1977-05-05 _r . ~ .. iC!,';,. OF ':J;\PPIi,lGtt1 nECriEATIOf~ CC:"0155I:,. r.jli'.JUTE5 OF f~u\Y 5, 1 977 r"!::~TI'~~ ~xt ne2'tlr.lg - li 26, 1977 The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger ?ecrea~i2n Com7ission was held at ~H8 Town Hall on May 5, 1977. The mee~in; was opened at 7:35 p.m. ~ . -'''r"'~~c:.'''','r . . _. _..;;. "- i, l.J . Hu 'Jh J. :"lau rer, C; 80r ge So hIa th aus, f.:::;:::y S::: r" elz, VB r" a r, Smi'th and Joseph Ennesser Absent: Theresa Arkell, Jean Beahan and Ron?etra T-'.. ''''.- ~ ""'.. ~. ;'~ ; '.. .i.. ;:) ~r. En~esser reported that he had spoken Wl~n Ro~ Petro and they felt ~n8 tennis prcgra~shculd start on May 16th e~d rUG ~hrough JULY 30th 133ving July 31st to September 1st open and thenhDlding registration for the to~rnam8nts September 1st, through the 8th anj t~en start the t:.:urn:::r..-:sr-;ts on September 10th. ,c:. G2ur~r said tharesurfacing of the oourts si;ht net be finished y the 15th. Dora Reinhard .saidthat there'wocld ~e no problem to d81ay the clinics for a couple of days ~f needsd. i';2:'S. Dor~:; RBinnLl':':i cind S!:, ,"'-i'en Kraeh"lt:c would a;ain be headi.:1; the ~:~"CJg,':-3fn. ,.,? ~r1:"'!ess;~r 3aiLJ he would' cO!1tac~t Paul ar':i .Jave ~'Ji:~r;in :::,: 'C)ti -;; CC'Je-;r.;.n tj the ouurts on Dora 2nd Ste ff8n days eff. Job des er iptions' ci:::.J:..d r.j:~; :-ace up by [:ir. EnrH:~sser for each job. i'::c. !"laurer felt that if t~s.;iggins ware not available for the job Df a~tandants then ~he C0i1!fi1i.5Sior1' should try to pick someone with tei"'i:'lis interest. i<rs. ,ici::hard said the program ~",ould start wi th clinics and she would 2.i;<8 to orgarlizs" si.gn-,upsin advanc.~ at the courts. I~ was d~cided to have sign ups on May 12th and 13~h from 6 - B p.m. They would start wit~ 4 clinics. Tuesdays 6p.m. Adult beginners, 7 p.m. adult advan~ed beginners ~8dnesdaye 6 p.m. adult advanced beginners, 7 p.m. adult beginners 3:30 p.m. Children 8 - 11, 4:30 p.m. j~~iors 12 - 16 ~ore clinics would be set up as the need develops. If Mrs. Reinhard f081s there are too many clines, then only two courts will be used. L.adders . \'Jill sta.::-t on June 1 st. Dora and Steffen \:lill take over the sign up sheet and the nm'isheet will go up at 7:15 p.m. each day. Two ball hoppers would have to be pJrchas~d. SPOO~( HILL ESTATE'S . .'r s- . 0' f ~ e i 1 ( 29 7 - 0 364) and r'; r s. 0 I ,'1 a.L1. ay ( 291- 3 4 31) at ten d e d th e me e tin 9 "'-. to discuss developing SO~le recreation in their development, Spook Hill Estat0s. It was decided that the Commission will nake a field trip with tne Tow~ Engineer and then they would get back to ~.::-s. O'Neil and r'rs. O'i.ialley. In the mea'ntime f'i::.:s. D'iJel and ;-:r3. O'i.;alley are to put to;ether a list of thingS they would like t~ see at the area. FL.E A ;'~IA2t<U i.;~~/. Sullivun(297-3D16) frDii\ t.he Girls Softb'3.l1 League attended th~:: ;"::38ti:-l'j t~-:: ask -:h-s Cc:rr .is~~ion for pcrmissicr~ j,:o hold a flea :7:c:-~~ct at Ho~iGs~n Lane on June 4th and 5th with Juns 11th and 12th as rain u~.~-~os r ;::-:'. S c. h.J. L-~ t, a U:1 ~~ G i L'! t h ["; r- e \ 'J C U 1 d t-; (:; ti D 0 tJ j e c t.~,~} :-^' as 1 C '"""; :; a-s i t~ ,;0 iJ 1 d not ~ .. ~P~GE 2---Recrestion Commission---5/S/77 F L E 1\ tOI ARK E T con ~ 1 d .:o,l. conflict with the parking. They would need to knew how many gam~sare scheduled for those days ~ Mr. Maurer said they should lim~t the number of stands to twenty. Mrs~ Sullivan agreed. Mr. Ennesser said he would check the game schedul~ a~d then ga~ back t~ Mrs. Sulliva~. s',n H PROGiiAf'j ~lr. Ennesser reported that he checked with Mount Alvernia but their pool has not been in use for some years. The total cost of holding a program at Marist would be ~2400 including transportation. Y MJKE E r.=n P Mr. Ennesser said he might drop the Yankee trip mainly bec~use they have been very uncooperative and also because of a safety factor. The t.ickets recei 'Jer: are for the thrid deck. j'.; I JU T E S The lilinutres fa::- i:he .April 7th and ';pril 26th me=n:;H;~s ~'liere approved. Tho next neeting was set for May 26th at 7:00 p.m~ Ths meating was closed at 10:30 p.r. Respectfully sub~ittedJ Q~-uv/'-- .JZ L</~ Deborah Ruit The follow~ng vouchers were approved f6r payment; Urey Hardware Joseph J. Ennesser Urey Hardware George Schlathaus Seorge Schlathaus Rovle Rutledge E.J. [~;arir; ~j. &..5. Supply H.G.. E. Office r"iachines Hudson Valley Block Wappingers Central School $ 2.65- 27.45 45.38 36.75 13.50 83.46 45.00 . 132.96 "-. 4- 86 19.80 175.20