1977-02-24 ('Ifl', "-"- TOWN OF WAPPINGER REC~EATION CO~~IS5IC MINUTES OF FEBRUAqy 24, 1977 MEETI~5 i'1! ex t ;r, e 8 tin S - l"i arc h 1 7, 1 9 77 The rB~u13r ~eeting of the Town of ~appi~ger Recreation COGmission was held at the Town Hall on Fe~ruary 24, 1977. T~e neetin; was o~anej at 7:4J p.m. Present: Hugh J.Maur8r, George Schlathaus, Mary Sch~alz, Ron Petro and Joseph Ennesser nosent: Theresa Arkell and Jean Beaha~ L~ T E R \j IE ,~ The Commission interviewed Mr. Vernon Smith for the open position on the Recreation Commission. CO::::.i\Jn"TIC, ;\DVISORY CQLJ.\CII_ ~;r. Ed ~3wks18Y attended the meetinJ to discuss the Conservation Advisory Council's plan for an Erosion Centrol ~rojBct at ~obinso~ Lane. Nr. Hawksley ~xplainej that he did not know what tr2 project would consist of because he di~~'~ w3nt to start people worki~~ until he h~d received tentQtive a~rrcv31 from the Recreation Co~missic~. The project w=~~d ~onsist mainly of con~rolling erosion at the sharp berd i~ the creek a-d it could possibly be us~j as a aenonstration project. Mr. Hawksley explained that he doesntt envision any expense other than in ki-d service. ~ost of the work will be dor,e 'c'y tOle Youth Conservation Corps. r<r. Ha.-Jksley said he via uld like tentative approval based on the co~pletion of pla~s. rr. Maurer explained that the Co~'mission has future plans f2r the creek and would like to coordinate then with the Councils pla~s. The Commissiors plan is to dig out a lake for swimming and use the fill to upgrade the land. Mr. Hawksley said he was sure the c6uncil could work the Erosion Control Project into the Co~nissions plans. The Connssion unanimously voted ill favor of granting tentative approval based on co~p18tion of plans, to the Conservation Advisory Council for an Erosion Control Project at Robinso~ Lane. DIReCTOR'S RePORT Mr. En~esser reported that all the Wi~ter Progra~s were doing fine and there were no ~ore custodial problems at the schools. The Indo~r Tennis Program got off to a good start Tuesday night a~d attenda~ce at the Soccer Frogram is excellent with very good adult participation. A packet of information on tne Senior Citizen Trips is on the ~ay and when the information is received notific~tion will be in the ne~spaper and flyers will be sent to the 5~nicr Citizen Centers. Over 12J people went on the roller sk3ting trip and everything was fine excect o~e cus got a flat tire on the way ho~e. Tne ~ir~er Progra~s end on March 1Sth at Myers Corners School and on March 12th wt tna Ju~!.ior HiJh. ;\ext Y8ar tr,~_~ Jo,y-s EEJsketbal.l B;;d the Girls G j ~, ---: ,'S t ,i :: s .; i 11 nee d :.. 0 bed .i v i. d e d :J t~ ::: .:3 use 0 f the n u '":". :: e r 0 f chi I d r en. i\::. ::-'8SS,'':'" said he '.^JDuld like to app~y for the job c.;f SUMmer Director so GB C~- ~et into early plannir] so t~3 Di~Qctors of tne Playgrcunds can pl.o.:rl t:: ::": cor ~jeforr: thc: actual start of tl-:e, program. Hr. Petro and j'rs. S::';-".J_z felt the joj should be advertised. It was decided to put a noti~~ in the newspaper that t~ [om~ission would be accepting appl~c~:ions ?a;2 2---~ecreation Commission---2/24/77 Tor ths Jirector's job until March 9th a~d all the other application would =2 G~= =y Apri~ 1st. 5 ~ . I C ~ C I T I Z E :.~ S ~' .=3. S:r~alz said she wished to c13rify that at the lest meeting she did ~-~ -~~.- to give the ii-npression that the joh of organizing the trip for t ~ 5~-~=r Citizens was too ~uch work and she requested that the minutes :;3 c:-2r;ed. i-irs. Schi71alz expli3ined that she ;;:ade the suggestion because ::r. ?:'B-<~. held su~;asted that maybe the Senior Citizens ItJould like to be ~rVc_va= In helpln] to plan the trips. ,.... '-, - -- - - :J;..,.';...l.,.~,\ "- -. -'-' ';..11z rr;prcted::~nt ov,;r 2GJ crildrer: are involved in the Soccer r=C:=2~. j'r. Schlatnaus asked if there wes a breakdown of how many of ~r2 :ri:jre, are nonresidents. Mrs. Sc~n31z said o~e could be made up. -~. S=~-alz said that Jill DIKans did an excellent job of scheduling --- -~~~ and thu High School boys frc Kctch3~ stay all day Jnd work ~~-J ~3:: with ths childrBn. ::::: -, :;.::: S ~_. J E J C E: - , -, ..; -- . . , ~ --. -. .... ~ rBcues~~d use of two tennis CD~rt5 again this year from May 3rd to cr Tuesdays from 9:JO a.~. to 2:30 p.~. ~~s. 5ch~alz made a motion C'1FTJrLI'Jal. It "Jas S2::or,dec ~JY :'r. Sc:iil"Jth2'~!s 3'1d carried. V I . .f . ....... r, , -. 'Nd 5~_ocu~ fro;,1 RockinJham F ,_.~s T'2questfJd use of the Rockingham ---__~~,::_:_d for thE; f"jens L,JdJU8. [<r. [--,esser said he ~'iould take carl''' of s .:.. - ,,= u .::. :. . c; the;-. Respectfully submitted CJJilC-<-~ /fud:: Deborah Ruit