1991-02-14 AGENDA RECREATION COMMISSION MTG. February 14, 1991 CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT: APPROVE MINUTES - January 10, 1991 APPROVED CORRECTIONS: SECONDED CORRESPONDENCE REPORTS: B.R. K.D. E.K. T.F. J.M. H.J.M. S.M. D.R. R.J.H. 1. Letter from Denise Morse, Pres. Southern Dutchess Womens' Softball League Re: Use of Castle Point Fields Letter from Edith Hunt Re: Fee to Clean Sch1athaus Letter from Dept. of Army Re: Approval of concert 5/3/91 Memo from D.C. Youth Bureau Re: State Budget Crisis and 1991 c;ontracts Letter TI 0 Ivr Soccer Club Re: Field Requirements Facilities use Application from Sunday Morning Softball League 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. " NEW BUSINESS 1990 Recreation Report OLD BUSINESS MEETING ADJOURNED NEXT MEETING / ~. , ., RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - FEBRUARY 14, 1991 NEXT MEETING MARCH 14, 1991 at SCHLATHAUS PARK The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held February 14, 1991 at Sch1athaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Ralph J. Holt. Others present were Recreation Director Bernie Reimer, Senior Citizens Director Kathi DeLisa and Commission Members Terry Fisher, Joseph Mastroianni, Stephen Miller and Donald Rider. The minutes of the January 10, 1991 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Rider seconded by Mr. Mastroianni with all in favor. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was received from Denise Morse, President of the Southern Dutchess Women's Softball League to request the use of the Cas!le Point Fields. This request was referred to Mr. Reimer for follow up. A letter was received from Edith Hunt with an estimate for cleaning the Sch1athaus House. It was decided to accept the quote of $150. Mr. Holt indicated that for the present the building could only be used for meetings with the number of people not to exceed 40. As the use increases, there will be a need for weekly upkeep. If Mrs. Hunt is unable to do it and bring her own equipment, we might have to look into purchasing a vacuum. This will be discussed with Mrs. Hunt as the place gets used more. A letter was received from the Department of the Army confirming our concert date of Friday May 3, 1991 at 8:00 p.m. at Ketcham. A request was received from the Sunday Morning Softball League for the use of 3 fields for their Sunday Morning League. It was tentatively agreed to give them 2 fields at Robinson and 1 at Rockingham. Mr. Rider mentioned that if they use Rockingham, then must be out by 12:00 not 1:00. It is our hope to move them to Castle Point when the fields are finished. Mr. Reimer will contact Mr. Grossman to finalize this. A memo was received from Fo1ami Gray of the Dutchess County Youth Bureau regarding a special meeting on Wednesday, January 23, 1991 at 8:30 a.m. Supervisor Smith attended this meeting on State Budget Crisis and 1991 Contracts and she brought back the literature. Mr. Reimer reviewed the material and wrote letters to several Assemblymen and Senators asking that they not accept reductions in funding for Youth Services. Minutes February 14, 1991 Pa ge 2 A letter was received from Reid Jecmen, President of Town of Wappinger Soccer Club regarding the availability of fields for practice.and league play. This was referred to Mr. Reimer for follow up. Notice was given to the members of our intent to apply for 1991 Community Development Funding for Castle Point Restrooms with handicapped accessibility. RECREATION DIRECTOR'S REPORT The March 1st concert at the Wappinger Jr. High is all set up. The R. C. Ketcham gymnastics group will be proViding refreshments to raise funds for their upcoming trip to France. The ad will be in the next Southern Dutchess News. Mr. Reimer will contact the radio stations and will try and put it on Channel 6. The two groups performing are "Switch-In-Time" and Steve Johnson Magician. In response to most field usage requests, Mr. Reimer mentioned that he will be keeping to the same schedule that we had last year. aach year the number of requests for fields increases and Mr. Holt mentioned that some Towns are already charging the teams for the use of the facilities. In order to make sure the majority of the teams' members are Town of Wappinger residents, it was decided to request rosters with addresses. The Commission must serve the Town residents first. Mr. Fisher questioned whether the facilities use application has "No Drinking/No Alcoholic Beverages allowed" on it. Mr. Reimer said he thought so but maybe it was time the form was revised. This will be reviewed. Mr. Fisher also asked if we required insurance. Up to the present we have not done this, but it is something we should require. The Thursday night Summer Concert Series is all booked with the exception of July 4th. There was a discussion on whether or not we should have a concert on the Holiday or either change the night that week, or if we should just extend our concert schedule in August. It' was decided that if we could get something patriotic- a sing-a-long, flag ceremony etc. we go with a concert earlier in the evening. Mr. Reimer will work on this. Mr. Reimer questioned the possibility of having a telephone installed at Castle Point. Mr. Rider suggested that maybe a telephone could be placed in a metal box but the Commission wasn't optimistic that it would be safe. We will cost out the hook up but we should probably have to plan on using the cellular phone as we did last year. Mr. Reimer reviewed the possibility of separating the swim program from the Playground program. He felt that if it was split that more kids would receive more quality time for instruction. The suggestion was to have 4 sessions of 9, 10, 10, and 9 days with three shifts of approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes each day. The only problem with this plan was the fact that the parents had to drop off the children and pick them up at a certain point.and the Commission felt that this might be a problem especially with so many working parents. After a discussion it was suggested that Mr. Reimer try and work the schedules in conjunction with the playgrounds using them as pick up/drop off points. Recreation Minutes February 14, 1991 Page 3 Mr. Mastroianni asked if something could be worked out for the Seniors to have some swim time. Mrs. DeLisa will survey the Seniors to see if there is any interest. SENIOR CITIZEN DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mrs. DeLisa handed out a written report for the month of January which is attached to these minutes. She mentioned that she has 75 seniors registered and that they average between 35-40 participants each day. Some other highlights that were discussed were: 1. A bus trip has been scheduled for Elmsford Dinner Theater on April 3rd to see "A Chorus Line". Future trips are scheduled for Lake George on June 25th and Woodlock Pines on November 6th. Mrs. Helen Nixon is working with us on scheduling the trips. 2. Mrs. DeLisa mentioned that they play bingo on Fridays and asked for suggestions for acquiring inexpensive prizes. For January she went to "Just A Buck" in the South Hills Mall. Mr. Miller suggested she contact "Fun Services" in Beacon. 3. Storage is a problem in the Center and Mrs. DeLisa mentioned that we had file cabinets at Sch1athaus which might be suitable. It was mentioned that before they can be brought to the Center they must be painted. It was suggested that A1 Weston be contacted to see if he could paint them. 4. Mrs. DeLisa asked about getting a small P.A. system to use when they play bingo, have sing-a-1ongs etc. Mr. Reimer will look into this. 5. Day party. A request was made for any Irish tapes for use at the St. Patrick's Mr. Holt said he might have some. 6. Mrs. DeLisa asked if we should be issuing membership cards. The Commission voted against this. 7. In all the hectic preparations of opening the center under the Town's direction each member had to fill out a new membership application whether they were a previous member or not. Recently with a routine established Mrs. DeLisa was able to review these applications and noticed that 2 members are not Town of Wappinger residents although they both have a Wappingers Falls mailing address and probably believe that they are. She noted that one member only comes once a week and the other has been attending since the center opened. It was felt that something had to be done about this before a problem mushrooms. Mrs. DeLisa said that the problem with the 3 R.S.V.P. volunteers who live outside the Town was resolved and they were allowed to stay. Mr. Mastroianni suggested that because of the circumstances maybe we could institute a "grandfather clause" and they would be allowed to continue. Every application hereafter will have to be carefully scrutinized. ~ Recreation Minutes Page 4 February 14, 1991 REESE PARK Mr. Mastroianni questioned the use of the Park and mentioned that he had a walk book which was used by scouts etc. in previous years when they camped in the park. Mr. Holt said that we still have some problems at night but that we will still clean it up and try to promote the trails. FLEETWOOD Mr. Mastroianni asked about what we were planning to do at this area. Mr. Holt mentioned that we planned to clean it up and fix the basketball court and the swings. LITTLE LEAGUE Mr. Miller mentioned that Opening Day for Little League will be on April 20th and that all members are invited to attend the ceremony. He also mentioned that the Little League would like to construct a block storage building 20 x 25. Half of the building will be for storage of equipment and will have a 4" concrete floor and the other half will have a gravel floor and will be used for the storage of tractors. They would like to construct the building to the right of the present store where it wouldbe dry. The new structure would be similiar to the one already there. Prior to okaying this request, we need to check to see where the septic system is located. If there is no problem with the septic, Little League will write a formal request to go ahead with this construction. ROCKINGHAM Mr. Rider asked if it would be possible to get some poles to block the cars from going on the field. We will call Central Hudson about this. He also mentioned that there seems to be a bottleneck around the water fountain and he asked if we could cut a kiddie corner on the fence to alleviate the problem. Mr. Holt, Mr. Rider and Mr. Foster of the Highway Dept. will check this out. Mr. Rider mentioned that soccer will stay off the complex until April 7th. Their games will start on April 13th. Hopefully the grass will have a little time to grow. When the land by the A~rport has been deeded to the fown, the United Soccer Club is willing to get volunteers and appropriate materials and labor to help work on the site. . ' Recreation Minutes Pa ge 5 February 14, 1991 CASTLE POINT The appreciation lunch for the highway workers and the dinner for the independent contractors who constructed the building at Castle Point have been held and everything went well. Mr. Holt met with the Administrator of Castle Point about cutting some of the trees across from the Park. There didn't seem to be any problem but we are waiting for a confirmation letter from him before we do anything. The Administrator also mentioned that they would clean up the dump site on their property. There is also a question with regard to the water supply and Mr. Holt would like to address this also with Castle Point. The initial thought was to dig a well and septic. Mr. Holt found out that the supply line for Castle Point runs up River Road and he would like to look into hooking a 3/4" pipe from their line to run it to our shelter. We would do the hook up and put a meter on it. We are waiting for notification from Mr. Paggi regarding the installation of the test wells at Castle Point. Hopefully the wells will be placed so that the backstop can be installed and the 2nd field would be useab1e. RECREATION MONIES Mr. Holt met with the Town Board recently regarding the Little League and Soccer requests for funds from the Town. It was decided that the funds for the 1990-1991 season be handled as it was in the past and that the checks will go directly to the organizations. Starting with next year, requests will come into the Recreation Commission and after reviewing these requests with the Town Board, the money will be handled through our budget. We are investigating the possibility of obtaining through Lou Balducci (East Fishkill Railroad Tie) a ready made gazebo. Mr. Vorndran will discuss this with Mr. Balducci and hopefully it can be put in when the boccie and horseshoe courts are installed at the Town Hall. Mr. Holt met with Councilwoman Visconti and members of the Town and Village of Fishki1l regarding the soccer fields. Fishkill has noted that they are in the process of working on the fields and that they will be ready in April or May. In the beginning they may not be perfect but they will be safe. Mr. Holt mentioned that he hoped that both clubs would use these facilities. Distributed to the Commission Members were copies of the 1990 Annual Recreation Report compiled by Mr. Reimer. Recreation Minutes Page 6 February 14, 1991 A request was made to the Town Board for funds to purchase a mower and this request was approved with the monies to come from Parkland Trust Fund. We will prepare to go to bid on this as soon as possible. A request was also made to the Town Board for $25,000. from Parkland Trust to continue work at Castle Point. In 1990 we requested $50,000. from Parkland and of that amount approximately $13,000. was returned. Mr. Rider mentioned that he is still looking into getting prices for the thermos jugs. A request was made from Mr. Miller to have a porta-john delivered to Robinson Lane by March 14th for Little League tryouts. Mr. Rider also mentioned that we will need a porta-john at Rockingham by April 7th. Mr. Holt received a telephone request from Marist College to use Brian Holt Field at RobinsonI.ane as their home base field. Mr. Holt said they should write their_request giving particulars of when they would need it, basically where the players reside, and what the Town would get from it. We can't give out fields to anyone that would interfere with any of the already scheduled Town programs i.e. Little League, Soccer etc. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 on a motion by Mr. Miller seconded by Mr. Fisher with all in favor. Peggy Roe Secretary ~ . . . FEBRUARY REPORT TO RECREATION COMMISSION SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER The Senior Center has had an active month The weekly schedule included arts and crafts daily, oil painting classes on Wednesday A.M., exercise classes on Wednesday with Jay Mathad, and Thursday with Sue Borchardt,cards/games in the afternoon, video once a week and Bingo on some Fridays. Dinny Koakowski (a volunteer) led a sing-a-long on January 18th. The seniors enjoyed this and we will schedule this again in the future. Helen Harkaspi from the Community Action Agency gave a lecture on weatherization, repair assistance and other services availabl~ through this agency. A January birthday party was held on January 31st. Members brought in cakes, soda and ice cream were bought with the senior dues fund. Each January birthday member was given a coffee mug as a gift. Articles and information on Community Action Agency, senior tax help location schedule, the Handyman Program and News for Senior articles were made available to the members. There were an average of 29 seniors at the Center per day for the month of January. There are 75 seniors presently registered at the Center. ITEMS TO BE NOTED: 1. Jay Mathad was hired at $15.00 per hour as Wednesday's exercise teacher. Jay was previously the exercise teacher under D.C.A.S.C. 2. Helen Nixon has scheduled a bus trip for Wappingers' seniors to see "A Chorus Line" at the Elmsford Dinner Theater on April 3rd. Notice placed in Southern Dutchess News for reservations on February 13th. Future trips include Lake George on June 25 and Woodlock Pines on November 6th. 3. Peggy designed and typed a new sign in sheet for seniors to sign in. This has made attendance and bookkeeping easier and more efficient. 4. Video Treat at Lawerence Farm is donating videos used weekly at the Center. A thank you letter has been sent to Kelly Hardesty in regard to this. 5. Mary Egan (a senior) has agreed to be Treasurer for the Center. Kay Andrews has agreed to be an additional signee for checks when we can open a checking account. We are waiting for an application for an I.D. number . - r enabling us to open a checking account. Monies from weekly dues, craft sales and raffles will then be banked. I am looking for one other check signee. 6. Regina Waldron(arts/crafts teacher) has developed a good relationship with the seniors. She is also running the Friday bingo and has been an asset to the Center. 7. A picnic at Bowdoin Park is scheduled for August 8th. 8. A new coffee system has been ordered from Coffee Systems of Hudson Valley. The machine is supplied free, coffee will be ordered by the case at $18.00 per case and includes coffee filters. 9. Results of the Dial-A-Ride survey were given to Connie. 10. February events will include a Valentine's Day party, George Washington's birthday par~y and February birthday party. I am awaiting a date from the Heart Assoc. for a lecture and free blood pressure screening. 11. March events include Helen and Angelo's wedding reception on March 8. Karen MacLeod a 4th grade teacher at Meyers Corners School is hoping to bring the 4th grade chorus to sing for the seniors on March 15. Sue Borchardt will begin a line dancing class on Fridays beginning sometime in March. (paid at $15.00 per hour). ISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED: 1. Bingo means prizes. I have bought some to get us started at the $1 store. Any suggestions? 2. We need storage units in the Center such as cabinets, milk crates, plastic see through containers. 3. A microphone and small speakers would enable us to have impromptu sing-a-longs, small variety shows etc. Are any available for use or any way to acquire them? 4. Does anyone have Irish music tapes I could borrow for a St Paddy's Day party probably 3/13 or 3/14? 5. Should we issue membership cards to seniors? 6. I will try to get a tray of cold cuts donated for THE wedding reception. However, if not successful would the Recreation Commission be interested in buying this? The cake and punch are taken care of. The Seniors are presently collecting for a gift. 7. The survey taken on registration forms indicates at least 18 members interested in gardening. Spring is almost upon us. Plans need to be made for this activity. 8. Last an for the record-our space is limited. Larger space will be needed if we continue to grow. " FEB.RUARY 1991 TOWN OFWAPPINGERS SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER: OPEN 10:00A.M.-3:00P.M. TUES WED. THURS FRI 1"""""1 /1 I ']1 I J7I 1":=;>_1 1_ ~10-11A.M. Exeroise_ _I 1_ _I 110-Noon:arts/oraftl0-Noon:Oil paintingl0-llA.M.:exeroise 110-Noon:arts/orafts Noon: LUNCH 110-Noon:art~/oraftsll0-Noon:arts/oraftsINoon: LUNCH 12:30-3:00:oards/INoon: LUNCH INoon: LUNCH 112:30-3:00:Bingo/ games 112:30-3:00: oards/ 112:30-3P.M. :Video I oards I games 1 I I " I I /3 I l,llHAPPY VALENTINES I ~ ~I l___l0-llA.M.exeroise~1 DAY!!!!! I~I 10-Noon:arts/oraft~ NoolI.Oil paiRtingl0-llA.M. :exeroise 110-Noon:arts/orafts Noon: LUNCH I 10-Noon:arts/orafts I 10-Noon:arts/orafts INoon: LUNCH 12:30-3:00:oardsIlNoon: LUNCH INoon: LUNCH/PARTY! 112:30-3:00:Video games 112:30-3:00: oards/ 11:00~3:00:oards/games I 1 I I q: :~O: :.:21 : : ~J..: 1()~fJO()jI.J~O(L. r~lI.di# 110-11A.M. :exeroise 1 I 110-Noon:arts/oraft1O=Noon:Oil paintiRgl0-llA.M.:exeroise 110-Noon:arts/oraftsl INoon: LUNCH 110-Noon:arts/oraftsll0-Noon:arts/oraftsINoon: LUNCH/ 112:30-3:00:oards/INoon: LUNCH INoon: LUNCH IWASHINGTON1S I games 112:30-3:00: oards/ 112:30-3~00: Video IBIRTHDAY PARTY! I 1 I 112:30-3:00:Bingo/ I I I I Cards I I I I :1~: :~1: :;If: :j5rnll/(cJI l/tJrJJOul~,"f/tJV7IP' 110-11A.M.:exeroise 1--- I I 110-Noon:arts/oraftl~-NgeR:OjJ p~intiAgl0-l1A.M.:exeroise I 10-Noon:arts/orafts I INoon: LUNCH I 10-Noon:arts/orafts I 10-Noon:arts/orafts INoon: LUNCH I 112:30-3:00:oards/INoon: LUNCH INeon: LUNCH 112:30-3:00: Video I I games 112:30-3:00: oards/ IBIRTHDAY PARTY!!! I I I I 112: 30-3: 00: Cards/ f I I 1 I Games I I I I I I I I I I I I .