1946-1947IVA rld" OFA I K �, u , t ;u �_�. � � ,� G .. � �` M � �. � -�,. f , �/ � ,. �� /►' � � si�'r�J�i v ,4 � � ,w;..... ,, ,, i .r ,,, t _(9: MMF 21f ljl-�Iv 4;e. NO 41 of ol � ej II �� g® ¢.,+.1.4 No ,, ,.,"' i^"iaaw°' eri; ,> �I r1�J, .,pV .I' Alan, d/ we a! ✓✓✓ .3 V �J 0 8 I I JJ Ai4, /DdJrJ. rev V51,/ January 29, 1946 ''Town Board Wappingers Falls, New York Gentlemen: , Vie, the undersigned property owners heated an D ddeil. Cation hoad, Town of Wappingers, do hereby petition the members of the Town Board to initiate the proper proceedings to bring about the resurfac- ing of said road by means of macadamising. 'The following are izi tqvor of alis ,r1etiti.on: 7r'1 4 lot m F p; � y1 / f� ��rvg p!�� ��✓jp�/y/�A� `Rs ,l ✓ .>��Y' '7�"uF"Tr°s u.r5�fo\O� p � bV /.'/ .. t�i� � r .V .• u ,f �-, !`J'�+/ fi .✓" K'�o 6-' .�r�... �'� � (✓b'Yayr "�i�tz.Dr `�� ^e. �,�, ,�"�'fZA Alt 1( !r 1 206 209 MIMM 404d 0 7 �� f r n u f tea✓ Y Al A Y1 , f: 20 L • v j' t olftttLy _c O�' StrpF�INI�Y.�JR7CkkX.S YYSZ' �+y.�txtlt.��'RYS aro �`���*M��s�4' �''°�� ,yrs' .�-�• gt�dG 1683aAA try p" ...—..•• �> c�` May 19,46 Department of Audit and Control State of New York Albany, 1, N. Y. Gentlemen: EDWARD R. SCOFIELD Supervisor TOWN OF WAPPINGER WAPPINGERs FALLS, N. Y. The Town of Wappinger, having complied with the conditions noted in Section 171 of the Town Law relative to the establishing of a fire district, and having passed a resolution to the effect that they have determined that the petition submitted by the resident taxpayers of the district concerned were signed and acknowledged by resident taxpayers owning more than one half of the taxable real prop- erty in the district, and that the notice of the hearing to be held on the petition was published and posted as is re- quired by the Law, and having, in accordance with Section 1.73 of the Town Law, recorded a certified copy of this resol- ution in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Dutchess, most respectfully request permission of your Department, to create the fire district described in the resolution. As is prescribed in Section 173 of the Town Law, I am attaching to this application: (1) a certified copy of the Town Board1s resolution in duplicate, establishing the fire district; (2) a certified copy of the petition; (3) an itemized statement of the existing indebtedness of the. Town; and (10 a statement of the aggregate assessed valua- tion of the taxable real property situated in the proposed district. The resident taxpayers of the proposed Chelsea Fire District feel that they should have the privilege of forming this proposed fire district because of the losses they have sustained in the past on account of no fire pro- tection. After careful survey, we find that 99% of the tax- payers are in favor of the establishing of this fire dis- trict. We also find that the reduction in the fire insurance policy will somewhat offset the fire district tax. I attended the hearing and found the resident taxpayers very sincere and very much in favor of this pro- posed fire district. i; Department of Audit and Control -2- may 13, 1946 Hoping this application will meet with the ap- proval of the Department of Audit and Control and _assuring You that we will appreciate any help or information you will give us in this matter, we remain, Yours very truly, EDWARD R, SCO F� IES Supervisor �f Town of Wappinger Enc. - 5 ERS:ew may 13, 1946 Department of Audit and Control Mats of Now Toric Algia 1, B. Yo �eatletreat The 'fawn of Wappingers, having complied with the conditions noted in Section 171 of the Tom Lary relative to the establishing of a fire district, and having passed a resolution to the effect that they have determined that the petition submitted by the resident taxpayers of the district concerned were signed and acknowledged by resident taxpayers orenin$ more tban one half of the taxable real prop- erty in the district, and that the notice of the hearing 'to be held on the petition was published and posted as is row guired by the Lowe end havingo in aceordanao, with Rection 173 of the Town Laces recorded a certified copy of this rosol� ution in the Officer of the Clerk of the Co=ty of Datcheste,. most res rctful,ly request pormission of your Deepartment# to Croats the fire district desoribed in the res :Ation* IIIJ As is prescribed in B*ct17'3 of the aim Lar► i an attaching to this applicationt a certified copy o the Town Board's resolution in duplicate establishing the fire districts (2) a certified copy of h; petition; (3) an itemised statement of the existing indebtedness of tAe Town; and. (,¢) a statement of the aggregate assessed valusw tion of the taxable.real property sifted in the proposed Zho resident taxpayers of the proposed Chslo" Fire Motrict Peel that they should have the privilege of forming this pr000sed fire district because of the losses they have sustained in the pest on account of no fire pro-' tection. after Care R'ul Heys, we find that 99% of the tax' payers are in favor of the establishing of this firer di.s- trict. We also find thAt the reduction in the fire: lusurOnas policy will somewhat #ffset the fire district tax. 1 atteandeei .tho hearing and found the resident taxpayers very sincere aad very much in favor of this pro. posed fire district. r Department of Audit and Control �2- Way 19„ 1946 S;9 irsg this application Will meet with the Apo proval of the Dopartuent of Audit and Control and assuring you that we VU1 Appreciate W .help or izs�°ormation will give us San tbis mate, rre remsain, Ema. - S s ear Yours very truly, ARB Ro 00E} 1M +t�xpervis4r Tov a at Wapplugear --d To the Honorable the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger WE, the undersigned, being resident tazpayers owning taxable real property in the amount opposite our respective names aggregating at least one half of the assessed valuation of all the taxable real property of the proposed district hereinafter described owned by resident taxpayers as such valuations appear upon the latest completed assessment roll of the Town of Wappinger, do respectfully petition the Town Board of the said Town of Wappinger to establish a fire district in and about chelsea to cover that part of the said Town of Wappinger bounded on the North by the Hughsonville fire district, on the Fast and South by the town line of the Town of Fishkill and on the West by the Hudson River, in accordance with Sections 170 and 171 of the Town Law of the State of New York, and the sections following thereto relat- ing to the establishment of Fire Districts. State of New York County of Dutchess ss Town of Wappinger 1, Edith M. Tanner, Town Clerk of the Town of_Wappinger, in the County of Dutchess, New York, do hereby certify that 1 have compared the preceding copy of a petition with the original thereof, duly adopted by the Town Board of such town at a regular meeting of such board held on May 9, 1916 and that the same is a true and correct copy of such petition and of the whole thereof. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this 10th day of May 19/+6. own Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, N. Y. State of hew York County of Dutchess ss Town of Wappinger I, Edward R. Scofield, Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger, in the County of Uutchess, New York, do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding copy of a petition with the original thereof, duly adopted by the Town Board of such town at a regular meeting of such board held on May,,, 9, 1946, and that the same is a true and correct copy of such petition and of the whole thereof. a Sworn to before me this_�j_day of �-Supervisor of the '07/1T wn of Wappinger, 19 6. N. Y. 4&4"O"/Notary Public STATEMENT OF ASSESSED VALUATION CHELSEA FIRE DISTRICT Resident assessed valuation $13$,950.00 Non-resident assessed valuation 69,550.00 R. R. and Public Utilities assessed valuations 187 053.00 $395,553.00 The Town of Wappinger has no bonded indebtedness. The special districts in the Town of Wappinger have no bonded indebtedness. State of New York County of Dutchess} ss Town of Wappinger I, Edith M. Tanner, Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, in the County of Dutchess, New York, do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding aopy-of-6tatement thereof, duly adopted by the Town Board of such t2Np?�� ata regular meeting of such board held on May9, 1946, and that the same a true and correct ai Sil(` _Sta.tement-o€--As-s�s�d. ila.lu�ti�-_azzd- of�Ei'e"b��th��eef. In Testimoney Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said town this 10th day of May 1946. Town Clerk of the own of Wappinger, Y. State of New York • County of Dutchess !own of Wappinger ) ss I, Edward R. Scofield, Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger, in the Couity of Dutchess, New York, do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding copy of a Statement of Assessed Valuation with the original thereof, duly adopted by the Town Board of such town at a regular meeting of such board held on May 9, 1946, and that the same is a true and correct copy of such Statement of Assessed Valuation and of the whole thereof. upervisor Tod of Wappinger, N. Sworn to before me this day of 1946. Notary Pqblic of the Y. W" " )W 7 �, UY 13s 19 Departamt of Audit and Control Mate of hetet York Albanys is So Ya The 'Mtn c+f 1¢aRppla gars tate ie xith the conditions noted 1n ge►drtiata 17;L of the�+Dt�a � a'oieativs to the establishi g of a fire district,, &" havia 4 passed a resolution, to the effect that they have deterninod that the petition submitted by the resident taxpayers of the district +oonoerned wore si *4 and &ckno*i.edxed . by residout taxpayers temixg more than one halt at the toxaablo real prop- erty In the district, 4nd that the notice of the hearing to be hs1d an the petition was published and posted as is roe tuirod by the Lawn and havings in aecordano-with dootion 173 of the Town Laws recorded a certified copy of this ro l- tttIon in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Dutobosss most refsCoatfuldy request permission of your Dopatrtmouts to create tfire district described in that rosaiutione As Is proacribo+d in dtotion 173 of the Town laws i aia'a,ttadhing to this appliaaations (1) a certified copy of the town Board's Osvlution in dupliouto, establishing the five distrieat; (25 a certified copy of the partition; (3) an Itoael.sOcute meat of the existing indebtedness of t&e Town; and #i a *tea'tozoat of the s#gr*gste aasaae3aserd valu&w tion of the taxable real property situated in the proposed distriot. She reeid+ent prayers of the proposed OheA aft fire District feaei, thAt they should have the Privilege of forming this proposod ,fire district because of the losses they have sustaiAod iia :tho past an account of no fire prop toction. After careful survey we find that 99% of the taxe payers are in favor of the establishing of this Pira dis. trict* to also find that the reduction in the furs ' iAsux4mge policy will somewhat offset the fire district tax* 1 attended the hearing and found the resident taaepayerra very sincere and very much in tactor of this para* posed tine distrieU w � r 1tepartment of Audit and Control �2w Ur 1)# 194 XOPISS this application will meet with the ap*o prmrtal Of the Department of Audit and Control and assuring YOU that we will approalate any help or infoluatim ym vujL OT* nu is this matters we remain, Your# very trulys XONARD R+ p'1 erri�r d�a�r 4 - DUTCNE88 COUNTY PLANNING -BOARD - -- - Al", ."'11# - .. NeVorteat of Audit Control auto of heir York Alb&W 1j, X• Y• 4ontlem"n s The Town of Wapplogerp leaning corded with the mondItiaeses noted in Section 171 of tlao Town Lawn relative to the establishing of 4 lire district# medal hervU* p"sed a roselutiena to the effect that tha have deler®inod that the petition submitted by the r"ident tsxw fIoyere of the district concerned were signed and aas9kaowledged by real - dent taxpayers moting more than one half of the to xoble real property 1 in the district and that the notice of the haorir to be hold an the petition eras putli.shed and hosted as 1s required by the Laws AVA hay Ing, in accordance with Section 173 of the 'Towne: Lown recorded a cern- fled copf of this resolution in the Office of the Cleric eft the :CcKmty of Dutchess, most respaeexti'tally request permission of your Departamts to create the fire district described in the resolution o , As prescribed in Section 173 of the Town i aw # this appl.i« cation is prepared in duplicate requesting the establiabsont of a fixe district in than Town of Wappinger to be known as the Chelsea Fire District and there 3s attached to each application (1) a aerti- fled copy of the partition signed by the to bora who reside, In -the propos*d fire district wrh"* property represents re than 30S of the ' stesed rraluatAon'orf" dale resident property owners in Liss district; i a certified. py of the aggregate assessed valuation of than tax» able real. ro the eaeident t a artof t o ro deed f r distrj tt,cei t ae g.: us 10 o t� ra arty ax �lwea��e: to in to � ri� .. r �i.estat out e e teat thhat �e Toawt o t�aa or has no tesrporarr *or bonded inde ted aaess at the present t a certified oa ly of the town board rear- olutiou authorizing the establisbaeent of this districts as well as {5} a certified copy of tht auerAxent to this resolution smiting the f*ur required doterasdnastiobs provided in Section 171 of the Towns Lawn. The resident taxxpoyers of the proposed Chelsea nre District I�iwl I . I I I..- 19 DUTCNESS COUNTYPLANNINGBOARD' - -, Do rartaeent of Audit and Control -2- Ifty 2& 19,46 feel that they Should have the privilogo of- forming thiar prroposod fire d,istr t because of the losses they have sustained in the past arta 0000unt of no fire protection; After careful survey rare fid that "% of the taxpayers are In favor of Us establish or this fire di.striot. We also, find that the reduction.in the fire Insur- entre policy will saeMOwb it offset the fire district t". I attended the hearing and found .the resident tax4ryera very sincere and very suaah in favor of this proposed fire distriot. .The currant tax rates in the, area of the l�r6p4 od district' are a s fol.lowar a . States County ar~� `:. $1'i . d� Pir ,, hous�aa Dd; Ugbt District. $2.64 1por tho"' * It is proposed to exappr"iasately 122 fair the �rtara sdi of equipment and apparatus for this Distribt, Yours very truly., Baa►gare►isscar Town of gaappivgor state of Now York) ss.r County of Dutchess) • dward S. Scofield;, Being duly O"rn,deposes and qr rs that he is the duly elected and quicLified supervistrr oP the `Town of Waspping rr, Dutoh*sa County* low York, the applicant in the above entitled proceeding; that he has rand the forego rppli- caaation and knows the contents tberecof; that the taus imus to his awn knowledge, except ars to the Batters therein stated to be a11*ded upon information and belief, and 'that as to thosematters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before mar this day of May 19.46. Notary Public STATEMENT OF ASSESSED VALUATION CHELSEA FIRE DISTRICT Resident assessed valuation 0138,950.00 Son -resident assessed valuation 69,550.00 R, R. and Public Utilities assessed, valuations 1-87,053,200 095,553.00 The aggregate assessed valuation of the taxable real propert owned by the resident tax payers who signed the petition re- questing the establishment of the Chelsea Fire District is in amount of $1311650. State of New York County of Dutchess} asTowns of Wappinger ) I$ Edith M. Tanner, Town Clerk of the Town of Vapp- ingery in, the County of Dutchesso New York, do hereby certi- fy that I have compared the preceding copy of Statement of Assessed Valuation of the real property involved in the Chelsea Fire District with the original thereof and. I have also compared the statement of the aggregate assessed valu- ation of the taxable real property owned by the residents who signed the petition with the original and that the same. is a true and correct copy of the original statements and of the wide thereof. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said town this ,e fAg-, day of May 19.46. Town Clerk of 1 Towyn of Wappingers N* Y. or temporary The books of the Town. of %appinger show no bonded/ indebtedness for the Town, The books of the Town, of ' app - or temproary inger shown no bondedlindebtedness .for the Special Districts. State of New. York County of Dutchess } s$. Towyn of Wappinger } I, Edith 1. Tanner, Town Clerk of the Towrnof Wapp. inger, in the County of L' xtehess, Now York# do hereby certi- fy that I have compared the above statement with the Towyn books of the Town of Wappinger, and that the statement is true and correct. In Testimony whereof I have her to set my hand and affixed the seal of said town this ,? ,cx.. day of May 19,46. Y * e of Tappingerp To the Honorable the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger WE# the undersigned, being resident taxpayers owning taxable real property in the amount opposite our respective names aggregating at least orae half of the assessed valuation of all the taxable real property of the proposed district hereinafter described owned by resident taxpayers as such valuations appear upon the latest completed assessment roll of the Town of Wappingers do respectfully petition the Town Board of the said Town of Wappinger to establish a fire district in and about Chelsea to cover that part of the said 'Town of Vappinger bounded on the North by the Hughsonville fire district, on the Past 7 and South by the town line of the Town of Fi+shkill and on the West by the Hudson River, in accordance with Sections 170 and 171 of the Town Law of the State of New York, and the sections following thereto relattw ing to the establishment of Fire Districts# State of New York County of Dutehess ss Town of Wappinger 4 xr Edith Kv Tannery ,Town Clerk of the Town, of Wappingers in the I . County of Dutcheas, New. York, do hereby certify that have compared the preceding copy of a petiii+_ : 'rai,th the original thereof„ duly adopted by the Town Board of such town at a regular meeting of such board held on May 9,-1946 and that the same is a true and correct Copy of such petition ,fid of the whole thereof. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this loth day of May 1946, Town Clerk of the Town of Wappingers N# Y. State of New York County of Dutchess) ss. Town of Wappinger ) Is Edward R. Scofields Supervisor of the Town of Wappingers in thA County of Dutohesss New York, do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding copy of a petition with the original thereofs duly adopted by the Town Board of such town at a regular meeting of such board held on My 9s 1946, and that the same is a true and correct copy of such petition and of the whole thereof. Sworn to before me this�day of Supervisor of the 1946. Town of Wappingers NO Y# -Rotary Public STATEMENT OF ASSESSED VALUATION CHELSEA FIRE DISTRICT Resident assessed valuation $138.,950.00 Non-resident assessed valuation 69,550.00 R. R, and Public Utilities assessed valuations 187,253a00 $3930553#00 The Town of Wappinger has no bonded indebtedness. The special districts in the Town of Wappinger have no bonded indebtedness. State of New York County of Dutcheae) ss Town of Wappinger } I., Edith Me Tanner., Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, in the County of Dutchess New York, do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding copy of Itatement of Assessed Valuation with the original thereof duly adopted by the Town Board of such town at a regular meeting of such board held on May% 19,46, and that the same is a true and correct copy of such Statement of Assessed Valuation and of the whole thereof. In'Testimoney Whereof I have hereunto not my hand and affixed the seal of said town this 10th day of May 19,46. Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, M. Y. State of Now York County of Dutchessi town of Wappinger ss I. B ward R. Scofield, Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger„ in the Co mty of Dutchess., New York, do hereby certify that 1 have compared the preceding copy of a 4tatement of Assessed Valuation with the original thereof# duly adopted by the Town Board of such town at a regular meeting of such board held on May 91, 1946# and that the same is a true and correct copy of such Statement of Assessed Valuation and of the whole thereof• Supervisor of the Town of Wappingr, N« Y. Sworn to before me thisday of 1946. rotary Public ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE DEPARTMENT FRANK C. MOORE STATE COMPTROLLER STATE OF NEW YORK IN REPLYING REFER TO DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL ALBANY May 20th, 1946 Mr, Edward R. Scofield Supervisor Wappinger Falls, New York Re: Chelsea Fire District Dear Sir: We are returning herewith the application of the. town board of the Town of Wappinger for the permission of the State Comptroller to the creation of the Chelsea Fire District', for the following reasons: 1. There must be two copies of the petition to the town board filed with the application. The 'certification of the Town Clerk should recite that the copy is a true and correct copy of the petition and of the whole thereof, "excepting the signatures and acknowledgements or proofs"". There is no nec- essity for a certification by the supervisor. , 2. There must be two copies of.the' attached data as to assessed valuations and indebtedness. Please include a r' statement as to the aggregate assessed "valuation of taxable real property owned by resident taxpayers who signed the petition, and a statement of the temporary indebtedness of the town. There is no necessity for a certification 'by the supervisor. a 3. The resolution of the town board is faulty in that it fails to make the required determination that the petition is signed and acknowledged or proved as required by law and is otherwise sufficient. Please refer to subdivision 3 of seo- tion 171 of the Town law. This determination is jurisdictional and must be made before the town board may proceed further. We suggest that the town board re -open its proceedings and adopt an amended resolution making all four.of the required determin- ations. Duplicate copies of such amended resolution should be Mr. Edward R. Scofield -2. filed when the application is again submitted. Where is no necessity for a certification by the supervisor. 4. The application to be verified by the supervisor, verification is acceptable. State of New York ) County of Dutchess) the State Comptroller must The following form of ss.: Edward R. Scofield, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the duly elected and qualified supervisor of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, the applicant in the above en- titled proceeding; that he has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged upon information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me this day of May, 1946. Jr Notary Public au 5. Please include in the application a statement of the current tax rates in the area of the proposed dis- trict and the amount which it is proposed to expend for the purchase of equipment and apparatus. If this Department can be of assistance at any time, please advise. 11 Very truly yours, FRANK C. MOORE Sta Comptrol r By clau'tl vell Paul A. Hughes Legal Research Aide FAH/ARG ii PROPO2"ED BY Justice R.H.Dederer. SECONDED BY Justice Beatty The re'folution passed by this Town Board on Kay 9,1946,establishing the Chelsea Fire Dietrict,being faulty in that this resolution failed to make the four determination SE specified in Sub -division 111 of Section 171 of the Town Law, therefore be it resolved that the resolution establishing the Chelsea Fire District as passed by this Town Board on Kay 9,1946 be amended as follows: (a) the petition presented to this Town Board requesting the establishment of the Chelsea Fire District was signed and acknowledged or approved as required by law and is otherwise sufficient. (b) that the property and property owners within the proposed district or extension will be benefited by the establishment of this district. (e) that the property and property owners benefited are all included within the limits of the proposed Chelsea Fire District. (d) that it is in the public interest to grant in whole the relief sought in the petition,that the Town Clerk be instructed to prepare certified copies of this amendment to the resolution passed by the Town Board of the Town of 'Aappinger establishing the Chelsea Fire District on tray 9,1941 and forward same to the Department of Audit and Control in compliance with Section 173 of the Town Law. i i Unamiously carried. ,I State of Few York County of Dutchess ss Town of Aappinger i I,Edith V.Tanner,Town Clerk of the Town of yapringeo II the County of Dutchess,N.Y.do hereby certify th&t i have eomparet the preceding copy of a resolution amending the resolution passel ' by this Town Board on lay 9,1946 ,establishing the Chelsea Fire District with the original thereof,which was duly adopted by thio Town Board at a meeting of this Board held on fay 28,1946 and r that the same is a true and correct copy of such resolution and of the whole thereof. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the said town on this 28th.day of ray 1946. �I 2tLza;z4 Town Clerk of iown of 'Aappinger,N .Y. j; r�. t011 MMIJUE141 (Tom Lawn #171) has beers duly presented to this Tom Board of the Town of Wappingers a written petition "questing the estebiishsaent of a proposed fire district within time 'Town of Wappingersto embrace the territory hereinafter described, and whereas this Board has determined that such petition was signed and acknowledged by resident taxpayers owning more than b ae-ha f of the taxable real; property of such districts and whereas a notice containing a description of the proposed fire district and specifying the time when and the place vibm the Toes ward would most to consider the petition and to bear all persons interested in tiae subject concerning the am has been published and posted as required by laws and ax pub- lic heaariu has taken place at Ch eisse in the Town of f►ppiv-- ger* D tchi#k County'* gee York# within the limits of the pro- posed fire district cat the 2nd day of Aay 19,46* it is hereby RML9, }* that this Board find and determine upon the evidence given at said hearing, that it is in the public in- terest to grant in whole the relief sought; and it is further LTED� that pursuant to station 171 of the Town Law Cf ithe btaate of lows Yorks there by and hereby is 6stab- << lishod a fire district within the Town of Wappingers to be --^nk&tned in and embtacer the following boundaries, to wits _ Mate of sews York County of Dutcheas ) sa Town of Papp or Is Zdvaard A* Soof'leld, Supervisor of the 'down of 1b►�a Inger in the CMAty Of LUtohess, low York, do hereby certif that I have compared that preceding copy of a resolution with the original thereof, daily adopted by the :west Board of such town at a r*SuUr meeting of such boars! held on stair q* 1946 and that the $ame iia a. true and correct copy of such resotu-. tion and of the wa 20 mei thereof . Supervisor of SWOM to beforq me 'phis The Town of beppitager, A.Y. M 19460 Notary Public State of New York County of Orange, ss: Harry Chea , being duly sworn says that he is Publisher of THE BEACON NEWS, a newspaper published in and of general circulation in the County of Dutchess, and that the notice of which the annexed is a true copy was published. . . one .tim ...... in said newspaper, ........... ' on the .....18th ..... day of .. APS .:.... A. D., 1946 Subscribed and sworn to before me this �.day of.. ft Ak ... Ig.Y{G . . I./. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. Notary Public, Dutchess County NOTICE PUMIC REARM Notice is hereby given tnat the Town Board of the Town of uYappinger,N.Y.having received a petition to establish a Fire District in and about Chelsea,N.Y.to cover that part of .,ue said Town of Wappinger bounded on the North by the Rughsonville Fire District,on the East and South by the Town line of the Town of Fishkill and on the West by the Hudson River,will.hold a public hearing at the Chelsea Yacht Club on Thursday evening,l ay 2,1946 between the hours of ?:,bo and 8:30 D.N.to consider such petition and to hear all persons interested in the subject concerning the same. 0 �, /93/6 4- f - Signed: Edith A;. Ta r Town Clerk. �r Y Tc the Honorable the Town Hoard of the Town of Vappinger WE# the und*rsigned, being resident taxpayers owning taxable reed property in the amount opposite our respective names aggregating at least one half of the assessed valuation of all the taxable real property of the proposed district hereinafter dtsorlbdd owned by resident taxpayers as such valuations appear upon the latest comw plated assessment roll of the Town of Wappinger, do respectfully petition the Town Hoard of the said Town of 'gappinger to establish a fire district is and about Chelsea to cover that part of the said Torn of Wappinger bounded on the north by the B.ughsonville Fire Dist- trict, ora the east and south by the town live of the Tornof Fiahicill and on the crest by the Hudson River, .in accordance.with Sections 170 and 172 of the Town Law of the 'State of Now Yoric, and the sections following thereto relating to the establishment of Fire Districts. State of Mew York County_ of Dutchess� as Tawe of Wappinger I, Edith X. Tanner, Town Cleric of the Toren of ftp inger, is the County of Dutehess, Now Yorke do hereby' certify that I have com- pared the preceding copy of a petition with the original thereof, duly adopted by the Town Board of such town at a regular meeting of such board held on May 9, 19,46 and that the same is a true and correct copy of such petition and of the whole thereof, excepting the signat- ures and acknowledgements or proofs. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this 10th day of May 1946. Town Cleric of the town. of Wappinger, H. Y. PRO1OUD BY Justioe .Edward B.heattr WCtNMED BY Justice R.B.Dmderer That whereas permission has been granted by the Comptroller,of the State of Bow Tork.on June 26,1946 for the establishment of the Chelsea Fire Distriot,in'-the Town of Wappinger,in aaoordanos with the following boundaries: bounded on the Boytk,by the Rughsonville Fire Distriet.on the Bast and South,by the town line of the Town of Pishkill,and on the West by the Hudson river.it is hereby ordered that such Piro Distrist.ae deeoribed above is established. Carried unamiously. 1 5 Mate of Now York i County of Dutchose as Town of Wappinger I,Bdith M.Tanner.Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger.in the County of Datatsess,16w ?ork,do hereby certify �I that I have oompared the preceeding copy of a resolution with the original thereof,duly adopted by the Town heard of such Town at a regular meeting of such board'hold on July 11,1946 and that the same is a tree and correct aepf of such �resolution and of ttur whole thereof,a�g the signatures and aoknowledgeersents or proofs. In Testimony whexeef I >hersunto set my hand and affiked the seal of said Town-13e'Uth, day of July 1946. �11/fll WIFT, = Town of Wappingsr.3.7. STATE OF NEW YORK SS: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS Ir I On this 10th day of April, 1946, before me, the subscriber, person- ally appeared C. L. WALKER, MRS. C. LESLIE WALKER, MRS. MARY J. POLLOCK, MRS. NORMA S. MERRITT, GEORGE V. MERRITT, SARAH M. TODD, HENRIETTA W. THORN:,, WILLIS H. THORN, ELIZABETH M. HALMOND, HELEN COUGHLINP SARAH M. BOUCHER, I. H. FLOOD, NED HA)EiOND, MfiRY BOOTH and ARTHUR BOOTH, to me personally known and known to me to be the same persons described in and who executed the within Instrument, and they duly severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Notary gVulgic., Dfdtchess County STATE OF NEW YORK SS: . COUNTY OF DUTCHESS On this 9th day of April, 1946, before me, the subscriber, per- sonally appeared EMORY J. HAGER, to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the within Instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me. that he executed the same. 0 Notary blic,.Dutchess County. STATE OF NEW YORK SS: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS, I On this 3rd day of -April, 1946, before me, the subscriber, personally appeared JESSIE tib`. SHILLIDAY, W. J. SHILLIDAY, THOMAS B. BRENNAN, LOUIS CASTRILLI, THOMAS LAMOREE, LILLIAN LAMOREE, BENJAMIN W. MOSHER, MARY C. ;KOSHER, ETHEL K. QUICK, HENRY C. QUICK, and OLGA L. EDMUNDS to me personally known and known to me.to be the same persons des- cribed in and who executed the within Instrument, and they duly severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Notary Pu lic, Dutchess County. STATE OF NEW YORK SS: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS, On this 9th day of April, 194.6, before me, the subscriber, personally appeared CHARLES B.BOWNE, HELEN COLLYER BOWNE, PAUL MILLER, JOHN E. HUGHES, BESSIE L. MESSLER, CLINTON S. LIFSSLER, JAMES F. DREW, FLORENCE M. DREW, CHARLES MERRITT, GFO. M. VANDERLYN, AUGUSTA VANDERLYN, ALBERT E. BATE, MRS. IDA SENARD, CHARLES F. ACKERMAN, BERTHA ACKERMAN, ULMONT A. SANDERSON, JENNIE SANDERSON, GLADYS ROBINSON, GEORGE ROBINSON, VIOLA B. JACKSON and ETHEL VEAZEY to me personally known and known to me to be the same persons described in and who executed the within Instrument, and they duly severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Notary Pu id/. Dutc es�ty lwlr.._-:_ ._- To the Honorable the Town Board of the Z ,,. Town of Wappinger I WE, the undersigned, being resident taxpayers owning taxable `«real property in the amount opposite our respective names aggregating at least one half of the assessed valuation of all the taxable real property of the proposed district hereinafter described owned by resident taxpayers as such valuations appear upon the latest completed assessment roll of the Town of Wappinger, do respectfully petition I the Town Board of the said Town of Wappinger to establish a fire district in and ab6ut Chelsea to cover that part of the said Town of Wappinger bounded on the North by the Hughsonville fire district, on the East and South by the town line of the Town of Fishkill and on the West by the Hudson Riverp in accordance with Sections 170 and 171 of the Town Law of the State of New York, and the sections following thereto relating to the establishmeni OF r . G '! v it of Fire Districts. /so 0900 /000, 2-doo � Sa, Y3oo. fos�1, It w a /loon, 48 VV . Q V n —a Z Yvo c �^G 4AV-W-1" / Y G �. O Ca- J6so. STATE OF NEVA YORK SS: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS, On this 2nd day of April, 1946, before me, th4 subscriber, per- sonally appeared ALBERT 0. CARR, GRACE CARR, RANK M. KAY,;OTTIE MERRITT, INEZ L. ASS:vIUS, ROBERT ASSI�MS, VIOLA C. McALLISTER, LILLA GATES, JAsiES F. BEDORE, CECELIA 'A. BEDORE, CAIjRIE F. BRADBURY, BESSIE and JACKSON, HARRIETT C. CAMPBELL,/ FRAD?K C. COLLY R, to me personally I known, and khown.to me to be the same persons escribed in and who executed the within Instrument, and they duly Iseverally acknov-ledged to me that they executed the same. a Notary PubViDutc ess County. r f ,t Oil 1, 44.ie 11-4 as rY tai'` " ZZ, UX Lei aA( 11koo, a 0, 00:5, S-0 v . . 3-00"', PROPOSIM The resolution passed by this Town Board on May 9, 1946, establishing the Chelsea Fire District, being faulty in that this resolution feilerd to maker the tour determinatio, as specified in Sub -division. III of Section 171 of the Town Law, therefore be be it resolved that the resolution estab- lishing the Chelsea Fire District as passed by this Town Board on May 9, 1946, be amended es fellows z. (a) the p etition presented to this Town Board requesting th establishment of the Chelsea Fire District was signed an acknowledged or approved as required by law and is other wise sufficient, (b) that the property and property owners within the propose district or extension will be benefited by the establish anent of this district. () that the property and property ovmers benefited are all included within the limits of the proposed Chelsea Fire District. (d) that it is in the public interest to grant in whole the relief sought in the petition that the Town_ Clerk be instructed to prepare certified copies of this amendment to the resolution passed by the Toren Board of the Town of Wapi-Anger estsabli<shing the Chelsea Fire District on May 91, 1946, and forward same to the Department of ,audit and Control in compliance with Section 173 of the Town Lasar. State of Now York. County of Dutchess:i� as Town of Uppinger I, Edith M« Tanner, Town Clerk of the Town of W'app- ingerthe County of Dutchesss Now York, do hereby certify I that have compared the preceding copy of a resolution amending the resolution passed by this Toon Board onlay 9, 1946, establishing the Chelsea Fire District with the orig- inal thereof, which was duly adapted by this Tovn Board at a meeting of this Board held on llsoy 19+460 and that the same is a true and correct copy of such resolu- tion and of the whole thereof. In testimony whereof I have hereunto sr t spy► hand and affixed the seal of the said town on. this ,2 KAt.day of May 1946, Teaa+n Clark own of Wappinger, N.Y. M -W m 4, d N Y , da , * •,�, � ��.� ��„�' .�'^'�J[ �,�;. a^`X"..✓ '�.,.�^u...�J ®/ F..,,�s�:a% gyp. � �," d� �✓ , . � � [aI �zO '��" 'J ���.� �,'l �:�''"L�` .'` I ✓A.�, � %4" -�°"` 'gip"' F q .: r 1,4 �, t'` �� . •.r'! ' ? ,' t p.v% '.'' :k�/'s� ., .t'✓'�""E�' ' '°� r.,r ;a ^'fi f"` `•�,y w"# �. r ec� I r� 0 AIA p ISA �7 dkj r r dJ� � r 117 i r J. I 97e, 7 `",-o a /1" i11-2 .1 X7 'Vj� 1.9d CrA A) / &. ;-I' - - z20 00/1 Zi F3 F' X23- 19 , LI "Al also CEO- Jk F+ gruff 0 2o �t 1- Ot et �` �* ,�"L ��''�"° ,�r�'� :i:r. �"�� r°��� W>��'^•,' ��,a!�"�s'Fd,w."..*�w„ ��J ',P°'+''i.„,'.. ,. "�a""'".��. j� r p g f i A¢ i3 e " I ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF .... WAPPISPAR ............... 19.47. GENERAL FUND — APPROPRIATIONS Town Board: Town Hall. and Offices 240 Rentals (board room, elections, etc.)_ .00 Compensation of employees 0.00 Purchase,of furniture and equipment —1— Repairs, light, heat and telephone 300.00 Other expenses 200.00 Elections Compensation of election officials 1400.00 Compensation of custodians voting machines 200.00 Voting machines, purchase and repair a 9-Q -- o0 Other expenses & rent of Polling Places 500.00 Insurance Compensation insurance _ 700.00 Fire and liability 800 .00 Official bonds and undertakings _ 360.00 Other 100.00 Printing and, advertising (all departments) 200.00 Attorneys' fees and expenses of litigation 200.0 0 Annual audit and examination r Employees' retirement System (town share) Total $ 6,._550.._00 Supervisor: Salary _ "1000.00 Office and other expenses 250 00 Total Justice of Peace: Salaries 1260.00 'Office and other expenses 42.00 Total $1,292-.00 Councilmen Salaries bU 0 .00 Office and other expenses 7.00 Total $_ 507..00 Town Clerk t Salary' 1300.00 Office and other expenses --196.00 Total $-L,491._._00 Assessors: Salaries _ 1..725.00 Office and other expenses ' 2$ .00 Total $-Z,_75..3....0 0 Receiver of Taxes or Tax Collector: Salary Office and other expenses Total (Over) 2 Town Attorney Salary Office and other expenses Total � Planning Board: Compensation of employees Office and other expenses Total $ fl w Sa 2200.00 Expenses 50.00 Total $ 60 X0 TOTAL OF TOWN GOVERNMENT Total 00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY. Police, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs: Compensatioh 60 _00 Other expenses60.00 Total $ Dog Warden: 200.0 Compensation Other expenses burying dead animals 100.0 0 Total 300.00 $ Traffic: 24.0 Signs, signals and highway lighting Forest Fires: Compensation of employees Other expenses Total � WAR EMERGENCY PURPOSES TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Total $174.00 EDUCATION Attendance Officer: Compensation Other expenses 4n .nn Total $ 40.00 BONDS (Gide 'title of each) a Coxneterim: Compensation : of employees Other expq#3 — — Tata�l � a 4 On' OTAL IES M"tl*CIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND INTEREST kr ifion of'Debtrinipal)P �empor ry Ioans ., Emergency , apprbprlation loans „rtl Deficiency loans Of et tempotary loans _ (specify) ar Tt 1 �r. BONDS (Gide 'title of each) a 4 Interest on Debt: Interest on temporary loans Interest on bonds (give title of each) TOTAL INTEREST ON DEBT Total — — CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS Nature of Improvement: a P rahsag a. nf' Ri gbt f Way 300.00 ;Other PrnPr, pr, - gown Property 500.00 c Total TOTAL CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENTS MISCELLANEOUS Veterans' Organizations for Rooms: OTHER EXPENSES (describe in detail) a, Maintenance Rooms 250 .00 pl s -r:pp-nsPxs C to Conventions 100.00. d Total 350.0 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 3lin .Cln CONTINGENT FUND Section 112 of the Town Law $ 11� 5 GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES Mortgage taxes Income taxes r r a�q i to Franchise taxes is fiance Alcoholic Beverage taxes (town share) Interest and penalties on taxes Dog licenses (from county) Other licenses (town ordinances) Fines, penalties and forfeitures Rent of town property Fees of town clerk `Fees of Justices of Peace Fees of Assessors Fees of tax collector Fees of Constables and police officers Sale of town property All other Interest U.S.Treasury Bond Contingent Fund Unexpended balance (Section 115, Town Law) TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Appropriations: General government Protection ofpersons and property Education Recreation Public utilities Redemption of Debt Interest on debt Construction and permanent improvements Miscellaneous Contingent purposes TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) -AMOUNT OF TAXES TO BE RAISED F'OR GENERAL FUND (Over) 1600.00 9993 ♦14 7Q 0'.0 600 .00 400.00 50.00 100.00 900.00 Total $- -43.14 $ 4,553,86 $ 18.297.00 $18 297.00 $x.00 none HIGHWAY FUND Highway Fund (Item 1)—Appropriations: -a.2QQ 1) General repairs lQ, 201.00 Special Improvements Repairs or,pay of operators on machinery rented —-� TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS —20-o.0 1`398.00 Estimated Revenues: ..0 0 State aid ,000 Miscellaneous revenues 200.00 Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES s 1 ,20.0._.0 0 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1) $=4=FQ .00 Bridge Fund (Item 2) --Appropriations: m Labor and teawork �-�`� Materials for repairs and maintenance --- Construction of new 'bridges TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues: Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 2) Machinery Fund (Item 3)—Appropriations: Purchase of machinery, tools and implements -a.2QQ 1) Repair of machinery, tools, and implements 1100 .00 Storage of machinery and implements Repairs or,pay of operators on machinery rented —-� Gasolene or oil for machinery rented —20-o.0 1`398.00 Redemptigq of machinery certificates 202 Interest on machinery certificates .00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $►��-� 00 Estimated ,Revenues : Rentals of machinery --.300 e 0 Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance 200, 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR ,HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM. 3) $ .00 EEM ME 7 Snow and Miscellaneous Fund (Item 4)—Appropriations: Salary of town superintendent Expenses of town superintendent Salary and expenses of deputy superintendent Removing obstructions caused by snow Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush Other miscellaneous purposes TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues: Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 4) TOWN HEALTH FUND Appropriations Hoard of Health: Salary of health officer Other health expenses TOTAL BOARD OF HEALTH Registrar of Vital Statistics: Compensation of registrar Other expenses TOTAL REGISTRAR VITAL STATISTICS AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR TOWN HEALTH (Over) 300 0 00 .n0 $ _ 900 sQ0 4Qa4O-- $ 721.00 33.00 2.60 $ 35.50 8 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF DUTCHESS } ss. I, ... Edith .Tenex ........................Town Clerk of the Town of...........WA- in off,,.......... DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the foregoing with the annual budget of the town of ... pp 1. .er....................... duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town on the ....... ,31Bt.. day of ............Q!Q.b.�,7C ............................... 19....46, and entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of said Board, and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of said annual budget and the whole thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of said Town this. 6.tk1., day of ... o.re 13bar....................................... 19... (SEAL) :: n Clerk PLEASE OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING 1. Make three copies of the Town 'budget 2. File one copy with the Supervisor of the Town 3. File one copy with the Town Clerk 4. ' File one copy with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors not dater than November 1st, 19.46.. i I r• did _ r " r�'i��.+-�jFy'�"•�c A ✓ ;4. f ��, '� , ~� �' L.� . 1. f... sem- s.-7 ,. a > ;f� , ' �� . ��� '�/..,,C,. � � ��x I �' �� "� , /' �`�• � t.�.' Fes" r';::�v' �' �+ � �"�`� �✓� ic 41 N tr � � ,,;'' � c � / � �".. �i`./ : 'a 9� ✓ '.:""� ��''—� � vs. t'�L!f.'�.aa�' �P'Lr��.�'! t'a„i �r.�;'.,..C- 1 s �.F'„f/"t;.%�:'l..�r� +' o' :�"`� ` .+���� yr l ./ �to�"L" rq,,..S.i Rdl � ��}'9'a � d” -y Ar' .pj” :� ✓Y rs � ✓* �� ./""�ai.� .. r a i i 3 til A wok too 1{i ! ,�.v 1 �.., ,��� ,. �'�'., n?5;.,,,�'s�rz�F�:�����✓,%d ,7�, �� /-; 1 �1e�3'4aae.,, 0 r alle i 1 A ,-���,' ll r--- - - l 22S ,7Z 3; 7 xc� Z e" e-(wy� All 77 229 a p�/ fn v; 4m . �S Y z, �3. zJJ �/ 4r CS Ir%.dd 7X. i it I 232 _ f ' I �-� Wil. c'/ �✓ �� � � ��,�-- �'7; p .-�� a/>- j/ r � �� �'%" b �� •�?.r%"ry,. z�l,. ��.-1 ,,�t�ny;/::� v't.,,>.����^',, S�y`* i f::,- j..�'%!!`Y�•i»,...�„s„ r L �'�G 0 4 0 k) 61 az kcr, cz� RMP &M ml a T M, ITT, 77777-- 77" 77 C- 234 A "'o, &- Old I ovoid. y r ' r'l�'1°"l.�.l ",y' o%..��/ - ✓fJ"r,�ra''�"..'ft'/- .d A r1t& I', 3 Tor - �, E 1'?Y t. �F= ♦ iyij kh � ,Q Resolution by 60uncilMdn Lmory ".Hager: 1 tEAB' a, motor ,vehicle owned by. Boy V Knapp of.._ 359 Lill ,Street,-JOughkeepsle, N,-Y., hese tofore collided with and caused certain'dama.ge to: one of the walls or abut.. mems of. Farhat is commonly called the Wappingers Bridge in th Village of Wappingers Falls,, which said bridge.. connect€a 'the. Town of Poughkeepsie and the Town of`Vlappin�er-in:the Villpg of Wappingers Fails, and I such damage in the sum of '$345.00 has been satisfactorily repaired by-J; Velletri, General Contractor, Ne%v Hackensack hoa.d, in the Town of Poughkeepsie, Nein York, end V1HEREAS, the insurance carrier, eove°ring the vehi- cle of .Roy V,.Kne.pp through its representative, J. Biahard Tiller, 45 Jefferson Avenue, Kingston, New York, rec.uires general releases from the 'Towns having jurI diction over-' said bridge, and r'T�EKEAS, upon receipt of said, releases, said" In. surance carrier drill pay the sum of $345.00 ` for payment to J. Velletri aforesaid, and WHVE-A_S the Town of Poughkeepsie has heretofore 'o the 23rd day of january, 19461 at a. regular meeting,, by reso.- lution duly adopted, authoriped 'end directed the Supervisor' of the Town of Poughkeepsie to exe cite, a general release to Hoy V. Knepp, asowner, and Herman Miller, as operator, of a;. certain motorvehicle which heretofore caused certain dam age to the Wappingers Bridhe in the Towns of Poughkeepsie an NYappinger as aforesaid,'and deliver the same to J Richard Miller for payment to the said Towns, of the sum of $345.00. and, by said resolution; did fur-cher direct the Supervisor of the Town of Poughkeepsie, upon receipt of the aforesaid sum of money and With the aaprova1 of the Town Boa.rd.of"the Town of Wappi.nger to disburse' the same to J_. Velletri, uen erE1 Contractor, bew Hackensack Read, Poughkeepsie, New York, upon receipt from him of a proper voucher and, receipt. there- for, be-it RESOLVED, thst the Supervisor of the Town of Wap.• pinger be and he hereby is authorized anddirected to execute' a. general release to Roy V, Knapp, aIe owner, and .Herman Mil- ler, as operator, of a certEai 'motor vehicle which heretofore caused certain damage to the Wappingers Bridge In the Towns. of. Pouja eepsie end Wappinger, and that said relet-se be delivered to J. Pichard Willer of 45 Jefferson Avenue, Icing ston,,N. Y, for the payment to said Towns of the, sum of 345.00, end be it further. RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town ollt lap- pinger,upon: receipt of a. check,draft .or other instrument in. payment of said sum endorse the oa,.me in the 'name ofthe !'own of WappinEer and deliver it.ta the Supervisor of the Town of Poughkeepsie to disburse the .same to J. Velletri, General Contractor, 'New HackensGok Road, Poughkeepsie, Nein York. Seconded by Councilman Jesee'H.DeVoe Supr.Edwsrd P..Ec©field,�uatiCe.of `Peace R.H:.Dederer Ayes. Justice of Peace Ndward Bile-stty,Caurscilmasi.Emory J.Z�a and Councilman Jesse H.DeVo.e.' Nay s Carried. OFFICES OF TOWN OF POUGHKEEPSIE 868 MAIN STREET POUGHKEEPSIE. N. Y. PHONE 5362 February 8, 1946. leese address reply to: GSEPH 3.UGGAN, Attorney, 4 +Aarket St. ,Poughkeepsie,N.Y. Mrs. Edith M. Tanner, Town Clerk, Town of '�ia.ppinrer, ita.ppingers Falls, N. Y. My dear Mrs. Tanner: Enclosed is certified copy of resolution duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Poughkeepsie in regard to the damage to the Wpppingers Bridge. I feel that you should file this with your minutes ac a basis for the resolution which your Board passed for the Supervisor to nay the moneys to the fjown of Poughkeepsie. Enclosed also is copy of general release signed by the Supervisors of the Towns of Poughkeepsie and 'Nappinger to Roy V, Knapo and Herman miller. JBJJ: H Encs. 23 To all to whom these presents shall come or may Concern. Greetin9 Know Ye, That 1090 OF F =iJtii�(tl?:l� a ."IX tA4 'Pct -,'X 0V ;4�,P'AliGWO oath 1Vorata In tho wnty of luttahxitis i and eta to of *to Norkv fkftd both A corporation lbrganized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the of 14rYa tift 0 for and inconsideration of the sum of � � • • � � ,. .. .. .. «. ,. 40* -'W i OH) ?f lr&Jt0h. "dollars ($ 3"*00 ) lawful money of the United States of America to it in hand paid by BOX 1. Mr'r Of 3W 8111 ft,1 to uutrtilcrs kilos Ntcl a�:iet Co.:tllntya Wi ipftg *WA 1�f5;1�) AW idE�txita Of Poee�1Mlgop" Vutawol 1UW the receipt whereof is hb ac owled lased, released and forever discharged, and by these presents doN for � successors, remise, release and forever discharge the said tv;Y' V. ltWT . i4al 111''Jt14AX Mild :etheir roe►t4oitht heirs, executors and administrators, of and from all, and all manner of action and actions, cause and causes of action, suits, debts, dues, sums of money, account-., reckoning, bonds, bills, specialities, coven- ants, contracts, controversies, agreements, promises variances, trespasses, damages ,�udgments, extents, exec io s, Ws, nd demands V*tse , i law or in egyity, which against1l1 said ,y 1,44A, ever had now h �0 or or their which iR#Wuccessors hereinafter can, shall or may have for, upon or by reason of any matter, cause or thing whatsoever from the beginning of the world to the day of the date of theseresents # ; 4V4t �ill1VW Lw ::x►i�l>ti,; tit of certf In 4� o onatu :rl1 tW 19th di y of amort I"4% to the = O,,;, vvrerm i*l,li-n srtl br1dj*,V t, iry 1n ttw 11fiim Of fir"Y'.'!"i"- �°ek1, :'� x# rke �,Jkll d,,40 ,ze sAnty" 0 u;1 ,eia '1 thb 'o -or Win of c�nrr . ini �r�•�sy*,ter ^Votl ole o 'n:;_1 t)*W "A%;', 5.! jay V. �Ga , 'r F nt o A"'!�*Vcl u), Yl ,'� iI4i t�i3"iRu: a `*J'7 Ifo- • IttYC$� 1jCieDf`� .it_" �ult,.�� sibs°_�► u�,2i't t the said 1 Yhr ttlw�ir' f�llM�! 3L $ haWa.used i119[corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and these presents to be signed by kxduly author- ized officer on the day of Ti 0 ior'�yy» �� JRf nineteen hundred and (Corporate Seal) ' „ r a State of Mo v X01't County of DtUhtr Iae as.: On the 2401 day of 44M 1, before me came 'RHt *A3 Oe MMARV being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that fttaftoRd UoUnt7o New Xorke that he is the ft 4 v ft 40 r of , nineteen hundred and fstrtW�eiX, to me known, who, he resides in the To"n of Path?*-,e;+raii� the corporation described in, and which executed, the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal of&fid to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the *&SAM Towt;' uo ird of sa"igrporation ; and that he signed hiit name thereto by like order. r�/� T tx ry Fublio. TP 44 R.:k hl^- 4 1�iit = G.0 fty oe vu ,'grin__ On the 7 dcyr; of � nineteen hund"A f, tAd fortswolz 9aho i>eirst' • b fO>ne llte or,llt8 Si':, 3. ? `fi , Ctii' i -i,i3 ry Ive kno-m• s by me duly worn, did deco" rn-4 nAy the t he reri(t.;- in the Tj a of ;..i r Dut+ahw-a t�junty, k, Lark; th:. : hein the V-,-wrwi�vr of thi TOS* ()I 11hP, ik "-1 the aorjA)r,--tiv:: tletsorioed itay :a! which *_meutrd thvforegoing instrumed; th :t hi; kwtvn the «, I of Ps idl eari)orctiun; th-,t tht, ge*l ,:ffixea to t,=At inrtrument is ;,-uoh oar';iur.:to r.-Yvc,lf tN't it Vail so oftix*d by order of *.hF;.. Tt),-,n Uo,-rtl vP x7lt oor urationj that he eli,#*wA his nAmo thereto by like oraer. �"nbYi c. 00 ' Z 00 'xJ 'XJ x H O Id o� 0 Ctt Q9 U O itr co P 4< to o mV�+' to P. +'^� � i [ CD Fj Q t x � rt qa V V K (D V +H4 �"nbYi c. 00 ' Z 00 'xJ 'XJ Resolution by Councilman Charles E. Wicked WHEREAS a motor vehicle owned by tray V. Knapp of 359 Hill Street, Poughkeepsie, N. Y,, heretofore collided with and caused certain dcmage to one of the walls or abutments of what is commonly called the Wappingers Bridge in the Vil- lage of Wappingers Fails, which said bridge connects the v Town of Poughkeepsie and he Town of Wappinger in the Village Of j'+apping%:rs Falls, and such damage in the sum of $346.00 has been satisfactorily repaired by J. Velletri, General Contractor, New Hackensack Road, in the Town of Poughkeepsie, New York, and WHEREAS, the insurance carrier covering the vehi- cle of Roy V. Knapp through its representative, J. Richard Hiller 45 Jefferson Avenue,, Kingston, New York, requires i genera releases from the Towns having jurisdiction over said bridge, and WHEREAS upon receipt of sreleases, said i3*-- sursnee carrier will pay the sum of id 6.00 for payment to J. Velletri aforesaid, be it RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Pough- keepsie be end. he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a general release to Roy V. Knapp as owner, end Kerman Mill ,r, as the operator, of a certain motor vehicle which heretofore caused certain damage to the 'Wappingers Bridge in the Towns of Poughkeepsie and Wappinger, and deliver said release to J. Richard Hiller of 45 Jefferson Avenue, Kingston, t+ew York, for the payment to the sold Town of the sum of $346.00, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Pou f keepsie, upon receipt of said money in the sum aforesaid and with the approval of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, be and he hereby is authorized and directed to diFburee the same to J. Velletri, General Contractor, Kew Hackensack Road, Poughkeepsie, New York, upon receipt from him of a proper voucher and receipt therefor. Seconded by Councilman Richard D. King Ayes: Supervisor Thomcaa D. Mahar Councilman Richard. D. King Councilman Paul C. Kratt Councilman Charles T. Overdorf Councilman Charles K. Wickes Naye 0. VILLAGE OF WAPPINGERS..FALLS DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK (INCORPORATED 1871 ) apervisor Scofield & Councilmen of Town of Wappingers Board, Village. Gentlemen; - II/8/46 OFFICE OF Village Clerk. At the Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held this week I was directed to write to your honorable body and request permission to install ornamental poet at the curb on the stone bridge in order to improve the lighting of the stone bridge with the new type of mercury vapor lamp to be installed by the Central Hudson G & E corporation. The members of the Board also request if the Town Board would be in favor of paying the sum of $ I00.00 towards the improvement which the Board of the Town of Poughkeepsie and the Board of Trustees also will pay there share of the same amount to meet the cost of 300.00 for said improvement, ap pro val . Trusting the same will meet with your Yours Truly, Board of Trustees, Per. .v'.S . �• B.O.T./J-A.S Vill Clerk. i SUPERVISOR TOWN CLERK AND COLLECTOR - SUPT. OFHIGHWAYS HEALTH OFFICER TOWARD R. SCOFIELD EDITH M. TANNER HARRY B. GRISWOLD DR. W. E. GARLICK TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE 14 MILL STREET TOWN OF WAPPINGER WAPPINGERS FALLS, NEW YORK JUSTICES OF PEACE EDWARD B, BEATTY , RALPH H. DEDERER COUNCILMEN EMORY J. MAGER JESSE H, DE VOE Honorable layer and Dear& of Zrastees of the Tillop of Wappingers 9'alis,ri.T. 41antlemens - OFFICE HOURS 9 A M. TO 12 M. - 1 P. M. TO 4 P. M. SATURDAY 9 A. M. TO 12 M. Deos"or 6,1946 bt a rfplar matting of the "ma Dsssd of the ftvn of Irappingsr.hold in the joiri Ha11 on ft*raUsr 5,19#6. Tour le ter requesting that the stun Of :agpiap;,paT the slag of 4100.00 1esrd the .instaMAS of the now V"`027 lamps on the Ovem Bridp,the ftim Boar& fools that this uosid be s very good ImproTemont,as present oonditious on the Bridge are not ,et geed. It was on ieasly gated tut the stun Doon pay One Haadred Dollare.4100.00 Uward the aest of this lup"Tement. very truly yours, Town, 1 I a MR, yyJ �wm/a TOWN CLERK AMC COI.LaCTOR SUPT, OF HIGHWAYS COWARt) R. SCOFIELD EDITH M.TANNIEN HARRY B. GRISWOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE 14 MILL STREET TOWIN OF WAPPINGER WAPPINGERS FALLS, NEW YORE( OF PIXACK ROWARA, ll. IMEATTY RALPH H C'llivollnit" K1.09"cMug" EMORY J, HAGER J9019 H DEVOE December 28 ,1946 Irs.711lis Van Voorhis Hughgonvillo,14.*Y. Dear Vrs.Van V00rh19l it is with door sorrow tb of our frie,04, and brother ,kisversor ne hap eorv*4 with untiving tevoti qualitlas of heoxt' 'he 'hag w0A Our - affection, 1-10 ah's'll 01,80 h Aot HEALTH OFFICER DR. W. E. GARLICK OFFICE HOURS 9A M. TO 12 M. - 1P. M. TO AP. M, SATURDAY 9 A. M. TO 12 M. 23S Ile EAU ........ . . .. ... ... 0