1988-04-13 AGENDA APRIL 13, 1988 RECREATION COMMISSION CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT: APPROVE MINUTES: March 10, 1988 Corrections: Approved: Seconded: CORRESPONDENCE - Hughsonvi11e Fire District Re; Playground Chelsea Fire District Re: Playground Copy of letter from Peter paggi to Town Board re: Spook Hill Restrooms Letter from Planning Board Re: Herrington Hills Nicole Farms REPORTS: B. R. N.D. E. K. J.M. H.J.M. H. S. B.W. R.J.H. OLD BUSINESS: - Spring Terrace 23 Lots All Angels Hill & New Hackensack NEW BUSINESS: - Oak Ridge Subd. - 11 Lots Mina Drive Lawrence Subdivision - 33 lots - All Angels Hill Road Softball league would like permission to purchase benches to be cemented behind the backstop at Rockingham Request from Dutchess Debs to use 4 fields at Robinson Lane on July 29th, 30th and 31st for an A.S.A. Round Robin Tournament Would also like to use consession stand. MEETING ADJOURNED NEXT MEETING J> .. IQW\:! Qt: WBee!.NG~R B.~~R~BI.IQ~ ~Qt.1!'1I?.8.IQN !'1IN~I~8. = BEBlb t~~ t9-~g t~~.?;oI !'1~~IH:!G t1HY lL.. 1'2~~ ~:t Z!.;2Q r.:.:..!'10~_ The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held April 13, 1988 at Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New Yor-k. Mr. Holt opened the meeting at 7:42 p.m. with the following persons present: Ralph J. Holt, Chairman, Bernie Reimer, Director, Commission Members Nancy Drennan, Ellen Korz, Joseph Mastroianni, Bill Wood, and Maintenance Supervisor John Vorndran. The minutes of the March 10" 1988 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Mastroianni seconded by Mr. Wood with all iOIl favor. t::!!-.J.GtjEQ~Y...U-:kf, Et-:6Y0BQ!:JW1 A letter was received from the Hughsonville Fire District giving approval for the Recreation Commission to use the Fire District grounds for our Summer Playground session. It was also mentioned that a key would be issued to the Director for use of the Playground Director for emergency use only. GH~b8.~a EbBYGBQ~\:!Q The following letter was received from the Chelsea Fire District: Dear Slr: The Chelsea Board of Fire Commissioner has requested that a meeting be set up at your earliest convenience in regard to using the School grounds for your Summer program. Due to circumstances beyond our control, a discussion is necessary to clarify the situation. Please notify us as soon as possible when a meeting can take place. Almost any week-night will be agreeable. Thank you. Since\-ely your.s, John G. Todd, Secretary Board of Fire Commissioners Mr. Reimer and Mr. Holt met with the Commissioners and they mentioned that they are getting a new truck and will be moving the present offices new in the Firehouse to the Schoolhouse. We, therefore, will not have access to the Page 1. ;< building for our summer program. They mentioned that we could still have the program using their grounds and that they would provide an outside water line and phone line. They would also provide storage for our supplies. We would have to provide a porta john. Mr. Mastroianni suggested that we look into the Churches in the area to see about their accomodating us. This will be checked into. 2EQQt ~lbb 8~21 8QQ~~ Two bids have been received and were opened on March 30, 1988 as follows: 1. 2. Sun-up Construction - $36,000.00 L.J.H. Contractors Inc. - $62,000.00 The fl-c,m Sun {-igeonda. d i 0,- t ..a nd Engineer to the Town has recommended that the bid Up be accepted. This is on next Monday's Town Board After the work is done we will have to spread some seed. Nlt;Qb~~ Ee.8~2 No decision has been made regarding the above. Mr. Holt will be meeting with a representative of the Association to discuss their ideas. QIRsGIQ8"::0?- 8sEQ81 Mr. Reimer reported that the winter programs are ending the week of April 25th. He will send a letter thanking those who helped with these programs. He has met with Ms. Slacin and they have gone over the applications for summer employment and will be calling those who will be hired. A list will be provided as soon as it is finalized. The Red Cross has been called regarding a First Aid Course for our Directors and Aides and they said that they would not come here but that we would have to attend one of their regular sessions in Poughkeepsie. A suggestin was made to contact Sloper to see if they would be willing to give a short course at our Town Hall. Mr. Reimer will contact Rosemary Summers. If something can be arranged the Town Board could be invited to meet the employees at that time and we could also have all the paper work filled out. The caps and shirts would be distributed at the same time. Page 2 ." Jennifer Jacobs has been hired again for this Summer"s Tennis Director. Last year"s Swim Director Jane Peressini did not get re-certified so we are still looking for someone to fill that position. Mr. Reimer spoke with the secretary at Deer Hill regarding the large increase for use of their facilities for our Swim Program and was told that it was mainly due to the increase in their insurance. It was decided to accept the cClntract as is. Six out of eight concerts have been filled and a list will be given out shortly. Mr. Reimer is working on getting a group called Flashback. Two nights have been booked at Splashdown for Wappinger residents. They are July 14 and 28. When all items are finally compiled an ad will be placed in the newspaper. $.QfI~Bbt..: ~:.:~eG!:!~ The League will be starting May 1st. Bob Drennan spoke with John Vorndran about working on the field at Rockingham and John said he has already taken 7 loads of clay over and will rake it. The League has also asked permission to place benches in cement behind the fence line. There was some concern about putting pressure treated benches there because the kids just burn them. After a discussion, Mr. Holt made a motion to let them get the benches seconded by Mr. Wood. All were in favor. It was also requested that if they spend money we should be notified regarding the amount. They also requested bleachers and we noted that this area has been bad for vandalism and we will see what we can do. $.~Nl.Q8 a~Ily.III~$. Mr. Mastroianni mentioned that he was disappointed about not getting the moulding up so we could have the Art Exhibit. We are still looking into another may to show them. A Mrs. Powers has been named to run the Senior Program for the Town for $24,500. Furniture has been ordered and some has already arrived. A 33" T.V. has been orde\-ed. The exercise program has started at the Zion Church and is going in full force. The Senior trip to Elmsford to the Theatre was very Page 3 ~, ~ successful. Many people left from the Town Hall so they recognize that the Town helps sponsor these trips. blIIb~ b~~~~~ e.~Q 8Q~1~$.Q~ ba~~ Mr. Wood asked about the kids to line the fields. He mentioned that the money was put in regular maintenance line so the kids could also work for Mr. Vorndran cleaning up the parks and trimming etc. We are still looking for some boys and since some of the College boys are not home from College we haven't had any luck. Mr. Reimer will check the applications that we received for Summer Playground employment to see if possible one of them might be interested. Mr. Wood mentioned that we have 7 line markers repaired and ready to use. Six are at Robinson Lane and the other one is in the Barn. ~QBI RB~E Mr. Vorndran has already cleaned the ramp a couple of times this Spring. Mr. Wood mentioned that we should be contacting the Sheriff's Dept. for a Patrol for the Memorial Day Weekend. The tax maps were given to Mr. Wood and he will be checking on possible land. ~Ha18~a~:$. 8~EQBI 1. Mr. Holt mentioned that he would still like to see a wooden dance platform or paving done by the bandstand at Schlathaus Park. 2. Rich Taylor will be meeting with Mrs. Paino to get her ideas for improvement to the bandstand at Schlathaus. 3. progress Mr. Wood switches The Town Board will be invited soon to review the at the Barn. Tentative date might be April 30th. mentioned that covers should be placed on the in the office. 4. Mr. Vorndran will see about turning on the alarm systems at Robinson Lane and Martz. 5. Mr. Holt spoke to Mr. Reis about getting the property line adjusted at the Barn site. 6. The skating rink is all down and dirt, seed and have Page 4 tIl, . have been put down. 7. fencing: l. '-J ,.... .. We need approval to replace and repair various At Rockingham repairs estimated at 5150.00 At Martz Field repairs estimated at 5450.00 Mr. Mastroianni made a motion to approve these repairs seconded by Mr. Wood all in favor. It was decided to try and get several large rocks to place in front of the fence at Spook Hill so the cars etc. do not continuously run into it. t1!;BRINEIQN t11bkg g!J~R1Ylg.!QN A revised subdivision plat was received for the above and after a discussion, it was decided to take money in lieu of land. 2ERI~~ I~R8e~~ e~~RIY-IeIQM QBt RIR~~ e~~RIY-12IQ~ The Commission reviewed the above subdivisions and decided to take money in lieu of land. bBWRgM~g 2~~RI~leIQM = ebb eM~sbe Hlbb RQBR The Commission reviewed the above subdivision and would like to request a field trip to look at the area prior to making any recommendations. A request was received from the Dutchess Debs Softball League to use Robinson Lane for an ASA Tournament the end of July. They would like 4 fields and the use of the consession stand. Since it is so close to playoff time, Mr. Wood will check into this and get back with the Secretary. The meeting was adjourned at 9:18 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Wood seconded by Mr. Mastroianni. Peggy Rele Secl-etary Page 5 ,., 00-06-7110.2 00-06-7110.4 01-06-7310.4 BILLS PAID DURING APRIL F.P.C. - Farm Products Corp. $1,595.00 Windsor Building Supplies Urey Hardware Lloyd Home & Building Centers John Ossenkop & Son F.P.C. - Farm Products Corp. East Fishkill Railroad Tie 234.00 50.21 32.88 1,295.00 69.53 D. Silvestri & Son. Inc. 26.99 210.00 2,376.15 17.49 Chris Bar Electric, Inc. B. & K. Auto Supply, Inc. Active Tire Service Inc. A-I Portable Toilets B. & D. Excavating Corp. 26.50 95.00 1,150.00 Leprechaun Lines Joe Veillette (The Phantoms) James Osborn (Stolen Moments) 440.00 100.00 50.00