19506911: 0 N D ® /� ��. ,�Gr-� � � � �<•rr�' '.aha �•vej _n Rtrh� i r {.. �!%�n"' �/A/�•yAe Q, X4- 00 �I\XJ� r sa v� 0 IIp IJ i • R,6 Vii,/9l•g�. ma: m a-6,t4,6� {/ /-1r Sj /.,�s �Y/ 14 . Y6— /.sir l trA - g;10 n. � �& t"Itt.. A w n p a gy "I ze e f Y r I—AA p o., p 6" ec.�+73 ;d° �✓a',vr �t%°� � �P`a✓d+b'`G! N 9" .fi`�K./ ,u''", o"+�"`��.A .o-:.�iy f k fftl � i � ! jf) d A 9 ✓' 20,'WL 4at-;�� )v G �' fGo'e,t�` � AL4 7"�Arr p m ,C�L4"� V pp A ' P AM d Wank 1, �� ,, -" I '-,I 'µyf vu,.�(^y rna 'i°,.� i✓'' ' y `✓ v�_ - i ,. - �✓ '.����� .,,�,� .�, .,,,� °'� Nay t, _ ,., ... � ^ �wr;:.� v. FY...4 i ?� _ ✓ Ga'!i� dO., ;o �r,v �� P „% � ,.'���'" .;r16r .d��a°w . / rsJd�' ^..+ � '� .. �.,":..� �' � �� s�s �`�'��Jp/�,i�i"� 6"�j. �+� t�� t�"� � � �.� �'�,. "" c� '�` •.�-� �"'-..SCJ j�//ti�,+�..+-:ri�""�„ '�"' +'�r', :� �,i'°�° G�aP.•s ,L�d�✓."�.`+e „"�i�,r,� �,W"�',..... s�',f�,�'�� y d-"""'-�.,p�p. (,4;�a..�..�, ,. -,�.� t,.,.���'; �s,. �t..� 9^s.+,":.�..f. Town OI Nos . New YOrk; loge of Txoctar Iced AVE �? nVe g of tho the ofAca oin t nn of W Pn r, Y of AP oihnse50 ach P H. BOOT" of WaPPI g"f'sk 4 pe4u,v1• eR, DUtcNOss t;ou+,wr, WaPP S nfin has recommended taht a cost¢to xeeed Elva ten ton gos.roller, o Town Board Of the hundred dollars. Town of .WanPin er will meet in t0 office of the Town Board of the Tod of p��il, pin8er le, York. an the 6th daY 1959, of 8:09 p• m. to conaidex gucri PUT rr chose. Dated MaxcN 29.1850.�dir OOFI T. EDITH Ii. B Town Of W&Pnin dC1 Town Cicrk, 190 2h55s; r , 41 April 6, 1950 To the Yamchard a DenneW Now Uokonssoko Nov York '� ! � " N • °1" � if dS. : • • - . r ,< � • ,A S # '� i! # ..� r e� .�b � err #, • ,.r • JUMOO or •. Co ._ . • r :x� b: • 0 8 r r Ia p ' N Aly ) 14-11 .r • . % P— r=�JAtt-t M _ ._: �; � - �- �" - - __ r � '� Q �� '; �` � � �� � `_� ��? ... � ���', , E ��',�1 � , � r � f j y i � ,, ��� �� _. � r a. - __,,, _, r � e_ —;. ,. „ � ;"'�� r it ,t h kl �Qlf f �t��l / ,,� r r " � � � I�, �j , V - � ,, w � 1 . -, �. �.. �. ;. M1 .� f � �, �. ,� '' � , �� �' �� �� t � „�, ,�!� ��. a r � � � ��, *. / �¢ i i — � � C6N. (.b'.> t� jr A' 7d- jr T 4100 0111 "1'"1 7d 7 /1. fo <A9•v® U. 4100 0111 "1'"1 e- a { 00 t M t % u -7,O, . June 15, 1950 Town Board, Town of Wappingers Dutchess County, New York Gentlemen: We wish to respectfully submit the following complaint with 'regard to health and sanitation conditions in the village of Chelsea. Although the eastern section of the village is high above the Hudson River, there are large areas of swampland in this part of Chelsea. This is mainly due to the complete neglect (for the Past 10-15 yearsjY; of property owners in removing dead wood leaves, etc. from a small. brook which empties into the Audson„ ttae above conditions: -2- (1) Have the property owners "clean-up" the brook which drains this area, 1 (2) dig a 100 ft. ditch to drain one swampy area more directly into the brook# (3) investigate the possibility of installing a storm sewer to drain the swamps. It is requested that the Town Health Officer be instructed to investigate the situati6n described above* Respectfully submitted, CLO ej ti,1C. - 3 ) -I, I Q. , ,� _-_. �-__. i��, 394 396 -_ __ _ _ __ .� �,,.j. .� _;� l G 399 4/t� 7r*0 A t v at a re,.,-skiar rieef I lo'ura tht� '20"an OT ""'apping�'iuro hula ilk tt'ilo J4 Jft""i,3a In the i,iational ��aa, i�Uj"LL',111XVIt, U-1, 1, J. 1;" j, ",vw lor'... on the 7-th "'Ituy OT Japteu;"bers 3 9JO, Jy Emory J.11ager 0 the justiae ;,ouxta w. "'o -an of 1,',,appinger are subjeet to the provisions Ot the JastiO(54 Court ia of the aato of ;ioyi York- and 4191 the 'gown Board desires to p�'oovide T the pa�ment of additional oomp6nmation to jurors serving In the said Justies Courts, as authorized by Jeotic n 329 of the said justice Gourt Aot,- NOW.t TWUORO s, be it 1W"SOLUD that all persone notified to attend as jurors In Justioe Courts In the Town of Wappinger be and they hereby are entitled to receive the sum of two dollars ($200) for attonding and serving upon the trial of a of it notion or tho hearing of a speolul civil proceeding boforo a Justioe of the Peaeo of the Town of Wappinger, and to the sum of one dollar (01*00) for attending to serve where suoh porsons are not sworn an Jurors; AW be It further ALULUD that the Juatioos. of the i"foaoo off" the Town of �4apyin ger be and they hereby are authorized, empowered and direated, to oolloot the suma set forth above from the litigant dor aunding such jury Ibrlal orhearinp s lana to pay too same to the jurors atteudiu6 u I pon ouoh a trial or suoh a spoulal proaeeding,- Mal bo it jru-ztjt MMUMD tll(" JIerk be Mid 0116 horaby Is diveated to Jeliver to ea0h aad ever just,, '10 0, 'f the Sea" OX the NO" Of APPInger a.. oertIfied copy of this r0a0latioao and the said Jus"000 Of the Mae are haroby d1rooted each OT them to afTiz -SuOh oertified gopies to the DoOket 100ka maintained by them. Joeonded by COUnalbaan Jesse H.DeVoe Ayes: Supervisor & Councilmen Do HBRABY CERTIFY ext W ore of Is a trud and 0orroot gopy of a resolution Whi was duly adopt od At 1 regular =00ting Of the Town Boswd of the Town of Wappinger, Now yoAq hold On SOPtember 7fto 1950. I hereby oertity that the fOrOgOlng is a true and 00rre0t OPPY Of the resolutIon offered and unanimously &do d at a meeting of the Town Board of the Tovu of W,sp Ser, Datahess County -'P New york hold on the day OfSOPtember 19500t the Tovn'Offioes of the ovn of pp r, Buaheze county'o Nov York,, Dgtiedo September 7,24., 19506 849416M C-44) Porm A9 -.C. 14(3-ST.H. 20 (Rev.) baDatbnent of Audit and Control -SUGGESTED FORM OF RESOLUTION FOR TOWN HIGHWAY MACHINERY PURCHASES Resolution by. (Justice of Peace) -E-dward ---- B..BeAt �Y .......................................... -- ------------- .. ....... .. .. Seconded , by (J;mstlge (Town Councilman) ........ ..................... ........................... I Whereas the Town Superintendent of Highways did on the ...... 7 - t - h * ... day of ..... §!�PtqPlbeK ..... b!�......... 19.., duly recommend the purchase of certain (machinery) (equipment) (tools) pursuant to the I provisions of Section 142 of the Highway Law, and a notice of such recommendation has been duly pub- lished as provided in such section. Now Therefore Be It Resolved that pursuant to Section 142 of the Highway Law the Town Super- intendent of Highways is hereby authorized to purchase from ....... T7.jaox1..Yjaak ... R;Lp.tril?.Rt :r.0 Corporation (Vendor) ........................................................ ..................... with the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways: One.(.l) .black Dum-er. .1-odel with .................................... ... Heater & Defroster .......................................................... w.�!,v her mounted flasher ...o.n......t...o..p......o...f......c...a..b...a ..th .e.e. ... q Y ------ .................................................................................... ............................ .......... ........................................................................... for a total price of ... S�ye.n ... T.h.ons.and... 1q, i -n e .... Hundred .... Forty ... line _and 34 /10 .. .. ....... ........ ..... ..... ................ .. ........... . .. ........ ........ .................... Dollars ($ ......... 1.�,949..34 a . ...... ............... ), delivered at ............ TV N. ------­------ ---- ­"' and to be delivered on or about ..................... ....... Xovember..1s.........•__..... .................. ........... ........... The Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized, subject to the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways, to surrender to the above-named vendor ------------------------------------ - as part payment for the above (machinery) (equipment) (tools) to be purchased. The terms of payment will be as follows: Trade-in allowance Check drawn on Machinery Fund ... 949.34 .................................... Check from proceeds of obligations .................... I ........................ Total A contract of purchase for the items) purchased shall be duly executed between the Town Super- intendent of Highways and such vendor, and when duly approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, it shall become effective. When such contract has been duly executed and approved, the Supervisor is authorized to complete such purchase upon delivery of the item(s) purchased in accord- ance with the terms of such resolution and such contract, and to pay the above amount(s) specified to be paid by check or checks (1) by a check drawn on the Machinery Fund (Item 3) for............ $ ZA. 2..34 .................. (2) by a check in the amount of $ ......................................... drawn on the account established from the proceeds of obligations to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law to finance such purchase. Such obligations will be authorized to be issued by this Board by a separate resolution. If this Board subsequently decides to issue bonds to finance such purchase, the value of the above item(s) traded -in toward the purchase price shall be considered as (a down payment) (a part of the down payment) required by Section 107.00 of the Local Finance Law. (over) Vote of Town Board......_. (Aye) (X&V) ...... Ed!p�rd R-300field -.1 ................... I ........................ ..................... Supervisor (Aye). fNw) ....... R. . H.Dederer (Justice of Peace .... .......... I .......................................... .................... T@Wft Ge"MikMwa- (Aye) 4Xay)..... Edward -B...Beatty..................................... 1Justice of Peace .................... ..' . .. .. ........ QuMaUMIR42 4XW) ....Emory J.Hager (Aye). ... . T-4-j— --F ......................................................... ................ Town Councilman (Aye) (-NW) ....... J.es.se...H..-DeVoe ................................ Ustico OX Xgaae .. ..... ... . .............. ........... Town Councilman (Type or write in names of Town Board members and indicate how they voted) State of New York County of ...... Dutchess ..................................... ss.: of 'qAP Town --PA-qzfT .................... . . ................. Edith ... H..B.o.oth ............................................................................ Town Clerk of the Town of .............. ..... .. .. ........ ............... !�MPLngf�?Z- ........ .................... I ............. in the County of .............. Dutche-s-a ................................ N. Y. do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding copy of a resolution with the.original thereof, duly adopted by the Town Board of such town at a (regular) (Apacia4 meeting of such board held on ...... .... 1- ................................ 1 19.. ., and that the same is a true and correct copy of such resolution and of the whole thereof., Ins Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this ,7the timony ". ' ............. ............... day of ... Sept.em.ber ........... .............. ........... ..... ........ -16 ... . . . ... .............. ......... ........ .................... (Town SeaI)' Town Clerk o the Town of Wappinger I ..... W.appi.Dg.e.rs ... Falls, . ..................... N. Y. .. .......... ..... .. .. .. ........ .. .. . (The foregoing is a suggested form of resolution to be used at a town board meeting in connection with the purchase of town highway machinery, equipment, or, tools, under Section 142 of the Highway Law. It does not have to be followed in the exact language used. If it is followed, it should be changed, where necessary, to fit the circumstances.) 400 '64 OF 401 402 Ab 411.J VI 60 PRELIMINARY 1 BUDGET N Notice is hereby given that the prelim nary budget of the Town of Wappinge 'Or the fiscal year beginning January 1951 "been completed and filed in th )flice of the TownFalClerk, National Ban; Building, Mill Street, Village of Wappin Pers MIS, where it is avallable for in spection by any Interested 'Person at al reasonable hours. Further notice is hereby given that Ih Town Beard of the Town of Wappinger, willocbudgetland hold t and aepublicsucrlimina hearingethereon at the Town Hall ,National Bank Bullding Mill Street, Village of WafP. m0ppingppers Falls, M, onthe27th yin ',heacf rOoEohero 1950 end that at paid hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against the pre. Ilminary budget, as compiled or for or against any item 01 items therein cOn- talned, Pursuant to Section 113 of the Town Law, the proposed salaries for. the follow. tng Town Officers are hereby specified as f011oW5: Supervisor Justices of Peace, Two $1200.00 Councilman Two at$300 each 1500.00 Town Clerk, Collector Town Superintendent 1500.00 Town Attorney 3000.00 00-00 By order of theTown Board EDITH It. 1300TH )aced Octoberwlerk16, 01950 190-3233 Y ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ..... �i�l?�:rl�r 151 P GENERAL FUND — APPROPRIATIONS Town Board: Town Hall and Offices Rentals (board room, elections, etc.) $ 360.00 Compensation of employees 50 . G 0 Purchase of furniture and equipment 200 , 0 0 Repairs, light, heat and telephone 4—() .00 Other expenses 4 Q Q Q.00 Elections Compensation of election officials 140) . G 0 Compensation of custodians voting machines 20 (j • Q Q Voting machines, purchase and repair _ 200 .00 Other expenses _200 . C10 Insuraneelt of T'olli.ng "laces 2'50.00 Compensation insurance 1400 .00 Fire and liability 300 .6 0 Official bonds and undertakings 1200.Q0 Other 2Ot; .C)O Printing and advertising (all departments) 30 O .O O Attorneys' fees and expenses of litigation Annual audit and examination Dues Assn .0f Towns 5() nn Employees' retirement System (town share) L R i' Assessrnent Rolls' 700.00 ._._._ Total $ '7810.00 Supervisor: Salary21 0 0 .0 Office and other expenses 250.00 'T'ptat s ]_4,50.()0) Justice of Peace: Salaries 1900 .00 Office and other expenses 35.00 Total 1935.00 Councilmen: Salaries 600.00 Office and other expenses .7". (:)0 Total $ 60 7 L0 Town Clerk: Salary 1500.00 Office and other expenses 310.00 Total :1.810.00 Assessors: Salaries 1975 .O O Office and other expenses 25.00 Total $ 2C)00,GC) Receiver of Taxes or Tax Collector: Salary Office and other expenses Total (Over) 2 Town Attorney: Salary Office and other expenses Planning Board: Compensation of employees Office and other expenses TOTAL OF TOWN GOVERNMENT r00 .00 30f— .00 Total__�� Total Total__________ Total x$16.112.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs: Compensation Other expenses _ 50.00 0 Total Dog Warden: $ 50.00 Compensation 40 0 off. Other expenses 100 0a Traffic: Total EQ -Q-.0 Signs, signals and highway lighting Forest Fires: —�50-00 Compensation of employees Other expenses — ---- WAR EMERGENCY PURPOSES Total_______ TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY .Total EDUCATION Attendance Officer: Compensation Other expenses 50.00 10.00_ Total $- 60.00 co School Director: Compensation Other expenses Town Library: Compensation or payments to libraries Other expenses TOTAL EDUCATION Parks and Playgrounds: Compensation of Employees Other expenses PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCES TOTAL RECREATION 3 RECREATION PUBLIC UTILITIES 25,00 ].f} .00 Total $ 05.00 _ 400 .00 Total 40 Q • QQ $ 4e?L _Ot' Total 500.00 200.00_ $ Cemeteries: Compensation of employees Other expenses TOTAL PUBLIC UTILITIES Total $ MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND INTEREST Redemption of Debt (Principal) : Temporary loans Emergency appropriation loans Deficiency loans Other temporary loans (specify) BONDS (Give title of each) Total a b TOTAL REDEMPTION OF DEBT Total $ (Over) 4 Interest on Debt: Interest on temporary loans Interest on bonds (give title of trach) TOTAL INTEREST ON DEBT Total CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS Nature of Improvement: b- Other L+'x�penses 500.00 c TOTAL CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENTS Total 1CiC)—0. Q-0 ) MISCELLANEOUS Veterans' Organizations for Rooms: OTHER EXPENSES (describe in detail) b Expenses to A s n_Sonvention c d TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS CONTINGENT FUND Section 112 of the Town Law 250.00 30U' 0 .00 M00,00 Total 3550.00 s M 5 GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES Mortgage taxes 3C)(? n n Income taxes k y Franchise taxes Alcoholic Beverage taxes (town share) Pe r . C 1p t , AS s t . 1339 5.0 0 Interest and penalties on taxes Dog licenses (from county) 80 0 .00 Other licenses (town ordinances) Fines, penalties and forfeitures Rent of town property Fees of town clerk 900 .O0 Fees of Justices of Peace 1030 .00 Fees of Assessors Fees of tax collector Fees of Constables and police officers Sale of town property All other Int. on U.S ,Bonds 1C�tt Total $-122 2b _0 0 Unexpended balance (Section 115, Town Law) 4132 ,00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) $ 2335"ls.-Q0 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Appropriations: General government 1611? 0C1 Protection of persons and property Education) Recreation 700.00 Public utilities Redemption of Debt Interest on debt Construction and permanent improvements 1000,00 Miscellaneous 3650.00 Contingent purposes 900 - 0 TOTAL TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 23357 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) .00 $ $ 23.357 00 AMOUNT OF TAXES TO BE RAISED FOR GENERAL FUND (Over) i ,i k y G w. HIGHWAY FUND Highway Fund (Item 1) --Appropriations: General repairs 15000 .00 Special Improvements TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $.._1!KLQ .OQ Estimated Revenues: State aid 12Q U . 0 Q Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance 100 . UG TOTAL REVENUES_ 1300.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1) $=14=10 Bridge Fund (Item 2) ---Appropriations: Labor and team work 3 0 .00 Materials for repairs and maintenance Construction of new 'bridges TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 6QC" . QQ Estimated Revenues: Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 2)� Machinery Fund (Item 3) --Appropriations: Purchase of machinery, tools and implements 2800 .0 Repair of machinery, tools, and implements 1800; .00 Storage of machinery and implements aQ _QD Repairs or pay of operators on machinery rented 11 b2l.DL Gasolene or oil for machinery rented 100.00 Redemption of machinery certificates Interest on machinery certificates _1998.00 50 , 00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS i1C)0 •C10 Estimated Revenues: Rentals of machinery^300 . 00 Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES $ 3(110.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR ,HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 3) 6€00 .Q0 7 (Over) Snow and Miscellaneous Fund (Item 4) ---Appropriations: Salary of town superintendent Expenses of town superintendent Salary and expenses of deputy superintendent Removing obstructions caused by snow 20 �n 0n Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush 2 Q() _nn Other miscellaneous purposes 30�j iC) TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 75 IO 10 Estimated Revenues Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance 300 OC TOTAL REVENUES $ 300 .0i-, AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 4) $ 7 2(-; O n0 TOWN HEALTH FUND Appropriations Board of Health: Salary of health officer 7G 0 C Other health expenses • 9.50 TOTAL BOARD OF HEALTH 709.50 $ Registrar of Vital Statistics: Compensation of registrar 40.00 Other expenses 3.00 'I'C>TAL REGISTRAR VITAL STATISTICS - 43.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR TOWN HEALTH 752 R 50 (Over) 8 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF DUTCHESS I ss. Edith R.Booth . .......................... ................................................ Town Clerk of the Town of .......... ............ Do HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the foregoing with the annual budget of the town of ....................... duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town on the ...... 2.1'4,day of P, 4 ua�ij ............ ...... I ............ 19.0.., and entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of said B Zd oa and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of said annual budget and the whole thereof. I ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of said Town this., 4.7 qday of . .............................................. (SEAL) Town Clerk PLEASE OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING 1. Make three copies of the Town budget 2. File one copy with the Supervisor of the Town 3. File one copy with the Town Clerk 4. File one copy with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors not later than November 1st, 19 ..... 0 9 ANNUAL BUDGET—SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS -19.'61. TOWN OF............ jttppi,3age.:r ......... ... —, ............................ .................. FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS Miscellaneous expenses Fire Protection contract TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues: Unexpended balance AMOUNTTO BE RAISED FOR.... ..... -FIRE PROTECTION H .............................. FIRE DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS Bond principal Bond interest Purchase of equipment Other expenses TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues Fire protection contract Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO 13E RAISHID FIRE ]DISTRICT (Over) 437. 56 10 ........... ............................ FIRE DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS Bond principal Bond interest Purchase of equipment Other expenses TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues: Fire protection contract Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED FOR..... .............. FIRE DISTRICT 2600 GO 550.00 420 . 6 0 1586.81 5056.81 2000.00 30 50 .00 6.£31 N e.w ... I CkexlS Ck.....................FIRE DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS Bond principal —70-0- - .00 Bond interest 243.00 Purchase of equipment 600.00 Other expenses -1555,617 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Est 9ttd xRelvenn es protection : contract Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED FORROW.. 1T4PX!qA9APJRE DISTRICT 6098.67 $ 5098,67 11 ................ Ll'.q gh P4.0 nvi 11 P. ......... ............... LIGHT DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS Cost of Improvement: Bond principal Bond interest Purchase and installation Other expenses Total $ Maintenance: Personal service 1050.4 Payment on contract Other expenses Total $1060 -4 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ Estimated Revenues: Unexpended balance AMOUNT TO BE RAISED FOR.A!11&().nV.ill.e ...... LIGHT DISTRICT $-_10 50 .40 .......................„Cheleea ........................... LIGHT DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS Cost of Improvement: Bond principal Bond interest Purchase and installation .Other expenses Total $ Maintenance: Personal service 642.21 Payment on contract Other expenses Total $ 542.21 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues Unexpended balance $ AMOUNT TO BE RAISED FOR..... .........LIGHT DISTRICT $__E42 .21 (Over) 12 ......................................................................LIGHT DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS Cost of Improvement: Bond principal Bond interest Purchase and installation Other expenses Total Maintenance: Personal service Payment on contract Other expenses Total. TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues Unexpended balance AMOUNT TO BE RAISED FOR....... ........................LIGHT DISTRICT" � ............1.........................................WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS PAYMENT ON CONTRACT V Estimated Revenues: Unexpended balance AMOUNT TO BE RAISED FOR....................................WATER DISTRICT ^ This budget for Special District purposes must be filed with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors not later than October 1, 19......... Respectfully submitted, Supervisor Town of MR 404 Alffimplew'.1m 1/9 n �) � �� � �✓ J i �i ... { ,. { I I fial .. ,� II F ..,, � i .. .. '. v _. I _. {{ ..: } FI rl ::'. ' �� Y .... .. S� .. t� kl A � �1 { i �� t� ,_. _ _ _ 7$j` ii t � ' r 406 /77 / 7; 17? N m 400 408 iii up i -f4 ' WMI EWA, M or". All 7MIr .Wair-- r mpg A 1 y +re ,may �t 7J- SUPERVISOR EDWARD R, SCOFIELD JUGTICCS OF PEACE EDWARD B. 13EATTY RALPH H. DEDERIER COUNCILMEN ITMORY J. HACKER JESSE H, DEVOE TOWN CLERK AND COLLECTOR EDITH M. TANNER SUPT, OF HIGHWAYS HARRY B. GRISWOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE 14 MILL STREET WAPPINGERS FALLS, NEW YORK HEALTH OFFICER DR, W, E, GARLICK OFFICE HOURS IDA M -TO 12 M. - 1P.M,T0 4P,M, SATURDAY 9 A. M, TO 12 M. kotion rade by Juntice Dederor seaonded by Councilman Hager that the S'UPOrvisor is authorized to Complete such purchase upon delivery of the trackIlin accordance with Seo.63 of the looal Finance law,and pay the amount of ",7949.34 with funds borrowed from the Vational Barili of Jappingers Falle,14,Y, interest not to ezoeed two per cent, Payments to be made to the Bational Bank of Wappingers Valle 11.y.as followst Payment vo#1 I'arch 16,1952 - 2000.00 J10.2 Larch, 15,1965 2000,00 rr B0.3 karoh 15,1954 2000.00 fio 1,aroh 15,1955 1949.34 I hereby ori fr that, the above is a true copy of resolution ,Passed by the ToVM Board o,,,f the Town of 'NappingerDatoheas U00t1tS hold In the Town Hall on 'December 7,1'060 tali Town Clerk. r �h„v( ee, �