1986-04-10 ,...---~- AGENDA April 10. 1986 Meeting Called to Order Present: Approve Minutes - March 6, 1986 By: Seconded: Corrections: rorrespondence - Letter from Heritage Task Force Letter from New Hackensack Fire Company Letter from BOCES REPORTS H. J. M. R.B. E. K. J.M. F.P. M. S. H.S. B.W. Old Business - Maintenance Director Spook Hill - Quiet Acres Bandstand Swim Study New Business - Conservation Advisory Council to use Schlathaus Park Meeting Adjourned: Next Meeting: I ~ ~ ~-y N i ,("H..\ t e ~.; (.7ipr- i 1 10, 19f:l6 NEXT MEETING MBY ~~ 19~~ 01 ~AQQ E~M~ The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held April 10, 1986 at Town Hall, Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County,New York. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. with the following persons present: Hugh J. Naurer, Chairman, Robert Blose, Director, and Commission Members Ellen Korz, Joseph Mastroianni, Mary Schmalz and William Wood. Herb Stoller ,~"Ir'ri\/li".~d c'ilt 8:07. The mi 'i"H..d;E'~:; cd" the t,1iiH-ch 6, 198(;:) meet i'ng \.\If,.:rE,' iiiq:)r.n"clvli".~d CI'I"', a motion by Bill Wood seconded by Ellen Korz. ~H~b~~B ~9B1 BBME Notification has been received from Heritage Task Force ~or the Hudson River Valley, Inc. announcing it"s 5th Annual Community Projects Grants Program. An application form has been obtained and a proposal will be forwarded for an award :i" thE" c:~rnou'I".,t o'f '$1,.000. This.:; ~'Jil be uSlZ:!d to s,ecur-e thE! dock which was built last year. Mr. Presti will work up a proposal to be submitted. Mr Maurer mentioned that there have been some complaints from the officers of the Yacht Club but that he has spoken to Marty, a member of the Board of Directors, who indicated he didn"t feel there wer~ any problems. If there is a problem we will be contacted for a meeting. It was also indicated that someone from the Club will check out the Boat Ramp and give us some recommendations for securing the dock. crJBf.~f::; ~,lEP!:J I.~r:; Nh:!;~ A letter was received from the New Hackensack Fire Company requesting use of the Schlathaus property for parking for their Bavarian Festival. The Festival will be held June 6, 7, and 8th. The Commission voted unanimously to grant the r;:li C~ Compiiil."T/ pprmiS",~:;io'n tel U~:;E! this:. p....ope.'..t./ 'fcl'r" pii:lrk:i.'nq ()'(", t: I"', fi:: iii! b C, \/ E~ d <'il t E!~::; . Mrs. Schmalz asked the members if everyone had received their membership cards for the National Parks Assoc. and if they were receiving their copy of the magazine. Mr. Maurer asked if anyone was planning to attend the State Recreation & Parks Conference to be held in Kerhonkson, New York. Mr. Maurer is the only definite person attending iii.t tl"',i~; t:i.mp. P{')GE 1 ----_._--.>,~ ~~ (;;:1:1 L ('I I U{j ~.J~~ F.:: (~f:; L Mr. Maurer mentioned that he had spoken with Mr. Closhier about having the Highway Dept. transport the pre- fabbed bandstand structure from BOCES in Salt Point to the Paolok L'ilnd thE:!y \'It?::'re ~\lillirolg to do it. {o~ftf.::'r the s:.tructurfi:! hi:'\!::. been completed, we will have to stain it. QIR~~IQB~~ B~F.::QBI Mr. Blose reported the following: 1. Most winter programs are winding down with only basketball, volleyball, exercise and aerobics still being hE,ld. 2. He has started hiring for the Summer Programs but again is having trouble with the employees leaving for a better paying job. 3. He has looked into the Junior High for a wrestling program but there is nothing available. He will try and submit an application early next year. ~. He has received a request from the Soccer League to put gravel in the parking lot at Rockingham. Mr. Maurer mentioned that we could put a load of dirt there but Mr. CfDs,ohip"i. sE,\id hE:! l.\lould be dumping thfi.~ s~\lt:?epiongs; t.r.elm t.hf::! streets there when the Highway does the streets. ~.:j. HE~ qIH::!sti<:crH::!d ~\lhf::!tht,:!r- ~\lf.? neE'!d cli.'ilY <:~t the F:obi.n~:::.of.' !.ane Fields and was told that Frank Worthmann felt they had enough. Clay should be ordered from Berberich or Contelmo later in the year. b. There might be some problems getting the proposed bllilding at Quiet Acres because most of the Town property seems to be in the flood plain. Mr. Blose requested that some type of building be constructed even if it is a small build:'ng jll<::.t i.'ildfi~quc~tE"! to store a ffi.";\o',l supplif',"s. klithout tlO"d,," l:::'I..liJdirI9 the summf.::'r pro<;}r.:~m .::It th.?It site is v€';~rov lim:iotf'!d because we can't get a truck body. I. He requested that the secretry write the letters to the Chelsea and Hughsonville Fire Districts requesting use of their facilities for the summer program. Mr. Blose will CO.lltE"e t ROC;)E~.I Fo 1 f.;:Y iiilboLl t tl."le DF-"ero Hill F iiilC i 1 i t.Y' .for tt-.'f::! ~::,i,\l i cn pr oqr. t=,m. 8. Cour t!,;. Ken Lynn of Ketcham has requested LIse of the Tennis 9. Pat Kelly of the Conservation Advisory Council P(.H3E 2 c , . called to ask permission to use Schlathaus Park on April 27th to distribute tree seedlings. Notice will be posted on the s;:i il"',s .. Ql.JIG:r ()r;Rf:~:;~.! Mrs.. Korz mentioned a recent incident at the Quiet Acres Field where some boys got their car stuck in the mud. Mr.. Maurer has talked with the boy and his parents and they are agreeable to pay for 5 yards of top soil to be delivered lhere but at the present time they are having difficulty finding top soil that is not full of stone. They are going co keep working on obtaining it. They also requested to work off the payment but because of insurance problems that was not feasible. fil.:~t~Inf~ CII.I~~;f~!::1f~ Mr.. Mastroianni mentioned he has been checking on the f".lr'rlitl.I{'{::i.' 'fe,r thf.:~ ~::lenie'r Citi:'::~E)n 'l-oom at tj-', F.! nE~I,'~ Te.~\'n H.:itll.. t.ast Fall he and Mrs.. Ballard had visited several places and had decided on the furniture. He now found it was not ordered.. Mrs.. Schmalz suggested he atend the Public Hearing on the Federal Funds to request any left over funds be used 'fc'I' thi<;;; 'fur"'niturE~.. He ~\lill 'fc,llo~\l up 0.....' tl"',is-,.. f~)f:unb !:::!It"L, Mr.. Mastroianni mentioned that he had spoken with Mrs. Beth Devine who was very discouraged with the Recreation Area thpi"(? .. Mr.. Maurer said that the Handball Cou~t seems to be a hli:';C,;:.tf2 E,rd thi':d.: :i. t i ~:; ncd; u~::.ed 'fol- thf..7f pre'per" pur-j:"iof:;i-2.. It:i. !:::. ""Ii (',,:'YF! !::;c,rf?:" bpci':lus;e thf? kids:. 1-"e:\\/f!~ I.,li-itten 0''''', i,:,'nd di!:::.'fiquri:::)d it. They hide behind it and have parties.. A recommendation was made to remove the wall with a vote of 3 in favor and 2 against removing it.. Mrs.. Schmalz recommended that a light be placed on the existing pole to illuminate the parking lot ;::,'sId t.:hf~~ hi::I{Hjball c:e'Ui".t which miqht dF.d';€?I'" tl''''f!:) vc.~nd.::d. :h:;m i::ind t:1',p Pi::"I..tiF!!::;. t1r!:,. Elchmi::,l:z mi:."Idf2 '::1 'me.tic'r, for thf::! trouble light to be installed and all were in favor of this 'E'C:CliIHiH-:::'r',di:~tic<n.. Thif.-::. ligl""-[; ~,\lill be pl.::,ced or, thf-? i'''''I~::,idf~7f ()'f the pole so it doesn"t illuminate the houses across the s;;t, eE!t .. I'-'lr . t'le:I.U.'''''f?i!',.. mf?i!,,,",t i D'nf?i!d tl''''i::, t thF.! s'nOI,'i 'ff2nc ('2 k e€?p<;;; <Jet t i '''''1<] knack8d down and that the pprmanent fence should be in- ::, t r::' 11 Pel .. Pli) e:i i 'l Ie:' d:i. s;c us:'!:; i e<\", toe, k p 1 ac e ',.- e~.;J CiI'('Cl i '('Ii] t h f:."! t 'iP f?i! and size of fene€? to be installed.. The tWD typ€?s Df fencing p'lDpc<sed are 1.. a 4" green chain link with walk gate and swing gate, 2.. a rustic fence with wire mesh inside to block he:dl!::', f~~tc: f'('om iJf?~ttir'i] i....d;o the r"cl.::lcI.. PI votE' V,l':::l~:; t,,,d::i;?!''''', O'd th8 chain link fence with everYDne in favor except fDr Mrs.. PP,GE: 3 \ Schmalz. A vote was then taken on the wooden rustic fence \,'Jil:I"1 rle. Of'IF::! voti'ni] E~ithf.::/r 'f{)j"" or c.~q.:::\irlst. 1"lr. ~"la\.\('p(' mE~nt i oned thi;'\ t he hc::\d mii::!t v'l i th JO~:;~::!f,::,h Pa<':.liJ i :' Fnginper to the Town, regarding the drainage at the proposed pathway and to date we have not heard from the Town Board regardino his recommendations. We are still working on the lc.~VJ f,:,I.Ii.t \-~:::/: Nr.. ~>: 1"1r'ss. T~:?s,::-.r""', Nr.. ~'1aurF2r f'G:f21~; that \..If':! shouldrl't have to replace the brush and sumac with expensive evergreen trees. VNII~Q SQGG~B b~aQY~ Mrs.. Schmalz mentioned that she had read in the Southern Dl.\tchi'!!/!";S NI:.;!v'J~; th.::\t thE) Uni ted L.e.::\gue W':';IS st'::irt i n9 .::\ ~~rDgri::\m ,'01 thos;f2 19 '/f'::.::,r'!::> o;\rH:l cddp',". Shf.:~ qUf2stic","'E':!d \.\thf:?thF!'I" thf.:.:y were competing with Dur prDgram.. Mr.. BIDse mentiDned that the Leaoue is going to the Town BDard with its requests. We felt that they should be coming to us with their problems and f.F' Cl P 0 E, ;,;d S::. .. I t v\l a ~::; f.';; i..\{J i.::J ~::) s b:,::, d t I"', old; .::\ 1 e t t (;? r" b f:? ~:> {'!!!'n t t 0 1"1'.".. Donofrio asking him tD attend Dur next mepting to discuss the ,=,t;;it\\!;,. i;.\',",d pl,::\,",!::> of' thE~ Lf.::/C.igue.. SP~Glab QbY~PIGB Mrs.. Schmalz requested that Mr. Blose mentiDn in his newspaper article that the 16th Annual Spring Special Olympirs afP to be held from 8:30 to 3:00 on April 26th at Du tcl''''F::/!,:>S; Commun i ty Co 11 f2gf:?.. $~NIgB GIII~~N S~IM Mrs. Schmalz mentioned that East Fishkil1 has a Senior swim at the Castle.. The program is set up whereby the Castle takes the names of those attending and the Town pays $2.50 each tlme they go. It was suggested that Mr. Blose contact tho Castle and get some information regarding this and the possibility of setting up something for Wappinger. m\! I 1'''1 t~tmm:::f)!:J tl,. r.;tcd IE~',' i1H.::'j""I'LlC:ln€~d that he hiii\s co'ntii.1ctE~d tl"H? Co U.',m,t.y, Health Dept. regarding rules and regulations for pools.. He hi::.:::'. i,,\ 1 ~:;Cl COI,ti::\C t{::!!d r,:;evl:::)',"iiiI1 1 Cecal co'nt',"iiiIC tCe.....~5 i::\'nd .fC,U.....,d DU t th~t they do not install instutional size pools. At Rainbow Pools a 30 x 60 pool would cost $17,000.. and an industrial Sl~e can be twice as much as the residential. He alsCe mentioned that ECCeno Pools have a pre fabbed type above the ground either 3" 01"'4" and prices would :i'lcli\de "filt~,,!I'~"., lirH'?r'!;:; f2tC. Thf'.::y al"t:::/ .::\\,ic::\:i.lablf':!! i...-I 'various:;. sizes 25 x 45 at $16,000 and the Acqua L.earner Series 15 x 30 at $6,000.. He thought this might be constructed at a recre~tion area for our Summer Program and taken down during PP,GE Lt. , . , . . .. the Winter. We would have to operate it and provide life gpi:')r'c:ls;, ctv;)mic;;:d.s E?tC. PI ffiHK:E! ~\IC.I.,dd ii:'ds;o hii:l\if:~ to I:)fi~ p';"o\/idr,,:'d. It \,'Ji::i~;, ~;:,uq(::1sted tt-'Iat thir:::. si::~e poc.l \^Jould bE! s:,mall as the pool we now contract out for at Deer Hill was approx. 4~ - 50 ft. lonq and could accomodate 50 children comfort- :::.t;) I '/. I IIL:L ~:::s;09tH~: Mr. Wood mentioned that the Commission Members have been invited to attend the Little League opening ceremonies on P'j")'I'il c:hth .::It ';-:i~OO i,i.m. He said that the door lock on the handicapped facility was broken and Mr. Maurer said it has been replaced several t i mii::!':; .:~ I '," fi~i::' d y . It was requested that the porta john be kept for another month. The secretary will call to make these arrangements. Mr. Wood reported that Roy Gallinger might be willing to do some odd jobs at Robinson if he were asked. Mr. Maurer rnent :i.on(::,',d thiiil t S"OITlP 'fount":1 i 'ns rH:,?pdecl tel b€'2 r::d,:r i:'~ i qh tF2l"H?d and it was suggpsted that Roy be approached to do this. Mr. Wood mentioned there had been some confusion i'G!qii:il"di'nq th(,? 'fE~nc:inq work .:.~t F~obirl~.;:,c:q"'1 i:!lncl th.;;d,: a c:ouplE:,) o'f pc-opln f',"om L..:i,ttlF! L(~2iiilquE! ~:::,pokf? ~\lith l"lrs. Pai'no l::d::Jout c:,lEd;t:i.lHJ the fencing work done. She visited the fields and told them to get some bids for the work they needed done. Three bids were received and two (2) of the three were about $9,800. fhp tl"',i,d ~'.~,,:\!=. r'n:<m P,'-'l Ff",ncF! a'ncl it ~"Ji::iS '/D't;F!d to i:71ccept tl"',is:, pl'opnsal and have the work done by opening day if possible. The following is the estimate from A-I Fence which 'i',I;::\ :i:i. F.lr;:p j'" 0 v'E~d ~ F lEI J) I~~:;':~ ..... 1:;:E!nH:,'/t~ ;:!.....70" !5f?C t i Ol"',!:; c<1" lj." high chi:.'1:i. r", l:i. 'nk 'ff::,ncf.;),. S:,uF'ply :~" set rlf::'\fJ 2" pc<str:5" reinstall old rai,l & wire. $485.00 PE~p}f'\Cf2 }.....3" end pClst B" hiqh f'f2ncE!.. 90..00 Bb'i::l:lghtf")'I"1 hO' 0'1" B" hiql"'1 ff")j"H::{~. iSO.OO S.,\pply ~'x install ::~ E?>:tl"'a l'-,::ii,ls cln E:)iiKh of 3 backstops,120" welded 170.00 Dig arDund backstops posts lower back- stop ~~Q~QQ 1 ,I l5~:'.i ..00 BIG BOY - Take down 220"-4" high chain link fence, :;.;upply & il"'ls,tc:lll r"IE~~'J 2" D.d. PDsts;, 't"'f::)"- install old rail & wdre 770.00 Straighten 2-30" sect. of 8" fence. hO.OO Remove concrete on backstDp posts above qround straighten posts re- p {iGf.::: ~:; ~ J ..,. .' ~ .. j,. cement. 200.00 Cut bottom 4' of wire 20' wire off backstop. Supply ~ install new 20'-6' high wire and 3-20 lengths of rail 60' gQQ~QQ 1 ,2:30.00 SFNIOR LEAGUE 2-Remove 2-20' sections of 6' wire-weld 2' to top of posts, supply ~ install 2-20' sections bj" gi::llv. ~'Jii'''f"i:1. F<f"2mO\/f?!! co'ncri::~te 1-'+" posts i::lbc<ve r;p-c<und. o'f t-r"Clm ::lE:O . 00 SENIOR LEAGUE I.-Remove damaged material. Supply ~"inE:,tall 1-'2 1/2" o.d. by 10' high foul post 12'-4' galv, wire. 1-2 1/2' end post. l---:I,enqth I 3/El" \,,''''Ii 1. l.."ji ~:; ,. () () 36.00 :~O . 00 l~_~_QQ 166.00 TOTP,L. E! , 871 .00 Mr. Wood reported he is working on getting 2 boys to do the marking of the fields. (;;;: L! t:.l F.:: L~ I ~~ E: Mrs. Schmalz mentioned that she had put the Youth Bureau report on a lotus program and felt that it would be bF'l'lE:f i c i ii:, 1 to hii:l\/f2 OUi- budi]et o'n the s;;;lme pr'(::<i:;)'f' ;;;\1'1'1.. I t ~\liii\!::, suggE'E:,t<'2c1 tl-'iii:d; t"JF.! S',hcll.lld try' tCI obti:-ilir-, a lc:d;t.U~:; prclgr"':'1m ii1nd her son would work up the budget on it for us. MeINI~U0N~~ ~lB~~IQB Mr. Maurer reported that John Vorndran has accepted the position of Maintenance Director and that Vassalo has done the fertilizing on the fields. On a motion by Mrs..Schmalz seconded by Mrs. Korz the in":!f2tirH] i:~d.jour"i-if:?!c1 cod; 9:~::;O p..m. e~~~ ~oL- PE1qg'/ F<Of::.' Sf.?cr"etai-Y t=-:'P,GE 6 "- ~. - . . . ... ..., J. BILLS PAID DURING JANUARY. FEBRUARY AND MARCH A-7ll0.l Norma Gallinger Norma Gallinger Norma Gallinger Norma Gallinger Norma Gallinger 1-10 1-24 2-7 2-21 3-5 A-71l0.4 Elaine H. Snowden (Petty Cash) 1-10 Wappinger Central School 2-7 Active Tire Service, Inc. 2-7 Urey Hardware 2-28 Wappinger Central School 3-18 A-7140.1 Cathy Yacovelli Giannina Poulios Cathy Yacovelli Cathy Yacovelli 2-7 2-21 2-21 3-18 A-7140 .4 Laura Combes 1-24 National Rec. & Parks Assoc. 2-28 Poughkeepsie Journal 3-18 B-7310.4 Urey Hardware 1-24 ENCUMBERED BILLS FROM 1985 BUDGET A-7ll0.4 B. & D. Contracting 1-24 Highway Account 1-24 S. & R. Construction 1-24 Town Little League 1-24 Victor Gennodie 2-7 Royal Auto Parts 3-5 A-7140.1 Laura Combes Jim Hughes 1-24 1-24 A-7140.4 Wappingers Central School 1-24 B-7310.4 Barbara Montross 1-24 D'Agostino Nursery 1-24 Meadowbrook Farm 1-24 Taylor Rental Center 1-24 Urey Hardware 1-24 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 2.67 166.21 61.00 23.18 392.86 68.00 100.00 68.00 88.00 21. 04 150.00 45.32 11. 98 1,800.00 222.08 930.00 1,970.81 360.00 14.40 108.00 120.00 2,837.95 8.00 72 .89 55.80 65.00 63.78