1954-10-07107 A regular meeting of une Town noard,Town ox 1appinger was held in Luu Town ball on October 7,1954 Present Supervisor,Edward R.Scofield,Justices James J.Lyons,&: Edward B.BeaTty,Councilmen Emory J.Hager acid Jesse H.DeVoe Supt.oz Highway Harry B.G-eiswoid and Town Clat'k,Euith H.Booth. Yeeting callea uo' order by Supr.Soofield at 8 P.L. Vinutes of previous meeting read and approvea as read. General Fund 166 Harry B.Griswuld,Supt's aaal.ary Sept.l5 --- 145.d;b 187 New York Telepnorie Go .. service Tuan Hall --- 10 .db 1583 winrield 9.B6asley,Assessors Salary & Expg#bjfs,-- 1269.60 189 Edith H.Booth,Towri Clerks Salary,Sept. --- 150.00 19O Edward S.Scozield,Supr's Salary, July -Aug. -Se t. p --- 21.12 191 Dwight Robbins-- Dog Service , 192 " il - Service Tovni Hall --- 5.00 195 Harry B.Griswold,bupt's Salary Sept.60 --- 145.86 194 Social Security Fuad,Towxc Share,July-Aug.-Sept.-- 14rJ .;rl 195 C.H.G.&.E.Corp. Hugnsonville Lignt Dist. --- o6.Y4 196 tt tt fl 1t ti it Wleisaa Ligllt DiB-6. --- -14.:18 197 ITit "° it " " Stringnams Bridge --- y,0y 195 if it it it Survice Tuvni Sned --- --- 1.u0 x,99 Williamson Law Book Co.,Town Law Supplement 1954- u.o0 z00 James J.Lyons Ju8tice of Peace Salary Sept. --- 125..00 401 .Edward B.Beatty t' it it, ti t --- 50.00 204 Emory J.Hager,Couriuilmans Salary if --- 45.00 40.� Jesse li.DeVoe, if it it --_ 25.00 204 C.H.G.&.E.Corp.--Service Town Shed --- 1,;;0 oe'bo .15 Highway Farad Louis Dougnty -- Gravel --- 120.40 William Sonuermaci -- IT --- 50.'I:.) Sinclair Refining Co.-- Gas -__ ?1oe.ki Rosner It.Sa.ild &. btoi.Le 6u . ,lice . -- Band --- i51 .4o brignton Steel uo.Iuu. ---- Pipe --- 21.12 584.58 a'.racninery Fund Brighton Steel Co .IIrc . --- B.iades ___ 23.0U Fraxik Pnillips --- Ripe --- 0 ,40 Aubott arca Abbott --- aupplies --- 16.81 rrauxliri Farm Mquipmeut Go. aepairs --- 1.99 Universal aua,d Klacilinery Co.-- Parts --- 15.86 dappingers hardware -- Hepalrs --- 1.u0 Hower H-voiden -- it _-- 86.�1u -Tillage Service SLa(,ion -- it --- 4.00 r±aex MU Lor Ta'uck Comp. -- " --- 6.C) 5 Victor sailko bo 0 158 . bl 1-iscellarieous Fund September 15-;60 Guard Hail Repairs & Brush removal -- '180.00 Brighton Steel Co .Iiic . --- Road Signs -- 25.00 New Yorx Telephone Co. -- Service Towi.t Garage -- 8.65 Cnristensen & i,inge Lumber Co. -- Lumber -- 4.80 40818.6b -bridge r'uud September 1-15 --- t3ridge Repairs Fution made by Justice Bea-cty seconded by Councilman DeVoe that oills be paid. Carried Motion made by ComacilmaL Hagen seconded by Judge Beatty that the Town accept as public streets of the Town of Vappinger that portion of Gilmore Bivd.,Suuth branch and Paggi Terrace lying outside of the territorial limits of tine Village of Wappingers falis,Lnis acueptanceto oe contingent upon the filing oz , performance bond in the penal sum of 1 6000. Carried Judge Lyons abstained:. We voting.Tne auove mentioned bond was filed at tni:s Wee Ling . Yotion made by Coa"cilman Hager seconded by Judge Lyons that custodians o:i voting machines salary be Ols o .00 per year. Carried Motion made oy Judge Lyons seconded by Justice Bratty that Supervisor Scofield be appointed to act as a committee of one to present a gavel to Yrs.Dederer from 6&e memoers of une Towel Board in mewory of Mer late nusua"d Judge R.h.Dederer. Carried _r supervisor Scofield appointed Councilman Emory J.na,ger as Deputy Supervisor. Motion made my Judge Lyons seconded by Councilman Hager that the preliminary budget or une Tow" as presented to ine Town Board my the Town Clvv4 me approved. Resolved chat chis. `low" Hoard dues nereuy prepare and approve as one preliminary budget of tais Tow" :ior zne fiscal year beginning on vile lst .aay of J a luary 150b the itemized statement of estimated revenues and expenditures hereto attached and made a part of chis resolution and be it Further resolved that this board snall beet on the 29th. day of uctober 1954 between the nours of 4:00 and 4:00 o'clock P.F. for the purpose of nolding a Public Hearing in the manner provided in Section 116 of the Town Law. F The official is filed in the Supervisors Office ana one preliminary is hereby attacned. Lotion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Judge Lyons that meeting adjourn. Carried Town Clerk. Do Board of health meeting was nela . Town Clerk.