa -- Dog Service ______ Harry B.Griswoid - Supt's Saie,ry August 14 4.00 168 New YorK Telepnorie Co . --Service Town hai.i. -- 9 •10 169 Dwignt RouDins -- Dog Services -- 14.00 1'10 Kenneth A.Oampbell --Printing -- b. r5 1'71 Editn H.Bootn- Town Clerks salary August -- 150.00 172 Harry B.Griswoid -- Supt's Salary August 01 -- 14b -d-' 175 Imight RubDins -- Dog Service -- b.00 i 14 if " -- Services Town Hall -- L.00 1'75 C.H.G.&.E.Corp. -- Hugnsonville :Lignt Dist. -- 86.'14 176 " " " " '1 _- Chelsea Lignt Dist. -- 4G.V8 171 Staniey Reis - Assessors Salary & Expenses 1954 - y?,1.00 178 K ennet;n A .0 awpuell -- Printing -- b.00 179 Edward 1' .Husted- Assessors Salary & Expenses 19o4-;1uO .00 180 James J .Lyons - Jus Lice of Peaue Sai ary August -- 125.00 181 Eaw and B . Be a L Ly it it '' '' " -- 5G .00 162 Emory J .Hager- Councilma:um Sn.Llt °y tt -- 45.00 183 Jesse H.DeVue- if it -- X5.00 184 C.H.u.&.B.Co •p. --Service Town Hall -- i VO 185 The Beasley Agency Inc.Justice oz Peace Lyons -- 4.00 Bond Premium $2731.14 Hi gnw ay Fund General Repairs August 1-14 --- 791.20 Louis DOU611LY ---- Gravel --- 90.00 Hoaaer ll t .L acid & Stone Co .Inc . --Sand --- 116. "r a Brighton Steel Co .Inc .-- --Pipe --- 30 Lansaell Co .lige . -- noaa Oil --- 019.48 vishkili Builaers Supply Corp.- Gravel --- 114.40 Tne Lansdell Co .liic . Roaa Oil --- 830 ie, ,ijinciair Relining Go. --- Gas --- 90.04 Universal Road L acninery Co. -- Pipe --- 14 .02 Wacninery livad Sine -Lair Rciining Co. ---- Beacoii Garage ---- Wappingers Hardware ---- bower R.Holaen ---- Liidway Gas & Servioe S-Lation victor Sanzo Taranto I s Garage Universal Road 11'achinery Co. Gas Repairs bupplies Repairs Repairs - Pipe bridge .01"d ,�� 4408.d;: 24`l •06 August 16-31 Bridge Construction --- $ 95.00 106 ....., 1.�'scellaneous Pund New York Telephone Co. -- Service Town Garage -- 10.110 Seaver Insecticide vdare House -- &msh Killer -- 88.60 Road Signs -- 47.11 Dominion aignal Co. --- 15.62 Herbert Cole --- Labor - e,22 .0'6 Motion wade oy Justice Lyons seconded by Councilman DeVoe tnat bills oe paid. Carried Vlotiori made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Supervisor Scozield tnat Justice of Peace Lyolis be appo sited to act as a committee to collaborate with the committee o:z ulie Village of Uppingere i Falls in reference to possible annexation of a portion oi: 'Urie Town in tine vicinity of Oak Park to bile Village of Wappingers Falls. Carried Supervisor appoirited Councilman DeVoe to assist Judge Lyons in UJIH aDove allllezauioll. Riotiori rla.ue uy Councilman DeVoe seconded by Supervisor Scofield tnat Judge Lyons Bond for T�1000. be approved. Carried yotiori i1la.ue Dy Justice Lyons secoiiaea by Councilman DeVoe that ih,t Li1ig a.ujuurn. Carried Town Clerk. A regular meeting of t,11e the Board of Health,Town of Wappinger Was neiu in thG Town Hall on September 9,1554 Present Supervisor Edward R. Scofield,Supt.of Higrlway Rarry B. Griswold,Justice James J.Lyons,Councilman Jesse H.DeVoe, Health Officer Dr.Wiliiaui E.Garlick,a,iid Town Clerk Editn H.Booth. keetitig called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 7:4b P.Y. Health Officer reported two eases of Chicken Pox,Three cases of meaaica aiiu L4uo of Tuberculosis. keeting adjourned. M Elf MW�EWIUVWIOAII I (P � L!CM &-.10 IM6WI-Opi