1989-02-16 AGENDA TOWN OF WAPPINGER RECREATION COMMISSION FEBRUARY 16,1989 CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT: APPROVE MINUTES - January 19, 1989 Approved: Corrections: Seconded CORRESPONDENCE: LETTER FROM LT. COL F. EDWARD SCHWABE, JR. RE: CONCERT LETTER FROM MARTIN WYLDE RE: TENNIS NET POSTS LETTER FROM STEPHEN FARDIG RE: PLANS REESE PARK 1988 RECREATION REPORT REPORTS B.R. N.D. E.K. H.J.M. J.M. H.S. B.W. R.H. J.V. NEW BUSINESS LETTER TO SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS RE; SOCCER NOTO SUBDIVISION DIPALMA ESTATES SECTION II ROBINSON LANE CHELSEA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION - (REVISED) OLD BUSINESS: MEETING ADJOURNED NEXT MEETING .r _~41 ,TQHN \J!:: b!ef..:EH~\~~!;;.f.~, 8.!;;'Gf5,~OIIQN, G,Q,Ut:.tV?,~;H,Qt,:.! t:1 I t~\:l T.!;;'~, E!;;, f!.8, t.J eg y.. .:1. ~~ .~_ 1. ~:?~,?. ~~XI ~~fI!NQ UegGH 9L 19~9 aT. 7!~Q R~m~ The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation C:ommission HaE., t-H?ld Febn_\ar'y 16, 1981.:,il ..it thE" "BarTi" 1'1ontf'cH't Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Mr. Holt opened the meeting at 7:35 p.m. with the following persons present: Ralph J. Holt, Chairman, Commission Members Ellen Korz, Joseph Mastroianni, Hugh J' . Ni:Hxl"f:.'!r , I-'!i::!',"b ~-:;tollE!r ~ Eli 11 l.jood i::ind t1ai'ntt?r,':~{ncf.:! Supei"'\t:i,f:::,Oi" ,J 0 I"H", \l 0 r nd r "H'j . The minutes of the J'anuary 19, 1989 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Wood seconded by Mrs. Korz with .:..11 i'l1 f i:\VOr . CURRESPClI\IDE:NCE A letter was received from Commander, U.S. Military {.'icadem',/ Bi;;ind ~,tati ni] that thE~Y \I-Ji, I I bE! unabl€~ to ii.'ICCt?F,t o\.\r" invitation for a concert on February 24, 1989. It was decided that we still want to try and get them to perform for U5 so we will try for another date. A suggestion was made by Mr. Wood to address a cover letter to Congressman Hamilton Fi ':.,h :,h". We received a letterand brochure from Martin H. Wylde Jr. for the replacement of the tennis net posts. Mr. Holt i::i~:;~U:j(j t'1i"'. 1"f;::\\,,\i"E.r, N',-. l,Jood ii:H''',d tlc. \lclrnclran to rt?'\i:i,f~~'l t:!-H:! information received to gIve a recommendation 011 what should be dO""If:.~.. We receIved a letter from Stephen Fardig, Project Manager of the Youth Community Service Corps of Dutchess County.. He wrote on his letter that he had read the recent artIcle in the Poughkeepsie Journal regarding Reese Park and thought they might be of assistance in our revitalization plans. Mr.. Mastroianni mentioned that they had worked with Glenn Doctermann of Bowdoin Park and did a good job. We have to first think out our plans what we want to do and what trails we want to open or close. Mr. Maurer suggested that they could start by just cutting the trails and clearing downed trees, etc.. It was also suggested that they might help out ch=!':':'\l'ing b'y' the Bi::ii-n.. It wa~:; suggested that iili'''l in\litc:d,::IO''', bf.';. ~>(?nt to Nr.. Doctf.:~i-maiTn tCI atte'nd ont:.;! ot- CIU''''' mel"'! t i nq t:; .. ~ .' ~ ro A copy of the 1988 Recreation Report was givenout to the members for their information. DIRECTORS' REPORT I' h" .. F::(o;)imer ~'J.:I~~ unable to attt'~'fKI but !:',f.;)'fyt; thE! t'ed 10~'ji,(HJ i n'fc<'f"ma t iCe n.. The Magic Show is scheduled for March 18th at 7:30 at tt"'f? ::j'-f'.. l'''l:i.qh.. SCe f'c::lr '7 di..f.fei-e....it acts eli-e-:' linr~d up.. I'll". Reimer also asked if it would be possible (legal) to have the R.. C. K. gymnastics group present in the lobby to collect donations for their upcoming trip to China. The show itself is free - it would not be considered an admission charge but people could donate something if they wished. The secretary spoke with Mr. Wood, Attorney to the Town arnj asked him if it would be legal and he said yes but we might be setting a precident. After a discussion about this and coming to the co.t'H::lus:i.o'(j thia't; th:i.s is i:.~ !:'.f.H2C:i.'::ll pn:C,if.:'!ct. f'1r.. f'liatE"er ini;:.c\F, .:~ motion to let them collect donations seconded by Mrs.. Kor2 with all in favor. MI".. F:c-?:i.mt?r ~:;t'~'f'd; ':'1 lettei'" to John hlf..~'I"I",e'I" i"'eque!:'~ting tl''',~:;, llse of Deer Hill Conference Center for our Swim Program this S;!\infl',~"~r. HE.' i~::; schf.?dulf..~d to 'fc,llow up lr,\ith a tr:>I\i~phD'nE' c.:dl.. Mr. Holt mentioned that he had received a call from Pat t'la'f",ni"",q (R~::'.::,l EC5t.::itf:.~ {-iqt-:.>nt:> E',tati'I"lg th,,-:<t thf.:;! fIC.::\E',tlE'~'1 15 being sold and wanted to know if we would be interested in renting the pool. We would prefer to gD with Deer Hill if available. It was felt that at the present time we are not in a position to take Dver the pool fDr Town purposes since there are a lot of things involved i.e. rental price, upkeep, 1 i 'ff.,!! l:;Juia'f"ds etc. Mr. Reimer wrote a letter to Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Wilday, Directors of the Martz Field stating that at budget time it was decided to go back to I director at that playground. They called Mr.. Reimer and said they were very unhappy and C:I":i.ti.~::.E~d u~:..; fo.... mi::iki....HJ a "blind" decisior, ~'J:i.thc<ut knctl,.,li.i"H] \,'Jh,:;\t qC:<i"!!!S or, .::It "I"1i~i-t~~". {H.tt?i- t"ul-th~"!!'l- diE',cuss:i.cen j"'eq':li"'dinq ~he necessity for 2 directors at Martz vs 1 at Spook Hill when enrollment seems comparable. Mr. Wood made a motion seconded by Mr. Maurer to retain I director for Martz. All \.'H?I''' f.=:' i....i 'f .:~ \l C< j- .. Golf program is scheduled to start Tuesday. February 21st with 2 sessions 6 - 7 and 7 - 8. Both sessions are full at the present with a list of 12 extra people who are i ntf.;)rE'!stf'!..d.. ~l .- i' ,-. Mr. Reimer has 6 dates already committed for summer concerts. They are scheduled to begin this year on June 28th and hopes to schedule through August 16th. He is still awaiting word from N.Y. Power Authority Group to see if they could perform on July 4th. bEI\l I OF: C I T I ZEI'.I~:; I";lr.. I"lr.:\stroii::lnni qUf.?!'.:;tiorH?d lrJhethf.?',. v'Jf.?! had dE'!cidf?d hlhi:':!....F! we could build a horseshoe and boccie court at Town Hall for the Seniors. Mr. Vorndran and Mr. Holt will meet at Town Hall to find a suitable location and then will write a letter to Supervisor Paino for permission to build it.. Mr. Vorndran has given notice that he will be vacating the Schlathaus house in March and it was suggested that maybe we should come up with some plans for its use. One suqqestlon v'E:.~:;; to tll!-n it ird;o '::1 Sel"',ior Citizen i:',::lcilit.y', ,:;\r'H::d;hE'!',. v'Ja<::; to install the Town Patrol there and another was to make a community center. Although no matter what we do to make it useable, a new well and septic system has be be installed. Mr. Holt asked the members to give this some thought and gIve hifo thE.i'c' ide,"!!:::,. r;: Cl B I r.l S Cl N 1.11I'.H-::: Mr. Wood mentioned that the trusses are in but the building is not finished. It was suggested that the Elf.;.'cret,:;,r'y' cont",lct "~:)U'"., Up" and nH?r.tion thi::,t lrJe a.....(0! beq:i.',TI",ir",q to be concerned about having the building completed on time. It was also decided that the balance of the work to be done be sub-contracted. HERITAGE TASK FORCE APPLICATION At our last meeting it was suggested that we apply for the '$1 !.OOO. q....,iiI.....'t .fo.... 1989 iiil'nd poss::..ibly .....eques.t flnKls ..ro..... blacktop at Robinson Lane or something at Reese Park. After ,'c\l:i.t!I..,linq ttH:~ ,:;,pplicatic,n it wal:-:; decided to apply 'for 'j:\.I'c',ch" to purchase picnic tables and braziers for the Castle Point FJ.;;{'(' k \.\lher+? :i. t C,\lF.~r looks thf::! Hudson F: i v~.?r' . Do(..;'r h/:,t"JP In later April-May time frame it was suggested that we drop 3-4 inch stone at the end of the ramp. It was also mpntioned that we will have to patch the blacktop. Mr. Wood said he was working on a design to place 2 piers and anchor them. Mr. Maurer suggested that maybe we could get Mike .- ,.:- i" Schwall to help us. Mr. Vorndran mentioned that the burning permit to clean up by the barn expired and that we will need to apply for ii:inother O'I'H~~. Hf::! i::I1S0 I1H:?ntionf::~d that ItJe ~'Jill nf."0ed i~ 'n~:~w ~\la.t.:E'''''' pump on the tractor. CHAIRMAN"S REPORT Letters have been written to the Town Board requesting extra patrols for Reese Park,and to request that the Attorney be authorized to proceed with the re-alignment of the Barn pro~':-Jpr ty. A letter has been sent to the Zoning Administrator Herb Levenson stating that our first priority for recreation is for land for a soccer complex and second for a swimming facility. Once land is obtained we could request services from the smaller developers. A request was received from John Dore of .the Sunday Morning Softball League for Quiet Acres, and 3 fields at Robinson Lane for their Sunday Morning League. It was decided to give him 2 fields at Robinson Lane and Rockingham in the a.m. A request was also received from P. A. Alderese for use of Robinson Lane Field #1, every Wednesday evening and Sunday afternoon beginning May 1st to August 31st. Both of these requests will be given to Mr.Reimer for further artion. NOTO SUBDIVISION - KETCHAMTOWN ROAD A subdivision map was received on the above and 1t was noted that 14+ acres were set aside for Recreation. It was thouqht tl"'li:"t po!:::.sibl'/ it might be uSE~'ful .fc....- a i,,;UmmG?'I" proqr" i"im.. The skating rink was fixed. The alarm system has been activated at the Barn. IAe ~\li 11 bt:? ""'lef?d i ....H] ano ther mi-:iI i nte.....la....H:f"~ \,'Jor kf:~'(- .-.. ~".om'20I.IE' able to drlve a tractor.. An ad needs to be placed in the Fci::Ij::-Jfi?!r i r-I NiH"ch. We have been investigating more possibilities of acquirinq land with Mr. Logan, Town Assessor. He indicated that possibly Mr. & Mrs. Sung might be interested on talking with us soon. Mr. Sung is just recuperating from a heart attack.. A letter was sent to Charboro Realty regarding the .A oJ .. Robinson Lane property indicating that we had spoken with our Assessor and have a good feeling for the topography of the property and a fair market value and we are still interested in speaking with them. Mr. Holt, Mr. Wood, Mr. Buyokowski, Mr.Levenson, Mr. Logan and Mr. Lawrence met with the Planning Board regarding the Contrail Property and the property on 376 behind Gleneagles. The Planning Board asked Mr. Buyokowski to pull together a plan and get back with them before the Public Hearing on the new zoning changes. Mr. Holt asked Mr. Rider from Soccer to put together a layout for soccer complex. We expressed our objectIons to Mr. Rider regarding the negative letter that was written to the ~dltor of the Southern Dutchess News regarding our insensivity to soccer rIE'f::~ds i:~iici th,,-,:;t the:y ~'Jii:.~'(-F" only get;tir",g Rocki'("lqh,:tm 1 rlight. This after an agreement had been worked out. Mr. Rider mentioned that Mr. Masci would be writing an answer to this IF!tt:f2(' . Mr. Rider requested for soccer some top soil to level off by the water fountain and to fill in some of the holes in the field. He also requested some grass seed. He was told to call Mr. Vorndran about obtaining the top soil and seeding will be done as soon as possible. DI PALMA ESTATES SETION II - ROBINSON LANE After reviewing the above subdivision it was decided to request lots 5 and 6 for recreation purposes. CHELSEA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION - (REVISED) After reviewing the revised subdivision it was suggested that we request lots 22, 23, and 24 but if they would be willing to improve our land which is next to this subdivision \,,,,e ~'JC<uld b{7.! qL;:ld tel dis:;cuss sc,mi-:? draini:'.~gF~ "'JC<'("k h-, lif'~u o'f l,:;('(",d. The meetinq was adjourned at 9~40 on a motion by Mr. Mastroianni seconded by Mr. Wood. Pf:?ggy ROi-:? Secretl:~ry ,:;: . .. BILLS PAID IN JANUARY 00-06-7110.4 Safe & Sound Crop Production BILLS PAID IN FEBRUARY 00-06-7110.2 Westchester Ford Tractor 00-06-7110.4 Bottini Fuel " " n " Fred Poticastri B. & K. Auto Urey Hardware " " Hudson Valley Building Mat. Westchester Ford Tractor 00-06-7140.4 Horning's Golf 00-06-7140.1 Giannina Poulios .1 $2,415.00 945.50 2,467.00 233.70 205.69 63.85 192.00 27.00 66.95 36.57 123.28 700.00 27.21 300.00