1991-06-13 - AGENDA RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 13, 1991 CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT APPROVE MINUTES MAY 9, 1991 MEETING APPROVED CORRECTIONS SECONDED CORRESPONDENCE: REPORTS 1. Letter of thank you from V.A. Hospital for invitation to concert 2. Letter from Sharon McSween Re: Tournament July 13 & 14 3. Memo from Richard Rose Re: Recreation Subdivision Fees 4. Memo from Richard Rose Re: 1991 Summer Concerts 5. Copy of letter address to Jay Paggi from Attorney Al Roberts re: Montfort Road - Also our Letter to Mr. Roberts 6. Letter from Charles P. May re: Landscape Architecture 7. Memo from Supervisor Smith re: Purchase Orders 8. Copy of Town Planning Board Resolution approving Preliminary Plat for Evergreen Estates - Old Myers Corners Road 9. Letter to Supervisor Smith from Ronald B. Mackowiak, Wappinger United Soccer Re: Soccer Camp 10. Letter to Supervisor Smith fromAttorney Al Roberts re; Lease/ License/Concession of Town Property for baseball/soccer camp 11. Letter from Daniel E. Zoller Dutchess Co. Health re: Town Camp 12. Letter from Little All Angels' Nursery School K.D. B.R. T.F. E.K. J.M. H.J.M. S.M. D.R. J.V. R.J.H. OLD BUSINESS Spook Hill - Fixing basketball court - Letter from Brian McFarlane Boat Ramp - Letter to Railroad - Description of area in question. r , - , TOWN OF WAPPINGER RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES - JUNE 13, 1991 NEXT MEETING JULY 11, 1991 AT SCHLATHAUS PARK The regular meeting of the Town of Wpapinger Recreation Commission was held June 13, 1991 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County,New York. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 by Chairman Ralph J. Holt. Others present were Recreation Director Bernie Reimer, Senior Citizens Director Kathi DeLisa, Commission Members Ellen Korz, Joseph Mastroianni, Hugh J. Maurer, Stephen Miller, and Maintenance Supervisor John Vorndran. Terry Fisher arrived at 8:05 p.m. The minutes of the May 9, 1991 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Mastroianni seconded by Mrs. Korz with all in favor. CORRESPONDENCE A letter of thanks was received from Margaret Nevico of the V. A. Hospital at Castle Point. She thanked us for inviting their patients to attend the West POint Academy Band Concert which was held May 3, 1991 at Roy C. Ketcham High School. She mentioned that the patients thoroughly enjoyed the concert and being former servicemen became emotionally involved with the music. A letter was received from Sharon McSween of the Poughkeepsie Women's Slowpitch League reguesting further information pertaining to their softball tournament scheduled at Robinson Lane on July 13th and 14th. Mr. Reimer mentioned that he has already spoken to Mrs. McSween about the raindate the following weekend and that the complex will be opened for them that date. He has also contacted Mr. Mensching about whether Little League would run the concession that day for the tournament. A letter was received from Richard Rose of the Town of Poughkeepsie including an article from, the Planning News on Recreation Fees and Cluster Subdivisions which he felt would be of interest. A memo was received from Richard Rose, Town of Poughkeepsie, with a list of the 1991 Summer Concerts from various muncipalities. A copy will be forwarded to Supervisor Smith for her information. We received a copy of a letter addressed to the Town Engineer from the Town Attorney regarding the Montfort Road Barn matter. Mr. Roberts, Attorney to the Town has requested that we set up a meting with all interested parties some Thursday morning so arrangements on t~e land swap can be worked out. Mr. Holt felt that Thursday morning might not be a convenient time since Mr. Fulton works and might not be able to get off. He will have to speak with Mr. Fulton to set up a convenient time. A letter was received from Charles P. May providing information concerning the consulting capabilities of his office. '- .- Recreation Minutes June 13, 1991 Page 2 A copy of the resolution approving the preliminary plat of Evergreen Estates was received from the Planning Board. A memo was received from Supervisor Smith effective June 15, 1991 NO purchase orders will be issued for any amount unless authorized by her. The Commission received copies of letters received by Supervisor Smith regarding the lease/license/Concession of Town Property for baseball or soccer camps sponsored by private organizations and a request from the Wappinger United to hold a Summer Soccer Camp August 19-23rd. Mr. Holt noted that he thought that this camp had been approved by the Town Board and that from now on all requests of this nature will come before the Commission. Mr. Maurer mentioned that if that was the case we should think about setting up some guidelines for these camps. We will verify with the Town Clerk's Office that the decisions are now in our hands regarding the camps and if so we will then work on setting up these guidelines. Mr. Holt and Mr. Reimer met with Mr. Oaniel Zoller of the Dutchess County Health Dept. to review the essential revisions and additions to the Camp Safety Plan which is necessary for our playgrounds to open on June 25th. In reviewing the list of 21 or so items, we felt that we were being buried with bureaucracy. When asked what makes us a camp vs a playground, we were told that we register the children and that we have the swim program. When they were told that if that made us a camp we would discontinue both practices so that we could continue as a playground, w.e were then told not to that the Health Department would work with us to do what they could to help us open on time as a Camp. Mr. Holt questioned them as to why the Town of Wappinger was being singled out when other neighboring Towns run similiar programs and don't seem to have these problems. We were told that the Health Department was not aware of that information from the other Towns. Evidently they are not as open about their programs as we are. Mr. Reimer felt that a lot of the suggestions and regulations from the Health Departmenthas made us a better playground but he felt that we were being harassed. After the meeting with Mr. Zoller, it was felt that we, would comply with their requests but if they come back with even further unreasonable requests, we would take some kind of action. A letter was received from Denise Efantes of the little "All Angels" Nursery School to ~se Schlathaus Park on Saturday, June 15th from 8 - 1 for their graduation show. Mrs. Roe spoke with Mrs. Efantes and verified that they have insurance and that there would be 1 adult for every 4 children. They will be well supervised. Because of the timing of this request Mr. Holt and Mr. Reimer were contacted and verbal approval was given to Mrs. Efantes. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Mrs. Delisa handed out a report on the activities at the Center which is attached to these minutes. Some items that were discussed are as follows: 1. May was celebrated as Senior Citizen Month and the 7th was observed as Senior Citizens Day. The Recreation Commission donated a cake and Supervisor Smith gave each Senior a carnation. Recreation Minutes June 13, 1991 Page 3 2. Wappinger Jr. High had two students come over to work with the Art Students at the Center. The program worked out well and we will try and do more with this in the Fall. 3. Mrs. DeLisa said that she spoke with Wendy Mallet of the Heart Association and advised her to speak with Supervisor Smith to set up the blood pressure screening program at the Town Hall. 4. The checking account is set up at the Norstar Bank and 2 of the Seniors have volunteered to take care of the account. 5. The Center was closed on May 16th for the Food distribution. Some 70 people came in for food. Several of the Seniors helped with the distribution. 6. June is the Centers 3rd Anniversary and a picnic was held on the 7th with the opening ceremony for the Boccie and Horeseshoe pit. Mr. Mastroianni served as official for the day and approximately 60 members were present for the ceremony and picnic. We would like to see if we can get some interest from other Centers for boccie tournBmebts. 7. A bus trip is scheduled for June 25th to Lake George. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Reimer reported the following: 1. We have several shows scheduled in July for the Playgrounds. He asked Mrs. DeLisa if the Seniors would be interested in the shows. If they are he could see if a bus could take them to Schlathaus. ~. We had a meeting on Tuesday, June 11th with the summer staff to go over the Personnel Manuel, do paperwork on the payroll and a short first aid presentation. On June 18th, we have another meeting set for the Task Force for Child Protection on the recognition and reporting of child abuse. 3. Amy Slacin, Summer Playground Director, is setting up a meeting next Thursday, June 20th to renew the certification on CPR for the 6 directors. This is a requirement of the Health Department. If any of the directors are already certified, we will take another counselor to make up the 6. 4. No long trips are scheduled for this year. The furthest trip will be roller skating in Hyde Park. 5. He is still looking for another swim instructor who has the W.S.I. He is following several leads. 6. Some changes have been made in the summer hires. Jim Francese who was scheduled to be Director at Castle Point has resigned because of school and another job. Cori Russell, a 5 year counselor at Spook Hill, will now be the Director there. Recreation Minutes June 13, 1991 Page 4 7. A 1/2 page ad will be in the Southern Dutchess News outlining the total summer programs from swim, playgrounds, tennis, concerts etc. 8. Tennis so far has 79 people registered for the 1st session. The 2nd session will start July 22nd and registration for that session will be held at a later date. 9. The first concert will be "Switch-in-Time and will be June 27th at 7:00 at Schlathaus Park. 10. Mr. Reimer has received a request for a summer volleyball program and he has a person who is willing to run the program. We have been thinking about putting in a sand court by the barn but we aren't ready to put a lot of money into it at this time. After a discussion on how to install the court, it was decided that Mr. Reimer would check with Mr. Walter Leczinski on the exact dimensions and then Mr. Vorndran will check on prices for the work involved. POP WARNER Mr. Fisher mentioned that the Pop Warner Field at the Jr. High is under litigation and that they will not be able to use it this year. They have put in applications to Ketcham and John Jay to use their fields but would like to know if these applications are not approved if they could use Robinson Lane. They would only be using the complex for games and it will probably only be 3 or 4 games at most. After a discussion, we felt that with the girls 1st field and R-l we could do it. Mr. Fisher will go out and check on the size of the field and if it is large enough, permission will be given to Pop Warner. HALLOWEEN Mrs. Korz was asked if she would make the arrangements and plans for the Halloween Party. Scheduled date will be October 27th at Schlathaus Park. BOAT RAMP Mr. Maurer suggested that we write a letter to the Railroad requesting permission to use the property where the old station house use to be and the land around it for parking facilities for the boat ramp. Mr. Vorndran mentioned that Mike has a sign on his fence stating tha t there is a $10.00 fee to launch a boat. They way he has the sign up, it looks like it would pertain to our ramp. It was suggested that a sign be placed on our ramp ~own of Wappinger Recreation Public Boat Ramp~ weekend. We will have a sheriff patrol for the boat ramp for the July 4th Recreation Minutes June 13, 1991 Page 5 SCHLATHAUS PARK Mr. Mastroianni asked if we had thought any more about putting in an apron in front of the bandstand. He was told that we would like to do that but there is a problem with the subwork. A lot of drainage work has to be done there before we would be able to put down concrete. ROBINSON LANE Mr. Miller mentioned that he is still trying to get in touch with Mr. Mensching for permission to use the new building for our supplies for the summer camp. He also mentioned that he was still checking on the Truck Body. Mr. Holt said that he had spoken with Mr. Mensching and said that it didn't look positive for the use of the Truck body beeause there was a 200 gal tank of fuel in it. Mrs. Roe has already ordered a truck body from Guardian Rentals. Mr. isher suggested that the pavilion have a wood preservative or sealer on it so that it will last longer. There have been no problems with the drainage this year and the mowing has been good. CASTLE POINT The concrete floor is in and the steps are finished at the pavilion. We are in the process of clearing out the scrub trees on the left side as you enter the park. The 100' of 10' fence will soon be installed to keep the balls from rolling into the upper field. D.E.C. has put in the test wells and we would like to run the 300' of fence which we got from the Highway Department along that area to protect people from running over these wells. In the fall we would like to build a cinder block storage area in back of the pavilion for the storage of the summer playground supplies and the marking chalk. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Holt reported the following: 1. Mr. Holt and Mr. Vorndran have been working with Mr. Balducci of East Fishkill Railroad Tie to obtain a gazebo for the Town Hall property for the use of the Senior Citizens and the Town Employees. We have also written a letter to the Rotary Club for a donation towards this project. Recreation Minutes June 13, 1991 Page 6 2. We are still waiting for a plan for the septic system from Mr. Paggi's Office for Schlathaus Park. A request was made to their office in the Spring to draw up a plan for the use of the house by 20, 30 and 40 people. We are stillwaiting for this plan so we can proceed with the use of the building. 3. Mr. Holt asked if the Southern Dutchess Women's League was using the Quiet Acres Field on a regular basis. Mr. Reimer said that they were not. If the field is safe, we can use this field for other requests. 4. The new slide is in place at Martz Field. Mr. Vorndran will try and fix the fence himself when the mowing slows down a bit. It was suggested that we cut down the trees by the monument instead of trying to save them. They are so deep that it is hard to get them out without damaging them. 5. Mr. Holt still has to talk to Mr. Fulton about setting up a meeting with the Supervisor, Town Engineer and Town Attorney about the property re-alignment. 6. We would like to see if we could get the Senior Citizen room painted sometime soon. 7. Earlier in the Spring we were set to have the Ladies at the prison come to paint the buildings at Robinson Lane and then they had a measles outbreak and were not able to do the work. It was suggested that we try and set this up again after the playground is finished. Mr. Maurer mentioned that the men from Downstate were painting in Fishkill. Mr. Vorndran and Mrs. Roe will follow up on this. BALLFIELD SIGNS Mr. Mastroianni mentioned that he had noticed that the ballfied in the Village has advertisers signs along the outfield fence. He asked if that might be a source of income for the Town if we did that at our fields. It was felt that if it were done everything must be uniform and kept up. There was also a question on who would get the money - the Little League or the Town. It was felt that we understand the idea but that we were not ready to take on this type of project at this time. Mr. Holt mentioned that the residents at Fishkill might be interested in watching a soccer game now that the field has been finished and is being used. We will have to remind Mr. Rider to set up this game and have Mr. Reimer put some publicity in the paper about it. Recreation Minutes June 13, 1991 Page 7 The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 on a motion by Mr. Maurer seconded by Mr. Miller will all in favor. Peggy Roe Secretary JUNE 1991 REPORT TO RECREATION COMMISSION SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER May was Senior Citizen Month. To make the month special, a notice was posted stating the month was Senior Citizen Month followed by Have you hugged a Senior today? Each somior was (and still is) greeted with a hug each morning by Ro~gina and me. May 7th was observed as Senior Ci t i zen Day. The celebration for this day included cake,compliments of the Recreation Commission and a flower for each Senior, clJmpliments of Connie Smith. Senior activities included the regular schedule of oil painting, exercise, line dancing, arts/crafts, videos, cards/games and Bocci. The month began with a lecture by author, Vioret"Ounckley on Senior Concerns. On May 9th we had our first barb-b-que for the year. Everyone contributed food. Hot dogs and hamburgers were bought out of the members' fund. All enjoyed the day. On May 15th Stephanie Mallozzi from the Horticulture Dept. of Dutchess Co. Cooperative Extension in Millbrook discussed home and lawn gardening care. Many of the members participated in the bus trip to the Maritime Center in Conn. on May 22nd. Our monthly birthday party was held on May 31st. There was an average of 31 seniors at the Center per day for the month of May. There are 101 seniors presently registered at the Center. One of our seniors passed away on June 8th. ITEMS TO BE NOTED: 1. Two students from Wappinger Jr. High School joined the oil painting class on May 14th. They will partic~pate each week until the end of the school year. The students are sketching the seniors in the class and will sketch other seniors in the next few weeks. The program is going well. Ellen Fabien, guidance counselor, and I hope to continue this and other programs in the fall. 2. In regard to the Heart Assoc., I spoke to W~dy Mallet and advised her to speak to Connie Smith to set up a blood pressure screening program. 3. The checking account has finally been opened at Bank, under the name Wappingers Senior Center. Egan and Kay Andrews are the authorized signers account. 4. The Center was closed on May 16th for food distribution. Norstar Mary for the 3 5. Connie Smith has asked the line dancers to participate in the USO Show on Aug. 4th at Ketcham H.S. The dancers are a bit hesitant, but have agree. (At least for now). 6. June events include the Center's 3rd anniversary. A picnic is planned i~ planned to celebrate the event on June 7th, preceded by an opening ceremony of the Bocci Court and Horseshoe Pits. Susanne Marsuke from 65+ at Vassar Hospital will speak on June 29th. The bus trip to Lake George is scheduled for June 25th. 7. Upcoming trips include Kelly's Western Country Show,PA. in August, and Woodlock Pines, PA. in November. 8. The Bocci Court and Horseshoe Pits are wonderful! We hope to attract more male members as well as start a women's team. I have announced in my weekly column that we welcome other centers to join us for tournaments. 4 JUNE 1991 TOWN OF WAPPINGER SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER: OPEN 10:00A.M.-3:00P.M. 20 Middlebush Rd. Wappingers Falls, N.Y. 12590 Phone:297-3670 TUES. WED. THURS. FRI. 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 IHAPPY ANNIVERSARY I J._ 1_ ..:.IJune 8th-3 years I 10-Noon:Painting 110-11A.M. :Exercise 110-11A.M. :Exercise 110-11A.M.Line Dancing 10-Noon:arts/craftl0-Noon:arts/craftsll0-Noon:arts/craftsll-Noon:BOCCI GAMES I Noon: LUNCH INoon: LUNCH Noon: LUNCH AND OPENING CEREMONY 1 12:30-3:00:cards/112:30-3:00:cards/ 12:30-3:00: cards/ Noon:ANNIVERSARY 1 games I games games PICNIC followed by I more bocci & games I 131 14 I I 1 1 I 10-11A.M. Exercise 10-11A.M.Line Dancing 10-Noon:arts/crafts 10-Noon:arts/crafts I Noon: LUNCH Noon: LUNCH I 12:30-3:00:cards/ 12:30-3:00: VIDEO , games I 20 , 21 I , ____10-11A.M.Exercise___1 , 10-11A.M. :arts/craftl0-l1A.M.Line Dancing llA.M.Susanne 110-Noon: arts/crafts' Marsuke-65+,Vassar INoon: LUNCH , Hospital-Lecture 112:30-3:00:cards/ 1 NOON: LUNCH' games 1 12:30-3:00: VIDEO I I 27 I 128 I ___10-11A.M.Exercise___1 I 10-Noon:arts/craftsll0-l1A.M.Line Dancing Noon: LUNCH 110-Noon:arts/crafts , BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!! INoon: LUNCH: , 12:30-3:00:cards/ 112:30-3:00: VIDEO , games I I 22 Dorothy Wood WE NEED 3 BIRTHDAY 25 Anna Antonelli CAKES ON JUNE 27th - - - - _. - - - - -_. _. - - . ~6 ~~ll unllrKlng ~L~fi~~ ~~~ ~!n~ I 30 Judy Thompson IF YOU WILL , VOLUNTEER TO BRING ONE. THANK YOU! , 25 IBUS TRrp! 261 ILAKE GEORGE I 10-Noon:Painting 10-11A.M.:Exercise 10-Noon:arts/craftl0-Noon:arts/crafts Noon: LUNCH 'Noon: LUNCH 12:30-3:00:cards/112:30-3:00:cards/ games , games June Birthdays: 5 Betty Court 6 Rachelo DeRosa ., .t<.ose L.;onnoll y 9 Rose Visentin 9 Gl'aae Mi tahell COMING EVENT! AUGUST 8TH- PICNIC AT BOWDOIN PARK. 111 112 1 I I I 10-Noon:Painting 110~11A.M. Exercise 10-Noon:arts/craftl0:Noon:arts/crafts Noon: LUNCH INoon: LUNCH 12:30-3:00: cards/12:30-3:00:cards/ games games 18 I 1 10-Noon:Painting 10-Noon:art/craft Noon: LUNCH 12:30-3:00:cards/ 191 , 10-11A.M. Exercise 10-Noon:arts/crafts Noon: LUNCH 12:30-3:00:cards/ games games . A-1620.41 A-1620.40 A-7620.4 A-7020 .4 A-7110.2 A-7110.21 A-7110.4 BIllS PAID DURING JUNE 1991 New York Telephone Company Sylvan lake Telephone Co. 84.36 24.04 Central Hudson Gas & Electric Central Hudson Gas & Electric 13.70 180.12 Jamesway Coffee Systems of Hudson Valley R.G.H. Construction Dutchess County YMCA Kathi Delisa Hobby Hut K-Mart 14.98 36.00 200.00 60.00 73.84 48.63 49.53 Hudson Valley Stationers, Inc. 26.95 Hutchinson Equipment Co. 279.95 Valenti Concrete Richard Donaldson Montfort Brothers, Inc. 938.00 930.00 87.90 Walter Smith Welding Supplies Inc. Royal Carting Service Inc. Milton Alley Agway East Fishkill Railroad Tie & Pipe Bottini Fuel A-I lawnmower A-I Portable Toilets A-I Portable Toilets Wappingers Central School Joel Vorndran Urey Hardware A-I Portable Toilets Hutchinson Equipment Co. Pine Plains Ford Tractor Hutchinson's Equipment Royal Carting Service Windsor Building Supplies Expanded Supply Products 190.14 175.90 35.65 37.85 355.85 22.10 95.00 95.00 .328.50 .130.00 123"..91 95.00 _12.;44 134.97 9.78 173.43 399.00 110.80 >- . BILLS PAID DURING JUNE 1991 CON'T A-7140.4 Southern Dutchess News John Vorndran 176.40 30.03 B-7310.2 Miracle Recreation Equipment Co. 1,530.00 B-7310.4 Leprechaun Lines 453.00