1943-194402 'oe '07 -l/ 7 - i. Aid d /If ml r � ��� r` ! ✓ / f/, ,//'' _ T • mer ,. �, ,r ��,n/' z Irol I/ ow ov A/ 4,4d J, 7S , 09 3- Y/49 II Irol I/ ow ov A/ 4,4d J, 7S , 09 3- Y/49 i ♦ 0� �V t i I A 2 !< A le m rlss'�'�'� os-tdf 6A, //f�✓ I ,,{.�/ rem r� 'lf o' / / � Fi�d/./V • I i FAR / r y 70 � "'r , It /0 %y rig A'a 0 r? r g. 1 9 7.,9. Ewa, " �Offl Fit, L L I r d I Ste`' loo i I i I baa` d I/j 40i r 9 I F rm SUPERVISOR EDWARD R, SCOFIELD JUSTICES OFPEACE ROBERT L. CAMPBELL EDWARD B. BEATTY RALPH H. DEDERER COUNCILMAN EMORY J HAGER TOWN CLERK EDITH M, TANNER. SUPT, OF HIGHWAYS HARRY B. GRISWOLD. TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE 14 MILL STREET WAPPINGERS FALLS, NEW YORK ]Mrs.Robert L.Campbell and Family Wappingers Falls, New 'York. Dear Ers .Campbell and family: HEALTH OFFICER DR. W, E. GARLIC K. OFFICE HOURS 9 A.M. TO 12 M; 2 P.M TO 4 P.M, SATURDAY • 9 A,M, TO 12 M. Nlay 17 ,1943 According to the Immutable Law of change ordained by the Supreme Ruler of the Universe,the Town Board of the "'own of Wappinger is called upon to mourn the lose of one of �,tls valued members. It is with deep sorrow that we report the death of our friend and brother,Robert L-Campbell,Justice of the Peacs,Town of Wappinger, He has served with untiring devotion and through his wise council and fine qualities of heart he has won our high esteem and deepest affection.'#e shall miss him not only in our personal associatione,but also in the work in which he so efficiently oo-operated. To the bereaved family we express our heart",felt sympathy in the great lose they have suXetained.It was resolved by the Town Board that a copy of this resolution be tendered to the bereaved family and spread upon the Town records. r Justice of do of Peace r n Clerk Suuper ntendent of Highwajrs _SUPERVISOR EDWARD R. SCOFIELD, JUSTICES OF PEACE ROBERT L. CAMPBELL EDWARD S. BEATTY RALPH H. DEDERER COUNCILMAN EMORYJ.HALER TOWN CLERK EDITH M. TANNER. SUPT, OF HIGHWAYS HARRY B. GRISWOLD. TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE 14 MILL STREET TOWN OF WAPPINGER WAPPINGERS FALLS, NEW YORK Miss Gladys Campbell and family, Wappingers Fallar,.W.Y. Dear Miss Campbell and Family: HEALTH OFFICER DR. W, E. GARLICK. OFFICE HOURS 9 A.M. TO 12 M,- 2 P,M TO 4 P.M, SATURDAY - 9 A,M. TO 12 M. June 7,1943 According to the Immutable Law of change ordained by the Supreme Ruler of the Universe,the Town board of the Town of Wappinger is called upon to mourn the lose of one of it's trusted employees. It is with deep sorrow that we report the death of our friend and brother, Bertrand Campbell, Constable of the Town of Wappinger. He has served with untiring devotion and through his fine qualitiesof heart,he has woneur high esteem and deepest affection. We shall miss him not only in our personal associations, but also in the work in which he so efficiently co-operated. To the bereaved family we express our heartfelt sympathy in the great lose they have sustained.It was resolved by the Town Board that a copy of this resolution be tendered to the bereaved family and spread upon the Town records, Supervisor Justice of Pe Justice of Peace Town'Clerk Si'ierintendent of Highvjays. 1 2 ms� I I I 411 ov, 40 — a .. I 40� D si i II �i d° - 6 �. d Alt Z91 -- H, -H rCa C i a y r � . �• , "� �'�, 1 ! ' � �',.� ' ' r,� I ._.. �' � r �.° �'r" Bis ,�° � ,�'"��'�a;�'�'�,.��,,. ; ";" „ ' �y� J'/�pa� s � �✓ Jfj rld� k ' I , ee,� iIL I f &G.oej i ( 0-7V . 3 0 70� D l� 4,�% r -•- �-s 6do 6.0 'P J r r , n � �� 3 i 0 11-f'� {u•%^ d (P �/ U �t,.C'.. i 18,3 1H i, 1. � ast�� ;i'o � / s'�'°�•'��'' ''` s�' � �,.. �� � ;s,:! } 3. pd��d°�e:�f+� � �r m�✓,� w ��"°'_ s `' ; ��r /�y/� I � r rP e r APGe ev/ " A , " „m s 41 Al y ��J-,93,1`3 9 r J gi !t4 Preliminar;r WAPI SNGER , , ., 1� 4H A-Ni�]'UA+, BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ...................... GENERAL FUND -- APPROPRIATIONS Town Board: Town Hall and Offices Rentals (board xoom, elections, etc.) Compensation of employees Purchase of furniture and equipment Repairs, light, heat and telephone Other expenses Elections Compensation of election officials Compensation of custodians voting machines Voting machines, purchase and repair Other expenses Insurance Compensation insurance Fire and liability Official bonds and undertakings Other Printing and advertising (all departments) Attorneys' fees and expenses of litigation Annual audit and examination Employees' retirement System (town share) Supervisor: Salary. Office and other expenses Justice of Peace: Salaries Office and other expenses Councilmen: Salaries Office and other expenses Town Clerk: Salary Office and other expenses Assessors: Salaries Office and other expenses Receiver of Taxes or Tax Collector: Salary Office and other expenses (Over) Total $® ,�a GD, did a.aa Total $ 1/6 6,A1d o Total'' Total $*� f�aaoa Total � $� Aa Z 7+„ Total $ Total $ 2 Town Attorney: - -- Salary Office and other expenses Total Planning Board: -- Compensation of employees ---- Office and other expenses Total-- Total"— T Total $---- TOTAL OF TOWN GOVERNMENT OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY PROTECTION Police, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs: r Compensation Q D 0 Other expenses Total Dog Warden: --- Compensation ---- -- Other expenses Total Traffic: Signs, signals and highway lighting Forest Fires: Compensation of employees $ Other expenses Total WAR EMERGENCY PURPOSESdG,D Total,_,,: QKd TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY EDUCATION Attendance officer: Compensation O Other expenses Total School Director: Compensation Other expenses Town Library: Compensation or payments to libraries Other expenses TOTAL EDUCATION Parks and Playgrounds: Compensation of Employees Other expenses PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCES TOTAL RECREATION 3 RECREATION PUBLIC UTILITIES A�Q- Total z� Totald 0. 0 Total Cemeteries: Compensation of employees Other expenses _ Total TOTAL PUBLIC UTILITIES------ MU14ICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND INTEREST Redemption of Debt (Principal) Temporary loans Emergency appropriation loans Deficiency loans Other temporary loans (specify) Total BONDS (Give title of each) a b Total TOTAL REDEMPTION OF DEBT i (Over) 4 Interest on Debt: Interest on temporary loans Interest on bonds (give title of each) a b c Total — -- TOTAL INTEREST ON DEBT- CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS Natur of Impr v ment : p a =W Total TOTAL CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENTS MISCELLANEOUS Veterans' Organizations for Rooms: OTHER EXPENSES (describe in detail) d TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS CONTINGENT FUND Section 11.2 of the Town Law Total 5 GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES ®o- 0 Mortgage taxes ' 6 66,0A Income taxes Franchise taxes ®®" Alcoholic Beverage taxes (town share) Interest and penalties on taxes Dog licenses (from county) Other licenses (town ordinances) Fines, penalties and forfeitures Rent of" town property Fees of town clerk Fees of Justices of Peace Fees of Assessors Fees of tax collector Fees of Constables and,,police officers Sale of town property All other uN s Well. Unexpended balance (Section 115, Town Law) TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Redemption or uePE Interest on debt Construction andanent improvements Miscellaneous Contingent purposes TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) AMOUNT OF TAXES TO BE RAISED V6R GENERAL FUND (Over) I E 6 HIGHWAY FUND Highway Fund (Item 1) --Appropriations : 6 General repairs Special improvements TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues: State aid Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance, TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT I TO B I E RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1) Bridge Fund (Item 2) —Appropriations: —6&6-6 Labor and team work Materials for repairs and maintenance Construction of new bridges TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues: Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES $ AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 2) $ Machinery Fund (Item 3) —Appropriations: Purchase of machinery, tools and implements Repair of machinery) tools, and implements xt 0. JA Storage of ,machinery and implements .2 4�4'4,0 6 Repairs or pay of operators on machinery rented 946.60 Gasolene or oil for machinery rented Redemption of machinery certificates Interest on machinery certificates TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues: Rentals of machinery Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES $A!;Ej AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR .HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 3) _A�b 7 Snow and Miscellaneous Fund (Item 4)—Appropriations: Salary of town superintendent Expenses of town superintendent Salary and expenses of deputy superintendent Removing obstructions caused by snow Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush Other miscellaneous purposes TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues: Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 4) TOWN HEALTH FUND Appropriations Board of Health: Salary of health officer Other health expenses TOTAL BOARD OF HEALTH Registrar of Vital Statistics: Compensation of registrar Other expenses TOTAL REGISTRAR VITAL STATISTICS AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR TOWN IIEALTH (Over) n 8 STATE OF NEW YORK ss. COUNTY OF DUTCHESS in r ...... . ........ 4.41th_]�...Tanner ...........................Town Clerk of the Town of.............`... •.- .... ......... ..... I ...... ed the foregoing with the annual budget o���hlown of Do HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compar said Town on the.......-....- day of ....... ..................... duly adopted by the Town Board of minutes of the proceedings of Said and entered in detail in the correct copy of said annual budget and the whole thereof. Board, and that the foregoing is a true and c I . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of said Town this.28th.,day of October ........ ......... 19A ... ................ Town Clerk (SEAL) PLEASE OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING i, Make three copies of the Town 'budget 2. File one copy with the Supervisor of the Town 3, File one copy with the Town Clerk 4, File one copy with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors not later than I November 1st, 19.43.. IC71 ea� ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF______,��n�r-_.__ GENERAL FUND —APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Town Board Town Hall and Offices. Rentals (board room, offices, elections, etc.) Compensation of employees Purchase of furniture and equipment Repairs, light, heat and telephone Other expenses Elections Compensation of election officials (including mileage) Compensation of custodians of voting machines Other expenses Voting machines, purchase and repair Insurance Compensation insurance Official bonds and undertakings Fire and liability Other Printing and advertising (all departments) Services of attorneys and expenses of litigation Services of engineer and expenses Zoning inspector and expenses Annual audit and examination Publicity fund Employees' Retirement System (town share) Supervisor Salary Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Justices of the Peace Salaries Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Councilmen Salaries Office and other expenses Town Clerk Salary Office and other expenses Compensation of employees $ 2110.00 50.00 1,0_0! _Q 2F50Z. Sad. 560 UO 900.00 —go—6.00 350 Q 200 s.0, 600 .00 3 b_ U —.00 80.0 _ 400 .00 5—` 0 Total _1944 s -au Q �) 0 1.60 eV0 Total $__1_160.00 55.00 Total $ 130 5.0 0 $ 500-00 1T —.0 O Total $ 612.00 Total $ 1 •6l Police, Constables and Deputy er $ 50 q0 Compensation 230 .00 Mileage and other expenses Purchase of equipment Total Lockup $ Compensation of employees Other expense's Total $_-- Traffic $ Signs, signals and highway lighting 2 77 Assessors $ 1 D fJ 00 Salaries 175-00 Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Total $ 1 7n Receiver of Taxes or Tax Collector $ Salary Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Total $ Town Attorney $ Salary Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Total $ Town Engineer Salary Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Total $ Town Comptroller Salary Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Total $-- Y Zoning Commission $ Office and other expenses ' Compensation of employees Total $ n Board of Appeals $ j Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Total— $------- Planning Board Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Total —� $------ TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $� PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Sh iffs Police, Constables and Deputy er $ 50 q0 Compensation 230 .00 Mileage and other expenses Purchase of equipment Total Lockup $ Compensation of employees Other expense's Total $_-- Traffic $ Signs, signals and highway lighting 2 77 Dog Warden COn1pCI1Sa6021 Other expenses Total $ Forest Fires Compensation of fire wardens and laborers Other expenses — Payment to Conservation Commission 100 Total $ .00 Inspection Costs Building inspection $ Plumbing inspection Electrical inspection Total $ Examining Boards Plumbers Electricians Heating and ventilating Total $._..�—..._ War Emergency Purposes $--5-0-0-,Q-Q TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY $ 880.00 EDUCATION Attendance Officer $40.00 Compensation Other expenses Total $ 4(i .00 School Director Compeneation --------- ----- _ Town Historian ��� 2G 20 .0 � Cl.y Compensation $- "�'"' Other expenses — Total $ Town Library Compensation of employees $ Other expenses maintenanceQ�— Payments to other libraries Total $ 4QD .0: TOTAL EDUCATION $- RECREATION Parks and Playgrounds Compensation of employees $ Other expenses — Purchase of equipment Total $ Patriotic Observances $ 200.0 TOTAL RECREATION $ 200.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES Cemeteries $ Airports $-----�- TOTAL PUBLIC UTILITIES $ 3 MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND INTEREST (exclusive of district and special improvement debt) Redemption of Debt (Principal) Temporary loans Emergency- appropriation loans $ Revenue anticipation loans Deficiency loans Other temporary loans (specify) - Total $ Bonds (give title of each issue) a. $ b. C. TOTAL REDEMPTION OF DEBT Interest on Debt Interest on temporary loans Interest on bonds (give title of each issue) a. b. C, TOTAL INTEREST ON DEBT Total $ $ Total $ CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS Nature of Improvement a, _ Right of Way $-200. 1 00 b. c.200 .00 Total $ TOTAL CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS $ 200.0 MISCELLANEOUS Veterans Organizations for Rooms Judgments and Settlements (describe in detail) Total $ 1942 Accounts, Claims and Demands TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS Sec. 112 of the Town Law CONTINGENT PURPOSES 4 (Over) GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES $ 10 0.0 Mortgage taxes 3 Income taxes Franchise taxes on business corporations -500.0 4000 .0 Alcoholic beverage taxes (town share) Interest and penalties on taxes (exclusive of fees) i� 0 U Dog licenses (from county) .Cl Other licenses (town ordinances) Fines, penalties and forfeitures Rent of town owned property 5 5. 00 Fees of town clerk 506.00 Fees of justices of the peace 49.20 Fees of assessors Fees of tax collector Fees of constables or police officers Fees of town library Fees of parks and playgrounds Fees of airports Fees of cemeteries All other Sale of town property Reimbursement from special districts for supervision - a Balance from General Fund U0 n ingen , purposes 1000 U,O Total 90Ct9 •?ll Unexpended balances (Sec. 115, Town Law)---�`" TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES a-2869 .61 (GENERAL FUND) GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Appropriations General government Protection of persons and property Education Recreation Public Utilities Redemption of debt Interest on debt Construction and permanent improvements Miscellaneous Veterans organization for rooms Contingent purposes TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) AMOUNT OF TAXES TO BE RAISED FOR GENERAL FUND 5 $ 10 ".' 9 61 880.00 460.00 200.00 $ none WELFARE FUND Veterans' Relief TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues Reimbursement of home relief from State Reimbursement of welfare salaries from State Refunds of home relief from recipients Unexpended balance (Sec. 115, Town Law) TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR WELFARE FUND HIGHWAY FUND HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1) ---APPROPRIATIONS ,General repairs $ 9700 . . aa Special improvements Redemption of debt contracted pursuant to Sec. 273, Highway Law TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS s--9-700.00 Estimated Revenues $ 1000.00 State aid Miscellaneous revenues 200 0 Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES $ 12U0 a00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1) $-* M APPROPRIATIONS Town Welfare Officer Salary $ Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Total Home Relief Burials Lunacy Cases Lunacy examinations Other expenses Total Veterans' Relief TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues Reimbursement of home relief from State Reimbursement of welfare salaries from State Refunds of home relief from recipients Unexpended balance (Sec. 115, Town Law) TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR WELFARE FUND HIGHWAY FUND HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1) ---APPROPRIATIONS ,General repairs $ 9700 . . aa Special improvements Redemption of debt contracted pursuant to Sec. 273, Highway Law TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS s--9-700.00 Estimated Revenues $ 1000.00 State aid Miscellaneous revenues 200 0 Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES $ 12U0 a00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1) $-* M BRIDGE FUND (ITEM 2) --APPROPRIATIONS Labor and team work $2'00 .00 Materials for repair and maintenance 100.00 Construction of new bridges Redemption of debt contracted pursuant to Sec. 273, Highway Law TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 300.00 Estimated Revenues Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES $ AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 2) $ 300.0 MACHINERY FUND (ITEM 3) --APPROPRIATIONS Purchase of machinery, tools and implements $6f 0 .u0 Repair of machinery, tools and implements 3,500.00 Storage of machinery, tools and implements 200.00 Repairs or pay of operators on machinery rented to county or village 500.00 Gasoline or oil for machinery rented to county or village 40 0.O G Redemption of machinery certificates Interest on machinery certificates TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 3200.0 Estimated Revenues Rentals of machinery $ fi0 0 .00 Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance _ 200.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 7()0-() AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAYFUND (ITEM 3) $ 2600, 0 SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS FUND (ITEM 4) ---APPROPRIATIONS Salary town superintendent $2100.00 Expenses town superintendent 60.00 Salary and expenses of deputy superintendent Removing obstructions caused by snow 700 .00 Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush 90 0.00 i Other miscellaneous purposes 750 .00 Redemption of debt contracted pursuant to Sec. 273, Highway Law TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 4500.00 Estimated Revenues ,Miscellaneous revenues $ Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES i $ 800 .00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 4) $ 3700.o AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEMS 2, 3 and 4) $ 6500.00 7 TOWN HEALTH FUND APPROPRIATIONS Board of Health Salary of health officer $ 400 .00 Other health expenses 306.00 Compensation of nurses TOTAL BOARD OF HEALTH $ 706.0 Registrar of Vital Statistics Compensation $ 38 •7 5 Other expenses - 4-. Fees of physicians TOTAL REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS $ 42.76 AMOUNT TO, BE RAISED BY TAX FOR TOWN HEALTH $ HIM Mate of New Fork County of Dutchess M I Edith Y.Tanner,TowX1 Clerk of the Town of Wappinger DO HEREBY Ck;:t(TIFY that I lave compared the foregoing with the Annual budget of the Town o'f Wappinger ,duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town on the 28th.aay of October,1943 and entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedingsof said Board,and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of said annual budget and the whole thereof. Thi `I TTVF RHOS', I have hereunto set my hand and seal of said u .Town this 28th.day of October,1943 Jr Town Clerk. 8 Di orA H6 -j — W. r Al' � � � s .gin• ,� a I-,,,��a.� � ,. .,,,,��.-� r� �� I A eAp t : o 'Ij p / �° / el (/ f i .did A Att -�e ,✓J 1 E A � .. AA � � V I r o �. lee , At } Ae F , I m jpp g � �� ° , d +� eI Ai �•' 'r„ �% '!� '",J' �.,6�' Zm"'. �,wl �;,.# S r* a� . c d ,m i f �j P I PAGE NINE GA. P,, Wins Wappinger Vote Scofi'el& Beats Burnett, 1,105 to 172 (Special to roughkeepofe New Yorker) WAPPINGERS FALLS— Republi-cans took every office easily In the November election yesterday, bead- ed by Supervisor Edward R. Sco- field, who polled a vote of 1,105— topping his opponent, George Bur- nett, Democrat, by a plurality of 1933 votes. Burnett finished the battle of bal. lotswith 172 votes. Mr. Scofield, chairman of the Board of Super-„ visoV,s .important highway commit- tee, and. a veteran county official, won in each of the five districts with a large plurality. Barry B. Griswold, Republican, was returned to office as highway superintendent in the town of, Wappinger by a plurality of 795 votes, defeating Thomas Van Vlack, Democrat, by a Vote of 1,024 to 229. Bdith M Tanner, Republican, was unopposed and was returned to, the 2-Mge of town clerk for a new term. Jesse DeVoe, Republican, was re- 2iected without opposition to the office of councilMan. a Supervisor Scofield �(R) 'Burnett (D) Ost Dist. 285 41 Rad Dist, 800 as rd Dist. 1.48 29 ith blit; X12 .40 4h, . Dist. 60 13 Totals 105 112 222 2nd 11 to , . 261 70 3rd Dl&t 161 26 4th rftk' t . 5thDis 296 54 64'.. 18 1Oi'16 239 P lxri� � Amessar (Shod Ferre) . Beasley (R) T�a+milt (�� Ist Digit. , 247 76 2nd Dist. 250' 77 3rd Dist.148 27 4th Dist- 281 68 5th Dist. $6 4 Totals 991 264 Bluff.. ` 727 Shpt: 'Qe° Ofghweyg 43l iswold (R)'Van Viack (D) 1st Didt. 249 71 21hd, Dist. 268 61 3rd Dist. 155 23 4th Dist., 2$6 51 6th Dist. 57 ` 17' `Total$ PO 229 �" Piur. 796 Snhbal x?ireotol' . , Alipott (Rl sorellsotl (D) 1st -Dist .. 351 6 , 2nd .,Dist, 3rd Dist. 4th Dist. g � t d�sn" �°' r ,..�� Gs3�•�� ,..,, bF �� :��.�.�� � 3x;;�r� �, � �;,�. �::.�.C+�"�e�awm�"�,>� � � f �,�� .�� _ y 1 adv_ l J --------- — ~ d 0 W;zm "6r 514 " I. ice✓" 0 0 n _ _ h HE t)" e, loll, A"a Lf, . 4.0 Yd 108 al 7,� L3 $01Uti b:r Justice Edward B.Beat ty Seoonded by Councilman DeVoe Carried unanimonely WHE EiSi the Now York State PO$t War public Works Planning Commission has approved the construction of' the town road known as the Ketcham Sown Rcadv as as post war prb- Ject Pureuunt to Chapter 660 of the Laws of 1943 for which the estimated coat is 22pOOO szd has allotted the sum of $220 for the preparation of preliminary plans therefore con- tingent upon the ,'appropriatlon by the Town of Wappingers of an equal a'um ror such purpaae, RESOLV D,o that the Sum of 220 be and the same is hereby appropriated for the preparation of the preliminary plans and that the same be made available by transferring the sum of 220 From the Contingent fund thereby creating a fund to be known as the poet war pla ing .fund,, and further,, 'RESCLUDthat the Supervisor of the Taws of Opp- ingere be and he ie hereby authorized to cert ifyw that the said sum of 220 has been made available to the New York Stat: Post War Public 'Warks Planning Comm:i,ssion ; and further R SOLVED# that the Supervisor of the Tom of Wapp. Lngera be and he Is hereby` authorized to execute , a;��,*42' out �r contract in behalf of the To ��" i�a�pp�xI erg b t oou,,the gew York State Post War Public Works Plamin Pomiisi6n,2 and the Town of Wappingers pursuant to Chapter 610 or the ;Lure of, 1943 j A*_._ . _ _... ustice of Peace 4,46"� �&e Councilman solutions so.w.� s t the above; Is ' a � oo.p of ward, of the Tom ofWapping- 21. A) I 4) ; ')'- , El 0 ba' 16,6./ 6a� Z/ ��. 7r � j �. jo 1 JIM, 10 Pt J, /,g - Yl - .A 7A 7d oWi IC) WILL THE TECHNICIANS BE KEPT UP-TO-DATE? EVERY Emergency Medical Technician at Sloper-Willen is required to attend regularly scheduled refresher and training drills. Since all Mobile Coronary Care Technicians are also Emergency Medical Technicians, they will be required to attend these drills. Further, all Mobile Coronary Care Technicians will be required to attend regular monthly training and refresher drills on Mobile Coronary Care subjects. Also, training aids will be available, allowing the technicians to further improve their skills with informal practice in their free moments. The New York State Department of health requires a rigorous program of continuous in-service training after the technicians have been initially qualified and certified. This training will be under the supervision of the Dutchess County Mobile Intensive Care Committee and will be monitored by the State Department of Health. In addition, each technician must be re -qualified by the State every two years. HOW CAN I BE SURE THAT THE TECHNICIAN WON'T MAKE A MISTAKE IN MY DIAGNOSIS? The technician works under the supervision of the physician of the Hospital Emergency Services Department. While the technician assists the physician by reporting his observation, the actual diagnosis and course of treatment are determined by the physician. WHO CONTROLS THE MONEY COLLECTION, RETENTION, AND DISTRIBUTION? The money will be deposited in a special account at The Dutchess Bank and Trust Company by our Fund Drive Treasurer, Mr. Fred VanBolhuis, of that bank. Distribution of the funds will be at the discretion of the Sloper- Willen Board of Trustees. Sloper-Willen Community Ambulance Service Board of Trustees President - Dr. Winona Brannan, M.D. Vice President - Patrick Hennebery, Representative, Fishkill Town Board Secretary - Albert P. Roberts, Esq., Lawyer Treasurer James Sedore, C.P.A. Trustees John Armstrong, Representative, Dutchess County Board Marshall Brenner, Lawyer Maynard Brownell, president of Browhell Motors' David Chrystal, Sales Manager, Ketcham Motors John Corcoran, Manager, Central Hudson Gas & Electric Joel Hanig,* Lawyer Bonita. Tust - Director of Educational Publications - Southern Dutchess News Elaine Snowden, Wappingers Town Clerk John Sloper, Founder Honorary Members Edward Schueler, County Executive, Dutchess County Stephen Rabbit, Supervisor, Town of Fishkill Anne Bucholtz, Superviser, Town of Poughkeepsie Louis Diehl, Supervisor, Town of Wappinger SLOPER-WILLEN PROJECT BUDGET MOBILE INTENSIVE CARE PROGRAM 2 Mobile Intensive Care Ambulances, Fully Equipped 3 Telemetry Units 3 Defibrillators Two-way Radio Equipment & Pagers Training Aids Arrythmia Annie Defibrillator -Tester EKG Simulator Contingencies Fund Raising Expenses Total $ 127,000 $60,000 5,630 ea. 16,890 5,998 ea. 17,994 16,618 2,865 2,300 ea. 450 ea. 115 ea. 2,633 10,000 Total $ 127,000 It A WHAT WILL THE MOBILE CORONARY CARE PROGRAM ACCOMPLISH? The purpose of Mobile Coranary Care is to provide immediate, on -the -spot medical care to a victim of a life= threatening cardiac emergency, including such conditions as myocardial infarction, or 'heart attack' and ventricular fibrillation. To accomplish this goal, the Mobile Coronary Care team will: 1. Identify the victim's condition promptly. 2. Report the findings to a hospital-based physician via radio or telephone. 3. Institute emergency medical treatment, under direction of the physician: 4. Transport the victim to the receiving hospital, while continuing necessary treatment. 5. Monitor the patient's condition during treatment and transport. The Mobile Coronary Care Team will be thoroughly trained in the techniques of closed chest pulmonary resuscitation (CPR), defibrillation., the starting and maintenance of an intravenous lifeline, and appropriate drug therapy. In summary, under direction of a physician at the hospital a Mobile Coronary Care Technician will be able to evaluate and definitely treat sudden life-threatening cardiac emer ncies, using drugs and other means. , HOW MANY LIVES WILL BE SAVED?, It is difficult to answer with a specific number. We know of other teams(, that have been in operation for some time, that have been able to resuscitate a number of people that were in cardiac arrest. However, the success rate for res'bscitation depends on many factors, including length of time between arrest and the beginning of treatment, general, condition of the patient, reason for the arrest and many other things. The success of the program should not be measured only in terms of the successful resuscitations. In the case of a victim that is not in cardiac arrest, effective pre-hospitalcoronary care procedures may reduce the extent of damage to the victim's heart, thereby reducing the lifetime crippling effects of the heart attack. IS SLOhR-WILLEN TRYING' TO DO THIS ALONER ,il Not at all. The Sloper-Willen program is an orderly expansion of an existing program, already functioning elsewhere in Dutchess County. 0,ur expansion,is under the auspices of the Dutchess County Mobile Intensive Care Committee. We rely heavily on this committee for advice and counsel. WHAT IS THE DUTCHESS COUNTY :MOBILE CORONARY CARE COMMITTEE? The Dutchess County Mobile�lntensive Care Committee governs Mobile Coronary Care in Dutchess County. It provides liasonrto various regulatory agencies, coordination for training of technicians, a continuing review and audit of the effectiveness of the program, and a'meansfor orderly expansion. The Committee is cornprisedof:,` Representatives from the American Heart Association, Dutchess County Chapter Representatives from the Administrative Staff of both Vassar Brothers Hospital and St. Francis Hospital Supervising Nurses from the Coronary Care Units at both Hospitals Supervising Nurses from the Emergency Services xt both Vassar Brothers Hospital and St. Francis Hospital" Supervising Physicians from the Emergency Services Departmentsiat Vassar Brothers Hospital and St.Francis Hospital Representatives from the Alamo Ambulance Service, who conducted a 'Pilot Program' in Mobile Coronary Care for this area. The program was conducted in cooperation with the Dutchess County Chapter of the American Heart Association A supervising Cardiologist, representing the Dutchess County Medical Society The Chief and the Mobile Coronary Care Project leader from Sloper-Willen. HOW MUCH MONEY IS NEEDED? The goal of the fund-raising drive is $127,000. A copy of the project budget is attached. WHAT EQUIPMENT IS REQUIRED AND WHAT DOES IT DO? The Mobile Coronary Care Program will require the following specialized equipment that is not presently owned by Sloper-Willen: Telemtry Equipment - Used to communicate directly with the physicians of the Hospital Emergency Services Department, and to provide the physician with an Electrocardiogram. The electrocardiogram is a tracing of the electrical activity of the patient's heart and is a valuable diagnostic tool, used by the physician to determine what course of treatment is best. This unit also provides the technician at the scene with a visual display of the patient's condition, in order that he may immediately determine any change. Ambulances - Two ambulances specifically designed for Mobile Coronary Care use. Defibrillator - A device used by the Mobile Coronary Care technician, under the direction of the physician, to provide an electric shock to the heart. This carefully controlled shock is used to restore a normal rhythm to a erratically beating heart. Training Equipment - Used to provide our techncians with a constant source of practice, necessary to maintain clinical skills at maximum proficiency. The training equipment allows the techncians to maintain their skills with simulated conditions. Two-way Radio Equipment - additional equipment that will allow us to maintain constant contact with out Mobile Coronary Care Technicians. This communication will allow us to make most effective use of these highly skilled individuals. A more detailed and technical description of each piece of equipment is attached to this packet. WHO IS TRAINING THE TECHNICIANS? The technicians will be trained in a formal class, under the auspices of the Dutchess County Mobile Intensive Care Committee. The actual instruction will be' carried out by physicians from the Dutchess County Medical Society and the supervising nurses of the Coronary Care Units at Vassar Brothers Hospital and St. Francis Hospital. The nurses from the IV Teams and the Emergency Services Departments of both hospitals will instruct in their respective specialties The curriculum and instructors are subject to approval by the New York State Department of Health. WHEN WILL THE TRAINING START? Our present plans call for formal training to begin in September of 1977 and to continue until late spring of 1978. HOW MUCH TRAINING IS INVOLVED? It is expected that the classroom portion of the training will take 150 hours. In addition, the students will participate in clinical exercises in the areas of EKGs, intravenous therapy, injections, etc., until they become proficient in each of these areas. ARE THERE ANY OTHER TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE TECHNICIANS? Each of the technicians that have been selected for training is already a fully trained, experienced, New York State Certified Emergency Medical Technician. WHERE WILL THE TECHNICIANS BE TRAINED? The participating hospitals (Vassar Brothers and St. Francis) will provide classroom space and the facilities for clinical experience. HOW MANY TECHNICIANS ARE INVOLVED IN THE PROGRAM? There will be 15 technicians trained intially. This number is based on the recommendations of the State Health Department and suggestions received from ambulance services in other areas that have preceded us in this type of training. IS MY DONATION TAX-DEDUCTIBLE? Yes WHY IS THERE A CHARGE FOR THE AMBULANCE SERVICE THAT WE RECEIVE FROM SLOPER-WILLEN? Each year, Sloper-Willen receives some donations that are applied to operating expenses. However, the cost of providing ambulance service is great. A new, fully equipped ambulance, purchased at today's prices, represents an. investment in excess of $30,000. In addition, we are faced with rising costs for gasoline, fuel oil, first-aid supplies and -so forth. Since Sloper-Willen is a state chartered non-profit corporation, we may charge only enough to meet our costs. WHAT IS THE SLOPER-WILLEN ANNUAL BUDGET? Our annual budget is a matter of public record. The 1977 budget is $206,320. WHAT IS THE SLOPER-WILLEN PAYROLL? Sloper-Willen currently employs 7 Emergency Medical Technicians. Our 1977 salary budget is $60,889. WHY IS IT NECESSARY TO HAVE PAID PERSONNEL? Sloper-Willen feels that it is necessary for their ambulances to be staffed and ready for immediate response. This policy requires that several persons be present at the station on a regular basis and for extended periods of time. Unfortunately, it is impossible to secure an adequate number of properly trained volunteers for certain periods of the day. In particular, paid personnel are needed in order to provide adequate coverage during the busy daytime hours, when many of our volunteers are at work. In addition, paid personnel provide coverage on the late night shifts. WHAT IS THE AVERAGE RESPONSE TIME OF AN EMERGENCY CALL? Our crews are standing by and waiting for any emergency call. The ambulance responds immediately upon receipt of an emergency call. HOW MANY AMBULANCES DOES SLOPER-WILLEN HAVE? We presently have three ambulances and a rescue vehicles. The rescue vehicle also functions as a fully equipped ambulance. HOW MANY CALLS CAN YOU HANDLE AT ONE TIME? We are able to respond with ambulances to four separate calls. In addition, Sloper-Willen operates a station wagon that is fully equipped and may be used to transport ambulatory patients. The Dutchess County Mutual Aid system is available to provide us with additional equipment and personnel, should conditions warrant. WILL THIS PROGRAM INCREASE THE COST OF THE SERVICE? Not significantly. Mobile Coronary Care supplies and drugs will be supplied and controlled by the receiving hospitals, with the cost of any drugs that are administered being charged to the patient's hospital bill. ARE YOU LICENSED BY ANY AGENCY? Yes. Sloper-Willen is registered with the New York State Department of Health as an approved ambulance service. In addition, we have met the additional State Health Department requirements necessary to be a 'Certified Ambulance Service'. Our certificate is the first to be issued to a volunteer ambulance service in the seven county Mid -Hudson Region. ARE YOU GOING TO PURCHASE NEW AMBULANCES? It is our plan to add two additional ambulances to our fleet. These ambulances will be specifically designed for Mobile Coronary Care. In addition, we will replace one of our present ambulances, which is only marginally suitable for Mobile Coronary Care, with a new ambulance, also designed specifally for Mobile Coronary Care. WHAT IS THE GOVERNING BODY OF SLOPER-WILLEN? Sloper-Willen is governed by a Board of Trustees. The Board has 17 members, who serve without pay. The Board membership consists of a cross section of professional people and community leaders. A list of the current Board of Trustees membership is attached. HOW MANY TECHNICIANS ARE GOING TO BE ON DUTY? At least one Mobile Coronarey Care technician will be present at the station at all times. At times when we can reasonably expect peak demands, more will be standing by. Additionally, several technicians will be required to be immediately available at all times. When the technician at the station responds to a call, he will immediately be replaced with technician from this pool. Additional technicians may also be dispatched directly to the scene of the call. WHEN WILL THE PROGRAM GO INTO EFFECT? According to our present plans, we will be -providing full Mobile Coronary Care service to our community in September, 1978. HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL BENEFIT FROM THIS PROGRAM? There are approximately 50,00 people in the area served by Sloper-Willen. IS THE UNITED WAY OR THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION GOING TO HELP FINANCIALLY? We have not yet made formal application to either organization. A sub committee of our fund raising committee will make formal application to any foundations and philantrhopic organizations in the near future. HOW MANY PAID PERSONS ARE BEING TRAINED? 4 paid persons and 11 volunteers will be in the initial training class. a 114 w � b r a • ��<' �� ��°` ''� .. �,y ✓"° . • �"..� � .'} '-�� ',�'„�'i";.mow ul ":,� � 7�.v�„� �,.,�; ; "" '�(ar ew A:..: •Y �9 ,',nWvh^' m qV4,644e.; v N. i l r �.� WPI,�..,,- VIC + �, ' w b°Na" .? 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GENERAL FUND — APPROPRIATIONS Town Board: Town Hall and Offices Rentals (board room, elections, etc.) Compensation of employees[ D D OQ Purchase_ of furniture and equipment Repairs,light, heat and telephone Other expenses Elections Compensation bf election officials r Q Compensation of custodians voting machines Voting machines, purchase and repair��� Other expenses Insurance Jd1 Compensation insurance R", N" Fire and liability. ATA" V 'Official bonds and undertakings _�� Other Printing and advertising (all departments) Attorneys' fees and expenses of litigation Annual audit and examination Employes' retirement System (town share)o . "Tow � Supervisor: Salary Office and other expenses �... Total, justice of Peace "" S lades Office and other expeMes 'dotal _ Councilmen: JGd�D Salaries Office and other expenses 7 Total— Town 30erk ; Salary Office and other expenses Total d Assessors: as oe Salaries Office and 'other expenseso Total% Receiver of Taxes or Tax Collector.:' Salary Office and other expenses Total $ r ' (Over) 1' im ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF . , ........ GENERAL FUND -- APPROPRIATIONS Town Board: Town Hall and Offices Rentals (board xoom, elections, etc.) Compensation of employees Purchase of furniture and equipment a Zr, Repairs, light, heat and telephone Other expenses Elections Compensation bf election officials Compensation of custodians voting machines Q Voting machines, purchase and repair Other expenses Insurance Compensation insurance Fire and liability Official bonds and undertakings'�•� Other Printing and advertising (all departments) Attorneys' fees and expenses of litigation Annual audit and examination .--, Employees' retirement System (town share) '®till $4�� Supervisor: Salary %. Office and other expenses e2aD,'AD Total ustice of Peace: alai es 42jf�'"�� Office and other expehges a-4" Total Councilmen: Salaries (f -0,,d d 4 Office and other %jo Total --Q% Town - Clerk : Salary j041 4 Q Office and other expenses [0 Total �� G Assessors Salaries 4 4040 Office and other expenses 1 _ ' D 0 Total Receiver of Taxes or Tax Collector: Salary Office and other expenses Total $_ a (Over) 3 School Director: Compensation Other expenses Town Library: Compensation or payments to libraries Other expenses TOTAL EDUCATION RECREATION Parks and Playgrounds: Compensation of Employees Other expenses PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCES TOTAL RECREATION Total $-.— j"( d 4— Total $ P[7BLIC UTILITIES Cemeteries Compensation of employees Other expenses Total TOTAL PUBLIC UTILITIES MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND INTEREST Redemption of Debt (Principal) Temporary loans Emergency appropriation loans. Deficiency loans Other temporary loans (specify) Total BONDS (Give title of each) TOTAL REDEMPTION Or DEBT (Over) Total 4 Interest on Debt.: Interest on temporary loans Interest on bonds (give title of each) TOTAL INTEREST ON DEBT I Total CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS Nat *19 Total TOTAL CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENTS ,MISCELLANEOUS M w 0 w w 5 GENERAL )BUND ESTIMATED REVENUES Mortgage taxes Income taxes Franchise taxes Alcoholic Beverage taxes (town share) Interest and penalties on taxes Dog licenses (from county) Other licenses (town ordinances) Fines, penalties and forfeitures Rent of town property Fees of town clerk Cat c —reToR Fees of Justices of Peace Fees of Assessors Fees of tax collector Fees of Constables and police officers Sale of town property All other T&rz r47, 0 At 7,9 E1A s. o#.o Sdclab Total $-- Q Unexpended balance (Section 115, Town Law)+L4 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) .+ GENERAL FUND, SUMMARY Appropriations General government Protection of persons and property Education Recreation Public utilities Redemption of Debt Interest on debt Construction and permanent improvements a' Miscellaneous° Contingent purposes_ TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS%' TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) $ AMOUNT OF TAXES TO BE RAISED FOR GENERAL FUND $ ANte � (Over) HIGHWAY FUND Highway Fund (Item 1) --Appropriations: Did d General repairs Special Improvements G TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS HIGHWAY FUND Highway Fund (Item 1) --Appropriations: Did d General repairs Special Improvements TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues: .1 State aid Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1) Bridge Fund (Item-2)—Appropriations: Labor and team work Materials for repairs and maintenance Construction of new bridges $ TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Reve'nues:,, -Miscellaneous revenues 00 Unexoended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND.,,(ITEM 2) Machinery Fund (Item 3)—Appropriations: ,, Purchase of machinery, tools and implements Repair of machinery, tools, and implements Storage `,pf machinery, and implements , Repairs or,, pay ofoperators on machinery rented Gasolene or oil for machinery rented Redemption of Machinery certificates Interest on machinery certificates TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues: J& Old Rentals of m achinery Miscellaneous -revenues Unexpended balance nf $ TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FORHIGHWAY FUND ,(ITEM 3), 7 Snow and Miscellaneous Fund (Item 4) --Appropriations: Salary of town superintendent _ Expenses of town superintendent Salary and expenses of deputy superintendent Removing obstructions caused by snow adl Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush , 10 Other miscellaneous purposes p TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ d Estimated Revenues Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance Ad j TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 4) $a.�[ TOWN HEALTH FUND Appropriations Board of Health: Salary of health officer �{a D. D d Other health expenses Q Q TOTAL BOARD OF HEALTH $ Registrar of Vital Statistics Compensation . of registrar Other expenses _ TOTAL REGISTRAR VITAL STATISTICS $ AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR TOWN HEALTH6�., , (Over) STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF DUTCHESS } ss, I, ....... 9dith ... M... am"I ............................Town Clerk of the Town of ..... UPvinger................. DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the foregoing with the annual budget of the town of duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town on the .... G.'.f?.th.r.,, day of Q Q E bar••• .. 19.44,.,, and entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of said Board, and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of said annual budget and the whole thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of said Town this.. kth 4 . ; day of ` .v ?.."...........•..................... 19..44.. (SEAL) Town Cle k PLEASE OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING 1. Make three copies of the Town 'budget 2. File one copy with the Supervisor of the Town 3. File one copy with the Town Clerk 4. File one copy with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors not later than t November 1st, 191:f w V1. fro 3 lL A 1 C r i At O -S. d Q d-3. z) P) _ em 140 i e le, pa d �O (3._Y /A I . c 3 v': 216 s 1a4. a v N /i i, y g--3 J l� � .1/a:%�..if.'�iTiLveG�YZ�A s�. �� •.�� �"'�'• r• iy�"Y+,rl'�y��Z�� lr' "Let - yA . n �__Tf/// 144 p 7....� 5 � n , ,c vy'".��• xa�.r. E`. '�.,m-J...H9. %..:�� ;��,: �:."-. ...a% �">:7�" a:.'�ir -Z.. � �C.1, � _ ..w..�"(,�, �, y i OL