1986-03-06 AGENDA Ma rch 6, 1986 Meeting Called To Order Present: Interview: Hugh J. Keenan 7:30 P.M. Peter J. Konco 8:00 P.M. Approve Minutes: February 13, 1986 Corrections: By: Seconded: Correspondence - Copy of Letter Received from Joseph Paggi, Engineer regarding Quiet Acres REPORTS: H.J.M. R.B. E. K. J.M. F.P. M. S. H.S. B. W. Old Business - Shelly Proposal Robinson Lane Spook Hill _ Path Swim Study New Business - . Meeting Adjourned: Next Meeting: , .., ~ WAPp, ~O~-;-t" / ~e-;;. _ ',,~: gj/ . ii',',' '.' '. ' 1~ i I- ....... . i > ~'J' o f~'l\'v! ~. ~\~ //~~. (\~"'~" ~~SS co~. TOWN OF WAPPINGER RECREATION COMMISSION MILL STREET WAPPINGERS FALLS. N. Y. 12590 ~-- MARCH 6, 1986 MINUTES NEXT MEETING APRIL 10. 1986 AT 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held March 6, 1986 at Town Hall, Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with the following persons present: Hugh J. Maurer, Chairman, Robert Blose, Director and Commission Members Ellen Korz, Frank Presti, Mary Schmalz, Herb Stoller, Bill Wood and Town Councilman David Reis. T he first order of business was to interview two applicants for the position of Maintenance Supervisor. Mr. Hugh J. Keenan of Newburgh and Mr. Peter Konco of Poughkeepsie were the applicants. After a discussion of duties etc., a question was brought up regarding benefits available. Mr. Reis said he would check with the Comptroller. Mr. Maurer is to meet with both applicants on Tuesday, March 11th to show them the Recreation Areas. Mr. Keenan at 10:00 a.m. and Mr. Konco at 4:30 p.m. Mr. Maurer mentioned that he had received several calls regarding the parking on Spook Hill Road. Cars are parking on both sideS of the road causing a hazardous condition. He also mentioned that a lot of junk has been deposited in front of the gate at Castle Point. Washers etc are placed there so it is not possible to open the gate. ROBINSON LANE Mr. Maurer mentioned he had attended the workshop with Mr. Shelley regarding the proposed lake at Robinson Lane. The Board felt it might be a good concept but beeause of Sprout Creek, felt tests should be done. Another point of concern was the time frame of 10 possibly 11 years. Mr. Stoller felt that the project shouldn't be dropped. Mr. Maurer said there are several different opinions regarding the aquifer and Sprout Creek and he felt if we were concerned about the project, we should do the study. The majority of our members feel we should pursue it. Mr. Reis asked us to get all the information available and present it to the Town Board. The Board could then decide which way to go. Mr. Maurer questioned Mr. Reis regarding the position of the Recreation Commission. He noted that in the past the Commission was not approached for recommendations and was not consulted regarding recreation matters. Little League ~.- -~ . . . ~..,..... Page 2 MINUTES March 6, 1986 Pop Warner, Soccer, and Senior Citizens would go directly to the Supervisor for addit~ona1 funds etc. Mr. Reis felt that the Recreation Commission should be approached on these matters and felt we should be considered regarding such decisions. The minutes of the February 13th meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Stoller seconded by Mr. Wood. All were in favor. SPOOK HILL Mr. Maurer mentioned that he had been to the above site and noted a problem with the drainage along the paths. A letter has been written to the Town Board requesting the Engineer to the Town to visit the site to discuss the situation. SCHLATHAUS PARK Mr. Maurer mentioned that BOCES is ready to work on the shelter for the bandstand. The thought was that the Highway Department might be able to help us transport it from the BOCES facility on Salt Point Road to the Park. He also mentioned that if the students were unable to completely finish the project we might have to hire someone to do it. QUIET ACRES A copy of a letter addressed to Supervisor Paino was forwarded to us stating that the Engineer had visited the above site. In the letter ht stated that there were 2 possible sites for the building but he felt a detailed survey should be done to verify the exact property lines. We are now waiting for further Town Board action. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Blose reported the start of a new Open Volleyball program at Myers School on Friday nights at 7:00. He also reported that the Recreation Commission is co-sponsoring with the Girl Scouts two introduction to dance programs. They are both held at Evans School and run for 6 weeks. The first starts on Wednesday, March 5th and runs from 3:15 to 4:15. The second program starts on March 1st and is on Saturdays from 10:00 to 11:30. On a motion by Mrs. Schmalz seconded by Mr. Wood, it was agreed that if both applicants desire the job of Maintenance Director we go with Mr. Keenan. On a motion by Mr. Wood seconded by Mrs. Schmalz, the meeting closed at 9:45 p.m. c?~ Qt\L- Peggy Roe Secretary