1989-07-13 AGENDA RECREATION COMMISSION JULY 13, 1989 MEETING CALLED TO ORDER PRESENT: APPROVE MINUTES - June 15, 1989 APPROVED: SECONDED: CORRECTI~NS: CORRESPONDENCE LETTER FROM PHILIP FOX - Re: Boots and Bows REPORTS: B.R. N.D. E.K. H.J.M. J.M. D.R. B.W. J.V. R.J.H. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Lands of Yanitelli - 18 Lots Smithtown Road MEETING ADJOURNED NEXT MEETING ~ of( ~~~~7 ~~. .,~.:"i;.,...:>~~.. ~/ 'Ti"_'.'. "',;~ O! . .... .' \,.: I- !. . -, ~ , o ~!~ c::.. ~~~.)~. -^\.~ .~ C'~~//~) <~SS CO~~) TOWN OF WAPPINGER RECREATION COMMISSION MILL STREET WAPPINGERS FALLS. N. Y. 12590 RECREATION MINUTES JULY 13, 1989 NEXT MEETING AUGUST 10, 1989 at SCHIATHAUS- The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held July 13, 1989 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. The meeting was called to order at 7:55 p.m. with the following persons present: Ralph J. Holt, Chairman, Bernie Reimer, Director, Commission Members Bill Wood, Donald Rider, Nancy Drennan, Joseph Mastroianni and Maintenance Supervisor John Vorndran. Mr. Holt mentioned that letters have been sent to the Town Board regarding the work at Castle Point and the horseshoe and boccie courts. A letter has been forwarded to them requesting that the $2,000. grant received for the swim program from the Dutchess County Youth Bureau be given to the recreation commission budget instead to deposited in the General Fund. A letter was received from Philip Fox of Boots and Bows requesting that we again sponsor them for the coming year. It was agreed that we would do this and Mr. Reimer was given permission to sign and forward the application to the Van Wyck School for use of their facilities. DIRECTOR · S REPORT Mr. Reimer commented on the excellent group of counselors and directors we have this year. They have really handled themselves very well with all the problems we have had these first few weeks of the program. The pool has been our biggest problem and Richard Jones has been a great help in complying with the Board of Health requirements. The inspectors have been at the pool a couple of times and have visited each of the playgrounds. They have told us that we have to comply with rules for a day camp instead of a playground and have told us that we have a very sound program but the paper work must be made up for a day camp. After visiting the playgrounds they were quite pleased and cited only 2 problems. The first'belng that a "Hazardous Area" sign be placed at Quiet Acres because of the Creek and the second that the spray we are using under the swings should not be used in that area. The counselor conference held in Middletown the first week of camp was excellent and we hope to attend again next year. All counselors were very pleased with the information received. So far the numbers at the playgrounds are as follows: Chelsea & Quiet Acres Approx. 50 registered with average daily attendance 30-35 Hughsonville - Approx. 140 registered with average daily attendance 70-80 (an additional counselor had to be hired) Martz Field - Approx. 150 registered with average daily attendance 80 Spook Hill - Approx. 200 registered with average daily attendance 80 - ., Recreation Minutes Page 2 July 13, 1989 This past week we had an excellent show at Schlathaus for all the playgrounds. About 300 children attended the Jennifer Dreaper show. All the children enjoyed the show and gennifer had them all involved singing and dancing. The Wednesday night concerts have been rained out so far although both groups are booked again inthe season. The Tennis Clinics are underway with Tom Gialanella as Director. Mrs. Drennan mentioned that she was pleased with his work. Mr. Reimer mentioned that the new tennis posts have been delivered. After a discussion on whether to close the courts for a couple of weeks to replace the posts, it was decided that since it is such a prime time that we round off (quick patch) the present posts to tie us over until September. At that time we will close the courts and replace the posts all at .once.. Mr. Vorndran will try and patch them early some morning. After talking to the Seniors about the Senior Citizen Swim, we had no positive response. Mr. Mastroianni suggested that we did not give them enough information and therefore it was decided that Mr. Reimer put an article in the paper stating that the swim would be from 4-6 two days a week and that they must provide their own transportation. After it has been in the paper we will see what kind of response we receive and go from there. !OFTBALL Since the Spring was such a wet one the softball league is way behind in their games and Mrs. Drennan requested an additional field. It was suggested that they use both fields at Rockingham. SENIOR CITIZEN Mr. Mastroianni reported that the trip to West Point on July 11th went well. The next trip is scheduled for October. soccm Mr. Rider asked Mr. Vorndran when the fill will be placed at Rockingham and was told in the next couple of weeks. He also noted that Mr. Masci wrote a letter of thanks for support in the Southern Dutchess News. " ~ :j . ~ Recreation Minutes Page 3 July 13, 1989 SCHLATHAUS Plans still have to be made for the house at the Park and quotes still have to be obtained for the septic and drainage. It was also suggested that we might think about putting a split rail fence around the Park as there was some concern that some child might run into the road. We would leave gates for parking and entry into the Park. We will be painting the stage soon. The sides will be white with the back another color to decrease the glare. It was suggested possibly a blue/gray. TENNIS COURTS Mr. Wood mentioned that we should start thinking about replacing the lights at the court with mercury or quartz lights. Maybe do a couple a year. Mr. Vorndran will get Chris Bar to fix the lights right now and to check the timer. BARN It was suggested that a sign be ordered for the Barn "Town of Wappinger Recreation". This could be obtained from Hughes Signs. ROB INSON LANE We will need more dirt at Robinson Lane next year. Mr. Holt mentioned that the construction on the R-2 Field will take place after the season is over. Mr. Holt commended the maintenance crew for the excellent job they have done this Spring especially with all the bad weather we have had. They have done a great job keeping up the parks in such adverse weather. It was suggested that we send one of our maintenance men to Dutchess Commu~ity College to be certified in spraying. It was brought to our attention that there is a new formula which might help with the tick problem as well as the mosquitoes. We will look into this. LANDS OF YANITELLI - Smi thtown Road. After reviewing the above subdivision plat, it was suggested that we take money in leiu of land. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 on a motion by Mr. Wood seconded by Mr. Mastroianni. Peggy Roe Secretary I . . , ...' .' I- . "i" 00-06-7110.4 00-06-7140.4 01-06-7310.2 BILLS PAID DURING JOLY 1989 Dan Zag Royal Auto Parts Herb Muller East Fishkill Railroad H. B. Office Machines East Fishkill Railroad Tie Urey Hardware Richard Jones Guardian Trailer A-I Portable Toilets Armstong Electric East Fishkill Railroad Tie Guardian Trailer Rentals John Ossenkop & Son, Inc. Lawrence Farms R. G. H. Construction Royal Carting Service Wappingers Central School Windsor Building Supplies Co., Inc. Milton Alley Agway Zoober Pools Southern Dutchess News Watkins Press Caldor Caldor E.M.S. Associates Caldor Zoober Pools, Inc. Gemini Pools Swimking Pools & Spas Amy S lac in Caldor Richard Jones H.13. rn Ac.. h I t\es. Anaconda Kaye, Inc. 27.84 120.00 173.84 81. 05 198.51 190.84 66.55 219.97 475.00 188.36 197.73 100.00 202.04 293.52 300.00 120.00 210.43 459.20 396.95 48.20 756.00 24.50 47.31 47.53 35.50 70.25 158.62 482.00 58.44 75.43 18.63 8.85 39.q9 98.00 , . 4.... 'iI' ." ,. Page 2 01-06-7310.4 PASNY FUNDS ~ S. & S. Arts & Crafts " 556.83 19.92 39.63 411.22 369.69 471. 23 315.78 462.00 150.00 225.00 750.00 700.00 28.33 ~ 7 . '1~ ,,: " " " " Leprechaun Lines Richard Greenup Jennifer Dreaper Jennifer Dreaper Switch In Time Ca1dor S..S R. G. H. Construction N.& S. Supply John Ossenkop Chris Bar Electric 935.00 740.80 139.54 1,196.95