2013-0982013-98 Resolution Appointing Certified Public Accountants to Provide Various Accounting Services and to Audit the Accounts and Reports of the Town Supervisor, Town Clerk and Town Justices At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, held at Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York, on March 11, 2013. The meeting was called to order by Barbara Gutzler, Supervisor, and upon roll being, called, the following were present: PRESENT: Supervisor Councilmembers ABSENT: Barbara Gutzler William H. Beale Vincent F. Bettina Ismay Czarniecki Michael Kuzmicz The following Resolution was introduced by Councilman Bettina and seconded by Councilwoman Czarniecki. BE IT RESOLVED, that Sedore Hudson Valley CPAs, Certified Public Accountants, is hereby retained for the purposes of furnishing such accounting assistance and consultations as may be needed by the Town Supervisor, Town Accountant and Town Bookkeeping staff, as such services may be required from time to time during calendar year 2013; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Sedore Hudson Valley CPAs, Certified Public Accountants, be and they are hereby retained to audit the accounts, books, records and reports of the Town Supervisor, Town Clerk and Town Justices for calendar year 2012; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Sedore Hudson Valley CPAs, Certified Public Accountants, shall be paid in accordance with their fee schedule set forth in their Engagement Letter addressed to the Town Board dated February 14, 2013. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: BARBARA GUTZLER, SUPERVISOR Voting: AYE WILLIAM H. BEALE, COUNCILMAN Voting: AYE VINCENT F. BETTINA, COUNCILMAN Voting: AYE ISMAY CZARNIECKI, COUNCILWOMAN Voting: AYE MICHAEL KUZMICZ, COUNCILMAN Voting: AYE Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York 3/11/2013 The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. STINE F ,TOWN CLERK ~~ aa°°~,~ ~t,tp~~ _._ CERT~t"tEl~ PL1BL1~ ACC-tlN~~t~1TS, P.~. _...._~1c~~~ic~ttt~ ~c~txr~ Succss Febru~~ry l4, ~Q13 Barbara Gutrler, Supervisor "~'ow°n of ~'a}~pin~er 20 Mddlehush Read lk~ appngers Falls:, New York 12590 actn . ~~ _, ;h ~~ 3r..~, . N1;~R '~ ~' %''~ "' ...,_ ~ ~ ,~,b .. Vde are pleased. to confirm our understanding of the services we are io provide the Tcswn of Wappinger, New= "York for the year ended December 3I, 2g12. We will. audit the financial statements of` the governmental activities, each major fund, and the aggregate rcniaining fund information, which collectively comprise the basic financial statements of theTou=n €~f ~v'appinger as caf and for the year ended December 31, 2Qi2. Accounting standards generally accepted in the United States provide for certain required. supplementary information ~RSI~, such as management's discussion and analy=sis ~IVIU&A), to supplement the Town af'+~+lappinger's basic financial statements, Such information, although not a part of the. basic financial statements, is required by the Governmental ;4ccounting Standards Board who considers it to he an essential. part of the financial reporting fray placing the basic financial statements in an appropriate operational, economic, or historical context. ~s part of our engagement,. a=e will apply certain limited procedures to the'rown of V~ appinger's RBI, in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. These limited procedures ~=ill consist of inquiries of management regarding the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consititeney with management's responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. V4'e u=ill not express an opinion or provide any assurance ~n the infcarcnation because the limited procedures do not prc3vide us with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance. The following RS is required by generally accepted accounting principles and will be 4ubjected to certain limited procedures, but will not be audited.; 1. Management's Discussion. and Analysis '~, Budgetary ('omparisc~n Schedules -General Fund, Highwa}= Fund., and Sewer Fund ~. Uther Post-employment Benefits -Funding Schedule Supplementary information other than RSl also accompanies the Town of t~`appinger't financial statements. We will subject the follow=ing supplementaryr information to the auditing procedures t u' , U'„vl~ 1' 13. .~.,#; ,. _.. _F.. , al~l~led in out` audit of the financial statetrtents anc~lcei~athe ~nderlyingat'acct tinting and other cotriparsng aid reconcilitag such inforn-tatican duet. } recz~rds u4ed to prt-pare the. financial statements or to thestandards steno ally accepted in thend ~c~ther additic~n~~il procedures in at c;ordance with auditing ~ united States of Americ4i and will provide an capinion on it in rclatian to the financial statements as a whale: 1. C't~ambining Balance Sheet ~- l~lon-:Major Governmental Funds 2. C'omhinit~;g Statement of Revenues,l/xpcnditures and C'tiangcs in Fund Balances - Ncin-Major Governmental Funds Audit ~)bjcctives The t,~bjective of our audit. is the expression of opinions as tea whether }rcntr basic financial stritentents are fain}• prc~ented, in all mattlrial respects, in conformity= with U.S. generail}j accepted accounting principles and tea report can. the fairness of tiie suppien~entar}= infartriatican rcferrcd to in the second paragraph ~~then ccansidered in relation. to the financial statenents as a whole. Qur audit will ~e conducted in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the CJnitcd States caf ~trterica and tl~e standards far financial audits contained in Gcat°errxttic3t7t Auriititr~ 5'Jcrrirlrt~•ris, issued by tiie Comptroller General of the United States, and will include tests of the accounting records of the Tcawn of V+lappinger and other procedures we consider nece;sar}° to enable us to express such opinions. if oitr opinions can the financial statements are other then unqualified, we will fully discuss the reasons with you in. advance. if, for any reason, ti~<e arc unable tt? cc~mplcte the audit or e3re unable tc~ fc~rrn ar ha~re nest formed opinions, we rrt~y dcciine tc} express opinions ar to issue a report as a result of this engagement. We will also provid~c a report (that does not include an opinion} on internal control related to the financial statements and compliance v+(°ith la~fs, regulations, anti the prc~~tisions of contrae:ts ar grant agreements, nonce}rnpliancc ~~ith which could have a n~t~tcrial effect can the financi~dl statements as rewired to}~ Gc~i-~rxtr~~rrrzt Arulitirt~ Stcxririrrrrls. The report. on internal control and compliance will include a statement that the report. is intended solel}= fear the inf«rtnation and use.. of rt~anagement, the btad}° gar individuals charged with governance, ethers within the entity, and specific legislative or regulatory toadies and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified. parties. if during our audit we becotzae aware that. the Town caf ~'~'appinger is subject tea an audit. requiren~tent that is not encompassed in the terms of this engagement, we will canzmunicate to management and those charged with governance that an audit in accordance w°ith L?.S. generally accepted auditing. 4tandard4 and the standards fc~r financial. audits contained in Civi-c~~'rttnr~ltt ~culitirtg Strrnrlrzrris ma}' neat. satisfy the relevant legal, regulatcary, ar ccsntractual requirements. 1~7anagement Responsibilities "viaztagement is responsible fc-ar the basic financial statements and all accompanying nforniatian as welt a~ all rcpresentatirans contained therein. As part of the. audit, we will assist with z ua preparation caf }~raur finaazc;a~tt 4tatetzzeazts and related eai fun bans relatzn~ to the fin an alp 1 azzana~.'emeazt deci:sians aazcl perfarazzng all managG~m statements and related Hates and foa• acre-ptin~ fu11 rest t an letterfour nss ~ance ~vath pr p~ rat~itan required to acknowledge an the ananageanent representa cif the financial stateazzent~, sand that you have rc1~iewedTe dG~an~ibilitafozr tlzenz.cFu ~fseri you aced related notes praar tcs their asstaaazce sand hd4e accepted p } required to designate an individual wittz suitable skill, knowledge car expeaienre to oversee- any azan-~atadit ser~~ices we provide anci far evaluatiazg the adequacy and results of thcase services rand accepting reslsonsihility far them... l~~anagenzent is responsible far establishing :and maintaining internal. controls, including ~azzarz~itoring congaing activities, tea help ensure that appropriate goals and ahjec:tive~ are met; for the selectican and application of accounting painciples; and fc~r the.fair presentatican in the I'inane ial statements of the respective fnancia! position caf the gcaverntzzental activities, each 2zzajar fund, and the tggregate a•emaining fund information of the Town of VVappinger and the respective changer in finanazal position., in conformity with U.S. generally accepted. accounting. principles. It~lanagenzent is also responsible for making all #'inancial recoa•ds and related infGZrmation available tea us rand far ensuring. that txaanagement and financial infaarmatian is reliahlc and praperl}~ recorded... Youa• responsibilities include. adjusting the financial statements tcz ccarrect material. misstatements and frar confirming to us in the representation letter that. the effects of an}; tanccarrected aztisstatements aggregated hy° us during the current engagement and pertaining to the latest. period presented are iaazmaterial, both. indviduatly° rand in the aggregate, tea the financial staterraents taken as a whole, YaGS are responsible far the design and implementation of programs and controls to prevent and detect fraud, and. far infortzzing us about all known car suspected fraud affecting the government. involving { 1) rn~tn~tgement, (2) employ°ees r~vhca have significant. roles in internal control, and (:~) others where the fraud ar illegal acts could. have a material effect can the financial statements. Yczur responsibilities include informing tar of your knowledge of any allegations of fraud or suspected fraud affecting the gavern3zzent received in cornmunicaticans from employees, farmer ernplayees, grantcars, regulators, ar Gathers. In addition, you are responsible far identifying. and ensuing that the entit}~ complies with applicable laws, regulations, ecantracts, agreements, and. grants far taking tirraely and appropriate steps to reatzc.dy any fraud, illegal arts,. viczlations of contracts or ~~rant agreements, car abusaY that we azzay report. ~'ou are responsible :frar tlae preparation. af~ the supplementary 'snforanatican in conforn~aity with U.S. generall}= accepted accaaanting princi~ies. ~'au agree to inltade our report can the supplementary information in any document that contains and indicates that we have reported can the suppletnentar}~ information. ~r'au alsra agree to present. the stpplementary infarmatian with the audited financial statements. ~r'czua• respcansilailities nt;lude acknowledging to us in the written representation letter that (1) you are responsible far presentation of the supplementary infarmatian in accc7rdance with ~AAF'; t~) that you believe the supplearaentary infarmatian, , inctudin~. its farm and ctantettt, is fairly t~resented in ~zcccardanc~e with ttii~r~P, ~~}that the zaaethc~cis cif tzaeasuz~ement or presentatian have not chance •an~ t~~l t.t~u hate ~i clause rtt~tu~~anyd {ar, if they 1°zave chazxged, the. reasons far such changes}, O ~ significant assutttptions or inte;rpretrztions tznderl~•~tg the nae.asurement ear presentztican c:~f the supplementary izlformatian Management is respe>nsil~le fczr estalahshing and maintaining a prc~hte lar idLntifyintgeforttz:,s cai' audit findings azid recczttiz~~zendaticans. Management zs also respan previous financial audits, attcstati<>n engagements, perforzaaance audits car rather studies z•elated tc~ the otajectives discussed in the Audit CJbjectzves section of this tatter.. ~~ ~~~ aT1dsih'zlity inctudcs relaying to us cc~rrectivc~ actions taken tc~~ addre.s szgnzfzcant f ~. recomn~endatican+ re5utting franl ttxose aczdits, attestation engagementfi, perfearttaanc.e audits, ar other studies. ~'au are also responsible for providing management's views on ocn• current findins, cc>z~clusicans, and. reccaztamendatiotas, as vc°ell as year plamnect carrec;tive ttt~tians, €ar the report, and fear the timing and format for pravidittg that informatozl. Audit preacedur+es -General A:n audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the an~aunts and disclosures in the financial statements; therefore,, our audit will involve ~udgnaent abaut tl~e number of transactions to he examined and the areas to be tested. ~e will plan and perform the audit to t~bt.an reasonable rather than atasaltzte assurance abcaut whether the financial statements are free caf material. misstatement., ~vl~ether tram (l } errcn•s, {2}fraudulent. financial repczrtin;, {3} zxtisapprapriatictn of assets, or (~) violations of tau°s ar governmental regulati«ns that are attributable to the Town ar to acts ~y management car employees acting can behalf of the Tcawn. $ecause the determination of abuse is subjective, (;tati~c~rrzrrz~~rtt ~artlitirz~; Star7rlczr-ct~' dca teat expect auditers to provide rcasonahte assurance caf detecting abuse, Because of the inherent limitations of an audit., combined with the; inherent limitatians of internal cantrcal, and because we utill neat perform a detailed examination of all transactions, there is a risk that materi~~zl misstatecticnts may exist. and not.. be detected. t,y us even though the audit. i5 properl}~ planned and perftarzned in accordance. with ir7.~. generally accepted auditing 5zandaz•ds and. ~e,z,~r~t~,t~>r~t Atut'rtr,a~ ,Stcrrtc~~rrr~.c. Ln addition, an audit is nett de5ignecl to .detect immztterial mis5tatezt:zents ar violations of tacos ar governmentat regulations that do net trove a direct incl. material. effect cm the financial statements. However, we will inforztz the appropriate level of` management of tiny material errors and any fraudulent financial .reporting or rnisappreapriatican of assets that ccamt to our attention. We will also infartn the appropriate level of management cat any violations caf louts ar gavez°nmentat regulations that come to our attention, untess clean}' inc:onseyuentiaL Uur responsibility as auditors is limited to the period covered. by our audit and dczcs not extend to later periods fear which cue are not engaged as auditors. C)ur procedures will include tests of documentary evidence supporting the transactions race-ardecl in then accounts, and may include tests caf the physical existence of inventories, and direct c;anfirmation of receivables anal certain other assets and liabilities by correspondezice wittz a selected individuals, funding ~,c~urces, crectitczrs~a tcaft he engagementttand hTey znay ~ 11 ycau far written representations frcztn your atte~rneys a~, ~ re:~l~cznding tc} this inquiry. At tl~te ccznclusian of ottr at ~aud ~ latecl rn~ttc~~ ire c:ertatn w°ritten reprrsetatatic}ns Franz yc~u atzaut the financial statcizze audit.. Prc-redures - IntErnstit ~'ontral Ut-r audit will include nt~taining tin. under~;tatadit~°~ erial rt~iylstat rnent cif the~fi n ~nei~t statements internal control, sullicie.t~t to assess the. risks of n and to design the nature, tinting, and extent czf further audit prc~cedttres. Tests of controls nay he performed to test the effectirJeness ttf certain controls that we consider relevant. icy preventing and dett~c-ling errors and fraud that are material to the financial statements and to preventing and detecting misstatements resulting (rain illegal trots and other nancc3mplianc.e mattc,rs that tlavye a clireet tend txtttterittl effect on tlac financial st.atenaents. Our tests, if performed, cvil.l lie. les:~ in scope than. would be necessary to render tin opinion on internal ct~ntrol and, accordingly, no apiniczn will be expzessed in czar report an internal cantrc~l issued pursuant to (icrrJc~r~rzrrzc>rtt tltrrtitirr~ ,Stcrrrrlar°~~:c. An audit. is not designed to provide assurance an internal. contrcil or to identify significant deficiencies. However, during the audit, eve will communicate to management: and those charged with governance internal cantrctl related matters that are required to be ctrn~municated under AIC'P,~ professional standards and t;rjvctrrrrrrerrt tlrrclitirt~ ~Slcrrrclcrrctzs. Audit ~Yrcrcedures - Cc-m~iiance ~'~s part czf cthtaitsng reasanakzle assurance at~out whether the financial statements are •free c}f' rrYaterial misstatement, ~~ge will perform tuts of the Town of Wappinger's compliance with the provisions czf applicat~le laws, rcgulatczns, contracts, agreements, and grant4. Ha~;ever, the alx~ective of our audit will not be to gray=isle an apiniczn czn ovcral cc~mplzance and we ~~ill not express such an opinion 'in our report c7n compliance issued pursuant tcz Grxut~rrrrrr~rzr .Arrtlitirr~ S1~rrz~lcrrris. ~;ngagernent A,drninisiraticrn, Fees and fJther We understand elzat yaurr employees will prepare all cash ar other canfrmatit:~ns uje request and will locate any documents selected by us for testing. ~e will provide copies ct~f our reports to the Town; however management is respnnsihle far distritzuticzn of the refsi~rts and the financial statet~nents. Unless restricted la} law or regulation, or containing privileged atzd confidential information, cczpies of our reports are to Fzc made a~°ailal~le fc~r pul•rlic inspection. The audit documentation. far this engagen'ent is the prapert}° of` Sedore ~: Company, CPr~s and constitutes confidential infarmatian. However, pursuant to authority given bylaw or regulation, we nlay lae requested to zaa~zke certain audit. docur indire t~fundin~,,lozt the L~.~ rGvvertnrzzcntatcrz- cza- it~ designcc, a fedea-al agency provzdzng clzrec,t o Accc~czzatability C)fficc f'or purpt>ses of a quality z-eviev~~ of tlae audit., to resolve audit fznd.ings, oz` to carr • cut oversight. re~+pc3nsibilities. w'e wzll notify you of any 5ucl~ z~~ 7r~ftS ~ir~rel& sted, access to such. atulit docuz~zentatzon r~rill be pz•c~vaded under the supc~r~zsz ccanapany, ~C'13As perscznnel l urtlzernaore, upon r`eg5e saz•tieszzna °lintend~ or de dc, o dist~budit documentaztac>n t~ tlae al'c~rcnaezationcd partzes. The ~ } the copies car irzfc~rzazaton contained therein to rsthers, including other governznentttl agetlcaes. The audit docuzazentatioza fc>r dais engagezzaent will be retained for a minimum n t ~ ~zlac r~rlf ester the repoa`t release date or for any additional period requested by the ~;overnrt ~, are. z}«rare that a federal autzrdin~ agency or tz7rdite~ zd nac~e~~r~acrr t~ de~ztc~~ and the audit 11 ccmtact the parties cczntcstzng the audit fandzn~; for ~z l docuzrzentation. 'e lalan to begin our azzdit fieldwork on at a zzautualiy agreed-upan tithat z-naterialscre~gcrestecl at reports within sixt}r days. Thas timetable is faased on the assuzazptzon the planning meeting are ready and available czn or hefcare the first da}t of fieldwczz-k. C7ur fee fear these services is calculated according to our pr~pcrsal dated L)ecemher 1 1, ~()t~l ~ezzt to yozz under separate cover, amounting to ~U,5~0, representing a ] .fi~Ie estimated cost of living increase from. the prioa° }year. Uzzr nvczces far ttaese fees will be rezadered on a monthly' basis, representing cane twelfth czf the atznual l~ec and are payable can presentation. C}ur fee is based on aaaticipated cocaperation from }Faux per5c>nnel and the. assumpticm that unexpected circumstances will nrzt be. encountered dx:ring the audit. If significant additional time i5 necessary, we will. discuss it with you and bill these services as "additional services" according to our standard hczczrly rates c>r at a rnutczall}°wagreed upcan fee, l~~'e apprerr~zte tlae oppczrtunty to be of service to the Town of 'Wappingr"r, New '~'czrk, and believe this letter accurately sumzaaari~es the significant terrzas of our engagement. If yc}u have any questions, please let us know. if ycrct agree with the terms of rrur engagement as described in this letter, please sign the enclosed. copy and return it to us. Veryr~,truly yours, ~ , y { S Linda M. 1.lannigan, L',l'.~.. Paz~tner SEL't()RE ~ C(J11~1PAN~a',C~:.P.A~.s, P.C', RL~YQ-~~E: This lettca• c~:~z-rcc;tly sets fc~rtty the uncierstanctn cif the Tc~~~rn c~(' V4'a;7~in~:.r, t~7ew 1£c~i°l~. ~v: Title: Date: