1991-09-19 AGENDA RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 1991 CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT; ~, II APPROVE MINUTES - AUGUST 1, 1991 APPROVED CORRECTIONS: CORRESPONDENCE 1. Memo from J. Paggi - Re: Airport Business Center 2. Letter Gary Mensching T.O.W. Little League Re- 1992 Budget 3. Letter Sandra Santoro - Re: Spook Hill Playground 4. Resolutions approving Preliminary and Final Plat for Nota Subdivision 5. Resolutions ap~roving Preliminary and Final Plat for Lands of Kabaoui 6. Received Certificate of Insurance from United Soccer League 7. Letter from Myers School and Jr. High - Re: Use of School Facilities 8. Letter addressed to Mr. Fulton from Attorney re: Land Swap at Montfort Road REPORTS: SECONDED K.D. B.R. T.F. E.K. J.M. H.J.M. S.M. D.R. J.V. R.J.H. OLD BUSINESS - Baseball Camp at Robinson Lane - Pete Wysco Halloween Party at Schlathaus October 27th NEW BUSINESS - Set date for the Christmas Party MEETING ADJOURNED NEXT MEETING ,~ " . i RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 1991 NEXT MEETING OCTOBER 17, 1991 The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was ~eld September 19, 1991 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wapp1nger, Dutchess County, New York. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Ralph J. Holt. Others present were Recreation Director Bernie Reimer, Commission Members Terry Fisher, Ellen Korz, Hugh J. Maurer, Joseph Mastroianni, Stephen Miller, Donald Rider, and Maintenance Supervisor John Vorndran. The minutes of the August 1, 1991 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Miller seconded by Mrs. Korz. CORRESPONDENCE A memo was received from Joseph E. Paggi, Engineer to the Town, arranging a meeting on Wednesday, September 11th at 9:30 a.m. at the Buyakowski Property (Airport Business Center). Those scheduled to attend are representatives of the Town Boa~d, Planning Board, Recreation Commission and Mr. Buyakowski. Mr. Holt mentioned that he, Mr. Vorndran and Mr. Rider attended and that we accepted the 10 acres. Mr. Paggimentioned that because of the type of soil, rest rooms would not be able to be constructed. Once the survey has been completed by Mr. Paggi, Mr. Peter Kennedy of the United Soccer Club will layout the fields. We will then have to work together and proceed with the construction of the fields with possible donated time and equipment. A letter has been received from Gary Mensching, President of the Town of Wappinger Little League with their list of 1992 equipment requirements. At this point, we are not sure of the exact procedure that will be followed for the disbursement of these funds. It was the Commissions feeling that we didn't want to be involved with going out to bid. It was felt that we would be better off if we let them have the money and give us an accounting or inventory of what they used the money for. We made sure that the same amount of money was put in the 1992 budget as was put in the 1991 budget. A letter was received from Sandra Santoro of 38 Reggie Drive commending the Staff of the spook Hill Playground for this summers program. She mentioned that her son enjoyed every activity and that she hopes the playground will continue in the future. The personnel at this site were: Director Joan Wasilko, Counselors Sandy Walker, Amy Sinclair, Krisstina Danek, Kimberly Camasto, and Christine Walsh. Resolutions approving the preliminary and final plat on the Noto Subdivision and the Subdivision of the Lands of Kabaoui were received from the Planning Board. A certificate of insurance was received from the United Soccer Club listing the Town of Wappinger as an additional insured. , , . . , Recreation Minutes September 19, 1991 Page 2 A letter was received from the Myers Corners and Wappinger Jr. High Schools notifying us that because they are on an austerity budget, any previously specified charge for the 1991-1992 use of facilities will be adjusted according to the building use fee schedule which is being developed. Mr. Holt said that we have to have an understanding with the schools in that we do a lot of things for them which we have no problem with i.e. their current use of the tennis courts and Robinson Lane for Hockey. Mr. Miller said that he felt the charge would be nominal. It was noted that the~own has the same budget problems and that if it gets to the point where the fee is too much, we will discuss further about charging the schools. A copy of a letter was received which was directed to Joseph H. Fulton from the Attorney to the Town, Albert P. Roberts. This letter was regarding the Land Swap-Montfort Road Property and requested a meeting on September 26, 1991 at Town Hall to discuss this matter further. A letter has been forwarded to Rosealice D'Avanzo of the Dutchess County Youth Bureau with copies of the Claims for 1991 Programs. The Town is scheduled to receive $11,140. Total salaries paid f0r the 1991 Summer Program amounted to $45,854.50. This excluded the summer gymnastics program and the tennis program. Letters sent during the past month were as follows: 1. Letter to Planning Board approving dedication of land for recreation purposes on the Noto Subdivision. 2. Letter to Fernwood Floral Design - Thanks for the donation. 3. Letter to Wendy Mallet, Dutchess County Heart Assoc. - Thanks for providing blood pressure screening. 4. Sharon McSween - Letter regarding the condition Robinson Lane Fields were left in after their tournament on July 13 and 14. 5. Thank you letters for help with summer program and picnic to the following: a. Mobile Office Concepts b. Mike Garret ( Ben & Jerry's) c. Metzger Meat Market d. Scott Carlin, Promotion Director WPDH e. Mike Cornell (Splashdown) f. Kay Valentino - WCSD Transportation g. Letter to Editor - Southern Dutchess News - Re: Playground Program SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Mrs. DeLisa was unable to attend but sent a report of activities for the month of August which is attached to these minutes. The following items were discussed : Recreation Minutes September 19, 1991 Page 3 1. Mrs. Helen Nixon will not be continuing her work on setting up and taking reservations for future trips in 1992. Mrs. Delisa asked whether this shoud now be done by a Senior Citizen Employee, Mrs. Roe or another senior volunteer. Mr. Holt mentioned that he felt that we shou~d try and stay away from the senior volunteer. Mr. Mastroianni mentioned that Helen Erickson had indicated an interest in the past about doing this so her name will be kept in mind. He also said that he felt that the reservations should be handled at Town Hall. This will be discussed further in the future. A letter of thanks will be sent to Mrs. Nixon for all her help in the past. 2. At the August meeting, it was decided to issue a Senior Citizen 1.0. Card for use on trips etc. It was decided to go with the current 1.0. card which we use for the playgrounds and other recreation activities and put the letters S.C. next to the registration number. We will not require a photo for this card. 3. A Halloween Party is scheduled for October and Mrs. Delisa asked if there was anyone to approach for a donation of donuts and cider. Mr. Holt said he would take care of this and asked Mrs. Roe to find out the approximate amount that will be needed. 4. Christmas ornaments have been ordered. Mrs. Delisa would like to have a "Santa" hand out the gifts at their Christmas Party. Mr. Holt said he would speak with Mr. Bill Verlin to see if he would be able to be "Santa". The tentative dates are December 19th or 20th. Mr. Holt mentioned that the 1992 budget is in and we are scheduled to run the Senior Center for 5 days a week next year. RECREATION DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Reimer reported that: 1. The summer playground picnic went well and that the WPDH Boom Box was a great asset. Mr. Holt asked Mr. Fisher if he would be able to take on the responsibility of obtaining and serving the food for the picnic next year. By doing this it would relieve Mr. Reimer of some of the details for the day and he would just have to concentrate on the activities. 2. The Fall schedules have been advertised with tentative dates as we are still waiting for the fee schedules for the use of the school facilities. We have also been notified that the Jr. High programs will be on hold because the gym floor has been ruined due to a leak in the roof. 3. Mr. Reimer has contacted the Dickens Band for entertainment at our Christmas Party. This is the same band that we had last year and everyone seemed to enjoy them. They mentioned that they would be available to perform on either December 1st or December 8th. Their fee would be $800. for 1 hour which is the same as last year. After a discussion, it was decided to hold the party on December 8th ~ , . Recreation Minutes September 19, 1991 Page 4 and to hire the Dickens Band. It was also decided that we should purchase a 100 cup coffee pot to be used for special events. Mr. Fisher mentioned that there is a place in Cold Spring that sells restaurant supplies that we could look into. 4. A tentative date of Saturday ,March 21, 1992 has been set for Steve Johnson to hold a Magic Show at the Jr. High School. 5. He is working on scheduling a concert sometim~ during February and is trying to contact the West Point Band. VOLLEYBALL COURT Mr. Fisher noted that the volleyball court on Montfort Road seems to be used quite a lot. With everyone using the court, we find we have a problem with the ball rolling into the road. It was suggested that a fence be put up from the tennis courts down to the creek to solve this problem. It was decided that since the ball rolls into the road all we would need would be a 4' or 5' fence. Until that is done we will put up a snow fence to see how it works. HALLOWEEN PARTY Mrs. Korz mentioned that she will be unable to attend the Party but has everything set so far. McDonald's will probably do what they did last year. Duncan Donuts, Carvel, Wendy's, Pizza Hut, Roy Rogers and Parties Plus are pretty well set. Mrs. Korz will try and pick up everything ahead of time except for the donuts. Mrs. Roe will try and pick them up on Saturday Night. It was suggested that the pumpkins for the pumpkin contest be put on the stage so everyone can see them. Mrs. Korz requested that the bleachers be moved around in front of the stage. Mr. Vorndran will take care of this. We will be decorating the stage on Saturday afternoon. ROCKINGHAM Mr. Rider noted that the corner fence by the sewer plant has been corrrected to help with the traffic flow. We are also trying to get water and sewer to the trailer. Camo mentioned that we would have to get permission from the Town in order to do this. Mr. Holt will speak with Supervisor Smith. Mr. Vorndran mentioned that he has trouble keeping the gate at Rockingham locked during the winter and that cars ride over the fields. Last year after the soccer season, he changed the lock and gave a key only to Camo and somehow the gate was always left open. Mr. Holt mentioned that we still have to do something about the fencing around the pond. , . Recreation Minutes September 19, 1991 Page 5 Mr. Miller mentioned that there was an incident at the Rockingham Park back in August where a Fishkill resident, a member (coach) of the Wappinger United Soccer Club who was using the fields, drove his jeep through the ballfields because he was upset at a couple of boys on the softball field. He almost hit one of the boys. Mr. Fisher gave the following account of the situation. He said that after a rain storm a couple of boys from the softball league were going down to check and work on the ballfield for a tournament the following night and in driving down the road they accidently went through a puddle and splashed the Fishkill resident. He hollered at them and they said they were sorry and continued on to the ballfield. As the boys were working on the infield, the jeep came across the field and came toward them forcing them to jump out of the way. The Fishkill resident then said that this wasn't an accident. The plate number was taken and the police were called. Mr. Miller was told just recently that charges would be filed. Although, in checking with Supervisor Smith, we were told that ~ rnd told the Fishkill resident that the Town would not press charges. The Commission felt that this was an irrational act and that someone could have gotten hurt. We felt that if nothing else, everyone should sit down and discuss the matter. It was also suggested that a letter be sent to the Soccer Club indicating our displeasure with the incident. Mr. Holt mentioned that he would discuss this matter further with Supervisor Smith at their meeting tomorrow. GAZEBO Mr. Rider mentioned that there are two defective boards on the floor of the gazebo. This should be brought to the attention of Mr. Balducci. Mr. Holt has spoken with Mr. Prentiss of Chris Bar Electric regarding the electric service to to gazebo and was told that the easiest and best solution would be to put a pole in on the left as you enter Town Hall and run a line underground to the gazebo. Central Hudson said that they would donate the pole and the estimated cost is less than $2,000. for the balance of the work. Mr. Holt will speak with Supervisor Smith to get approval for this. Mr. Vorndran will contact Mr. Balducci to deliver the top soil so we can start to landscape around it. CASTLE POINT Mr. Holt and Mr. Vorndran went over all the fencing at Castle Point and discovered a hole cut in the fence in the back of the park. They then stopped at the neighboring property where the damage was found and spoke with the owner of the property telling them that the fence would be fixed. RECREATION 1.0. CARDS Mr. Fisher indicated that the Commission members should have some type of identification. If they go out to the fields because of a problem, they should have something that identifies them as a representative of the lown as a member of the Recreation Commission. This would also be helpful when making purchases or trying to get donations for special events. Mrs. Roe will look into this. , , Recreation Minutes September 19, 1991 Page 6 CONVERTER FOR AUDIO SYSTEM Mr. Rider mentioned that you can get a converter for the new sound system to plug it into a car. The prices would run approximately $100. for a 100 watt up to $301. for a 500 watt system. It was decided that this was a little more than we want to spend right now and since we do have a small generator which can be used, we will hold off on this for the time being. ROBINSON LANE The rest rooms at the Robinson Lane Park are in terrible condition. The men's room is in especially terrible shape with the panels rusting. It was decided that we should renovate the men's room and if the ladies room is still in salvageable shape we will just paint it. MARTZ FIELD Mr. Holt mentioned that there is a leak in the water line at Martz Field and this fall we should replace the pipe. The leak is between Long Court and the building. It was suggested that we ask Mr. Foster, Highway Superintendent if he would dig it for us. FIELD USAGE Mr. Fisher mentioned that when we give out fields for tournament use or to baseball or softball teams that we must strongly emphasize that there are no alcoholic beverages allowed in the Parks. When a tournament is taking place, we should require that all teams coming in to play be notified of this rule. He mentioned that it is hard to enforce our own teams when outside teams come in bringing alcohol. PARKLAND TRUST FUND The Parkland Trust Fund was discussed and since no one was completely familiar with the procedure on how it is run, it was decided that a letter would be written to Ann Buckley, Comptroller. In the letter we would request information about how it is invested, that the balance is, if the interest is credited back into the fund, and if we could be notified when money is received from a developer and how much is received. A copy of this letter will also be forwarded to Supervisor Smith. Recreation Minutes September 19, 1991 Page 7 It was decided that the recreation meetings would be changed to the 3rd Thursday of each month instead of the 2nd Thursday. The time would remain the same at 7:30 p.m. It was noted that the tennis lights will be turned off around Columbus Day. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 on a motion by Mr. Maurer seconded by Mr. rider. Peggy Roe Secretary . , ~ ,Ii I SEPTEMBER 1991 REPORT TO RECREATION COMMISSION SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER August activities in August included the regular schedule of oil painting, ~~ercise, line dancing, arts/crafts, videos and cards/games. Seniors are working on craft items for annual craft fair to be held Oct. 25. Items include: Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas crafts. On August 7, Beverly Traver spoke on the Vantage Care Program available for Seniors at St. Francis Hospital. The Seniors enjoyed a picnic at Bowdoin Park on August B. Everyone had a nice time. Our new grill works great. On Aug 20, the Heart Assoc. held a blood pressure screening in the large meeting room for all. The Seniors are delighted to have the opportunity to monitor their pressure monthly. The blood pressure screening will be available the third Tuesday of each month. The Town trip to Kelly's Western Festival on Aug. 24 was a great success. Everyone seemed to have good reports. The Seniors donated some craft items to Hospice to be sold for donation at the Dutchess Co. Fair. August was a quiet month at the Center. Many Seniors were on vacation and promise to return in September. There were an average of 26 Seniors at the Center per day for the month of August. There are 127 Seniors presently registered at the Center. ITEMS TO BE NOTED: 1. September events include a lecture on Medicaid eligibility by Jean Traver from Social Services, an armchair travel film on Alaska by Paul Jeheber, a member of the Explorer's Club. Blood pressure screening will be available on Sept. 17 and of course our monthly birthday party. 2. October events will include a speaker from New York Telephone Co. on special discounts for Seniors. New Hamburg Fire Dept. will speak on Fire Prevention. And the big event will be the Annual Craft Fair on Oct. 25th. On Halloween, we will have a costume party with refreshments and prizes for costumes. 3. November includes a trip to Woodlock Pines on the 6th, a flu shot clinic and a special event for Thanksgiving. December is a month of parties. 4. I have reoeived the report from the New York Senate entitled "Summary Report of the Majority Task Force on i i i Aging in the 21st Century." ISSUES TO BE DISCUSSED: 1. Last month I notified you that Helen Nixon did not want to continue do~ng the Town trips. We will need to find a replacement ~n the very near future. 2. We also discussed the need for 1.0. cards. I would like to have these available to issue as of January, 1992 to start the New Year. 3. For the Halloween party refreshments I will have donuts and cider. Who can I speak to that may be willing to donate either or both? 4. We have ordered Christmas ornaments to be given as gifts to the Seniors for Christmas. I would like to schedule a Christmas party as well-to include a Santa Claus to hand out gifts, possibly music or other entertainment. All help and suggestions are needed and welcome. ~~~~I~~~~ S~~IO~ ~~~S BY Kathi DeLisa, Director Summer is coming ~o a close. September is upon us. We have a busy fall and holiday season ahead. Besides our normal program, September events will include Jean Traver, director of Medicaid Services. She will speak to you on the 12th in regard to eligibility for Medicaid and will answer any of your questions in regard to this. On September 13, Paul Jeheber will host a travel slide show on Ala~ka. He has travelled extensively and is a member of the Explorer's Club. There will be a blood pressure soreening on Sept. 17 in the large meeting room. Oil painting will be cancelled that Tuesday. And of course our birthday party will be on the 27th of the month. October is when most of you have requested the Craft Fair. I have asked many of you for your opinion and the consensus is to hold the Craft Fair, Friday, Oot. 25. This will allow us to have Hallowe~n, Thanksgiving and Christmas items to sell. A very big thank you to all of you who work daily on the many items that will be sold at the fair. It is because of all of you that this will be the biggest and best Craft Fair ever. I also want to thank Eva Crocoo for dopating an afghan, Helen Ianuale for donating a baby sweater set, Chickie Cohen for donating cabbage patch doll sweaters and several other items, and Mollie Calogere for making an afghan for the fair. I am sure I forgot to mention others, but please remind me so I can give you the oredit you deserve. (I should have written everything down.) You all do marvelous, oreative work. A BIG HUG TO ALL OF YOU!! Tina and Ed DeMatteo are collecting books to be sold at the Craft Fair. So now is the time to sort through your library. Also for Granny's Attic items, please do not bring items that are dirty, shabby or in need of repair. Items for Granny's Attic can be brought in the week of Ootober 7th. PleaBe do not bring them sooner, as we ha~e no place to store them. . . . Thank you to those that have brought me recipes for our cookbook. The response for this has been slow and I do not believe we will have a cookbook in time for this year's Fair. However, I will continue to collect your recipes and when there is eno~gh, I will begin collating them into a book. So if you have a special recipe handed down through your ~amily, please bring them in. With all your wonderful recipes, we can make a cookbook sponsored by the Center. If you want to try them ~irst, I am sure many of us will be glad to test them for you. The sooner we sta~t the better so dig into those recipe boxes and memories and let's do it. Halloween is on Thursday this year. That calls for a costume party. So put on your thinking caps and start thinking about what you want to wear. There will be. prizes for the silliest, prettiest (or most handsome), most original, and most scary. And what is a Halloween Costume Party without--- yes you guessed it--- games and refreshments. Both tricks and treats are in store for those that participate. So don't be shy--let's put on those costumes and have FUN!!! November brings Election Day-Don't forget to vote. The Center will be closed. And of course, Thanksgiving is November's main event. I would like your suggestions and comments on what you would like to do to observe this special day of thanks. Please feel free to give me your ideas. And last but not least, December blows in Christmas festivities. I will be making reservations shortly for a Christmas luncheon at Villa Borghese. Many of you have reques ted a luncheon here in the pas t. I cannot' te 11 you all that may happen in December, but one of Santa's elves whispered something about a Christmas party. Oh well, can't tell all of Santa's secrets can 11 SEPTEMBER 1991 TOWN OF WAPPINGER SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER: OPEN 10:00A.M.-3:00P.M. 20 Middlebush Rd. Wappingers Falls, N.Y. 12590 Phone:297-3670 TUES WED THURS FRI 3 I I 4 I 5 I 6 I 1 1 I ___'--I I -1_=-1 I 110-Noon:Painting 110-11A.M. :Exercise 110-11A.M. :Exercise 110-11A.M.Line Dancing 110-Noon:art/craftI10-Noon:arts/craft 110-Noon:arts/craftsI10-Noon:arts/crafts 1 Noon: LUNCH I Noon: LUNCH 1 Noon: LUNCH 1 Noon: LUNCH I 12:30-3:00:cards/112:30-3:00:Cards/ 1~2:30-3:00:VIDEO 1~2:30-3:00:cards/ I games I games 1 I games I ! 1 1_ I 101 I 111 I 121 113 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I 10-Noon:Painting 110-11A.M.Exercise 110-11A.M. :Exercise 110-11A.M.Line Dancing 10-Noon:arts/craft10-Noon:arts/craftsI10-Noon:arts/craftsI10-Noon:arts/crafts I Noon: LUNCH 1 Noon: LUNCH I Noon: LUNCH I Noon: LUNCH 1 12:30-3:00: cards/12:30-3:00:cards/ 112:30-1:00:Lecture 112:30-3:Travel log I games I games IMEDICAID INFORMATIONslide show-Alaska I 17 1 BLOOD 1 181 119 I I 20 1 I I PRESSURE! !! I I I I I 1 I Painting:CANCELLED10-11A.M. :Exercise 110-11A.M.:Exercise 110-11A.M.Line Dancing 10-Noon:art/craftI10-Noon:arts/craftsll0-Noon: arts/craftI10-Noon: arts/crafts I I Noon: LUNCH I Noon: LUNCH I Noon: LUNCH I Noon: LUNCH I 12:30-3:00:cards/112:30-3:00:cards/ 112:30-3:00: VIDEO 112:30-3:00: cards/ I games I games I I games I 1 I 1 I 24 .'1 251 126 127 BIRTHDAY I I I I I I I I PARTY!!!!!! I 10-Noon:Painting Il0-11A.~. :Exercise 110-l1A.M. Exercise Il0-11A.M.Line Dancing 10-Noon:arts/craft10-Noon:arts/craftsI10-Noon:arts/craftsI10-Noon:arts/crafts I Noon: LUNCH I Noon: LUNCH I Noon: LUNCH I Noon: LUNCH: I 12:30-3:00:cards/112:30-3:00:cards/ 112:30-3:00: cards/ 112:30-3:00: VIDEO I games 1 games I games I I SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS: I I 14 Mary Delasantra 123 Sarah Padmore WE NEED 3 CAKES FOR THE PARTY. SEE I 17 Lucy Silvestri 125 Bea Jones KATHI IF YOU WILL BRING ONE. IF NO I 20 REGINA WALDRON 127 Mary Egan ONE VOLUNTEERS, I WILL CHOOSE ONE I 23 Etta Elsasser 128 Ben Platt FROM 3 OF THE 4 TABLES. I :3 ~(ZA..i.. h...t'-h~ 1/.1 &11171/'//1' I!Jfrbt1V~ I of -. . . , " /.-.. .";j' A-1620.41 A-1620.40 A-1620.41 A-7020.4 A-7110.21 A-7110.4 A-7140 .4 B-7310.4 A-7620.4 BILLS PAID DURING SEPTEMBER 1991 Sylvan Lake Telephone Company Central Hudson Gas & Electric Tennis Courts - Pye Lane -7690-0425-00 Schlathaus Park - 7808-0400-01 All Angels Hill Road - 7808-0390-00 Robinson Lane Rec. Area - 7371-1295-00 Robinson Lane - 7371-1300-00 Nynex Mobile Communications - 474-3211 Sir Speedy Printing Center A-I Fence Company, Inc. A-I Fence Company, Inc. Jonmar Associates, Inc. N. & S. Supply Co. N. & S. Supply Co. Corbin Excavating Corbin Excavating Urey Hardware Jonmar Associates, Inc. Joel Vorndran Joel Vorndran Expanded Supply Products East Fishkill Railroad Tie & Pipe Dutchess County Sheriff's Dept. Bottini Fuel A-I Portable Toilets Alfred Weston Lewis Rompala Bernie Reimer Roberts Boice Paper Co. Southern Dutchess News S. & S. Arts & Crafts The Wood's Tea Company The Klassics N. & S. Supply Co. N. & S. Supply Co. Meadowbrook Farm Leprechaun Lines Jamesway D.C. Assoc. Senior Citizens Coffee System of Hudson Valley 25.11 80.06 72.94 25.67 12.49 294.87 78.41 87.35 900.00 39.00 135.00 31.22- 27.58 374.00 374.00 112.82 82.90 95.00 40.00 325.00 94.92 534.24 200.98 95.00 5.23 9.90 135.58 96.60 399.80 338.50 550.00 1,000.00 96.40 7.12 124.28 525.00 44.69 566.18 36.00