1975-01-09 " , TOWN OF WAPPINGER RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF JANUARY 9, 1975 MEETING Next meeting - January 30, 1975 The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held at the Town Hall on January 9, 1975. The meeting was opened at 7:35 P.M. Present: Hugh J. Maurer, George Schlathaus, Richard Garren, Joseph Ennesser, James Porter, Jean Beahan and Laura Zick Absent: Mrs. Alfred Arkell ___ POP t.JARNER_____ Mr. Gerry Park attended the meeting to speak to the Commission about the Pop Warner budget. He presented the Commission with a breakdown of the budget. Mr. Park said that so far East Fishkill was the only other town contributing to Pop Warner. Mr. Maurer asked Mr. Park how much Pop Warner needed from the Recreation Commission. Mr. Park said it would be up to the Commission to decide how much they wished to contribute. Mr. Garren asked Mr. Park about Pop Warner's original premise that they would only need help for a few years. Mr. Park said that originally that was what they had hoped to do, but due to all the increases in costs Pop Warner would probably need some amount of help each year. Mr. Maurer suggested that the Recreation Commission pay for the protective equipment that was needed. Everyone agreed that this was a good idea. Mr. Park was asked to speak to the other Pop Warner Board Members at their next meeting, Tuesday, January 21, 1975, and prepare an itemized list of wbat equipment was needed. Mr. Park agreed to have the list ready for Mr. Garren in time for the Recreation Commission1s next meeting which would be January 30, 1975. 4-H CLUB A letter was received from Miss Lorraine Crosby, vice-president of the Rumps & Withers 4-H Club, requesting the use of the Robinson Lane Recreation Area for a Horse Show. The club wished to hold the Horse Show either May 25, May 26, or June 1. The Secretary was requested to send a letter to Miss Crosby explaining that because of ground conditions it would be impossible to have a horse show at that time of year. Any horse shows would have to be held sometime after August. SENIOR CITIZENS Jean Beahan asked if there was something the Commission could do for the Senior Citizens. Everyone agreed that the Commission should do all it can to help them. Mrs. Beahan suggested an adult .- teenager setup where teenagers would help Senior Citizens on weekends with lawn care, shoveling snow, etc. and possibly provide transportation for shopping. Mr. Maurer suggested a dance in one of the school gyms on a Saturday night. Mr. George Schlathaus said all these ideas were good but he suggested that the best thing to do would be for a member to attend a meeting of the existing clubs and ask the Senior Citizens how the Commission could help and what they would like to see done. Everyone agreed this was can excellent idea. Mrs. Beahan said she was willing to attend the club meetings. The Secretary was requested to find out who the directors of the clubs were and when they meet and give the information to Mrs. Beahan. _ Pag~ 2----Recreation Commission---1/9/75 SKI TRIPS The ski trips had to be cancelled due to lack of interest. Mrs. Laura lick said a statement would be put in the paper stating that the trips had been cancelled. Mrs.Zick had also gone to Dutchess Ski Area to inquire about discount tickets but the Area was closed. Mr. Maurer said Fahnestock Ski Area had called saying that they would be interested in working something with the Recreation Commission. Mrs. lick said she would contac them. ROLLER SKATING ____r>1J:'_? .J e C3_n_~e ah a nn_ElU g ges"1:;_edj;ha-t_tb_e__Re_c;Qe a tin O_CO}DITl.1S ~i()1l10o ~ into sponsoring a Roller Skating trip to the Avalon Skating Rink on Broadway Ave., Newburgh. Everyone agreed it was a good idea. Mr. Ennesser said there used to be skating at the school gym on Friday nigbts but it was no longer allowed. Mr. Maurer told Mrs. Beahan to look into the cost of a trip to the Avalon Skating Rink. WI i'JTE R PROGRAI'1 Mrs. Laura Zick said the Winter Program was all set to start Saturday, January 11, 1975. The only problem was that there was no instructor for Boys Gymnastics. Mrs. lick said an add had been put in the paper for an instructor and hopefully one would be found. If not Boys Gymnastics would have to be dropped. Mrs. Zick said that a second instructor was hired for the women in the Adult program and the gym would be divided in half. The Secretary was requested to make copies of the permission slips for the program and give them to Mr. Ennesser. LAi-1! NATDR Mr. Maurer asked if any information had been received on laminators. No one had any information but Mr. Ennesser said he would look ~nto borrowing or renting one from IBM. PARK SIGNS The Commission unanimously voted to adapt. the park hours of operation te be fnom one hour before sunrise remaining open until one hour after sunset, pursuant to the Town Ordinance. GORDON PROPERTY ~lr. Porter asked the Commission if the Gordon property in Chelsea was going to be used as a buffer zone or for recreation. Mr. Maurer said that as far as he knew nothing had been decided yet by the Town Board. The Secretary was requested to send a letter to the Town Board asking them what their intent wasfor the Gordon Property: . BIDS Mr. riaurer motioned that the Commission accepted the bid from Letterii Sporting Goods for the Girls, Boys and Mens Baseball Program 1975 Equipment. It. waS seconded by Mr. Ennesser and carried. I . . Pag~ 3---Recreation Commission---l/9/75 MINUTES Mr. George Schlathaus motioned to accept the minutes of the 12/5/74 and 12/19/74 meetifY:) s. I t was seconded by Mr. Rida rd Garren and carried. Mr. Richard Garren motioned to adjourn;:the meeting. It was seconded by Mr. r-l a u r era n d car r i e d. The me e tin g c 1 0 sed at 9: 3 0 r ,P . 1'-1 . Respectfully submitted, dr -~----~- ---------- ------~------ --~S;:JJit_~vi._l~2~p______ _____ Deborah Ruit, Secretary