1993-08-09 ~ - AGENDA RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 9, 1993 CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT: APPROVE MINUTES: 6/14/93 7/12/93 Approved Approved Seconded Seconded Corrections: CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter from June Cioppa - D. C. Youth Bureau - Re: Bill Perron's Reptile ~how 2. Letter from Mary Dahl Pop Warner - Re: Use of Robinson Lane for practice 3. Letter from Nancy Brew-Schwall - Re: refund for playground, swim and basketball 4. Dan Salversen Re: Use of Schlathaus on 8/22 for Community Service 5. Request from John Badar for Volleyball Tournament at R. L. or other facility with 2 softball fields. REPORTS: K.D. B.R. J.E. R.F. B.G. E.K. S.M. D.R. R.J.H. OLD BUSINESS - Playground Picnic Well at Castle Point NEW BUSINESS - Change of meeting night! MEETING ADJOURNED: NEXT MEETING: ," -.,1'- RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 9, 1993 NEXT MEETING SEPTEMBER 13, 1993 The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held August 9, 1993 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Ralph J. Holt. Others present were: Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Bernie Reimer, Recreation Director, Commission Members Ronald Friedman, Barbara Gutzler, Ellen Korz, Stephen Miller, Donald Rider, and Maintenance Supervisor John Vorndran. The minutes of the June 14, 1993 and July 12, 1993 meetings were approved on a motion by Mr. Miller seconded by Mrs. Korz. OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE 1. Memo to Town Board - Request for P.O. for Clay for Robinson Lane and Castle Point. 2. Request for P.O. for bus transportation for Summer Program. 3. Letter to St. Mary's Parish - Approval for use of volleyball courts on 8/4 4. Letter to Price Chopper and BJ's - Help on end of summer picnic. 5. Thank you to Mike Garrett of Ben & Jerry's for ice cream treat for Seniors and employees 6. Letter to Elks of Wappinger #2609 Re: Senior Christmas Party. 7. Memo to Supervisor Smith - Invitation to Wappinger/Fishkill Senior Picnic on 8/19 8. Memo to Supervisor Smith - Request to purchase floor lamps for Schlathaus. CORRESPONDENCE Received a letter from June Ellen Cioppa, Youth Programs Analyst from Dutchess County Youth Bureau regarding the monitoring of Bill Perron's Reptile Show for the 1993 DYF Budget. A letter was received from Nancy Brew-Schwall requesting a refund of $30.00 for the Playground, Swimming and Basketball programs. Her son Michael was hospitalized the first day of camp and was unable to participate in any of the programs. The Commission decided that because of the circumstances and because he did not attend any program that they would refund the money. Received a letter from Mary Dahl on behalf of the Southern Dutchess Pop Warner Football for the use of Robinson Lane for practice. They would be using the complex from August 15th to December 1st. This request was approved. Received a request from Dan Salversen of Hope Alliance Church for the use of Schlathaus Park on 8/22/93 for a Community Church Service from 5 - 8:00 p.m. This request was approved. Minutes- 8/9/93 Recreation Commission Meeting Page 2 Received a phone call from John Badar requesting use of Robinson lane for a volleyball tournament on September 11th. The tournament would be for the D. C. Homeless Shelter. This request was approved but it was suggested that he use the Castle Point facility. Also he must pay the field use fee of $50.00. DUTCHESS DEBS TOURNAMENT Mr. Holt mentioned that the Dutchess Debs had their tournament with approximately 31 teams participating. He said that we had 2 portajohns there and that the Debs put in 4 additional ones but for some reason the rest rooms were left open. On Monday when we went in the rest rooms they were in terrible condition. Nothing worked and still it was used causing a deplorable condition. Even though the rest rooms were not suppose to be open, we felt that they should have taken some responsibility for the condition they were left in. It was also noted that they raked the powdered dirt off the baselines and thereby ruining the grass. There was also litter on the fields. It was suggested that if they use the facility in the future or if any other group uses it that we request a $500. deposit up front to cover any damages or repairs beyond the normal maintenance of the facility. A letter will be written to the Debs indicating our disappointment in the way the facility was left and indicate that we might propose a $500. up front fee. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Mrs. Delisa handed out a report on the activities for the month of July. This report is attached to these minutes. RECREATION DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Summer programs have been running as in previous years with the normal accidents, bee stings etc. Amy Russell is doing a super job and is very thorough. The special activities such as reptile show, Fun Central, Turtle-Frog Show were well received. Many comments from some parents were that we don't charge enough for the program. The end-of-summer picnic will be Wednesday, August 11th at Schlathaus. All counselors have been assigned specific duties. The food will be obtained through BJ's. Donations for prizes have been obtained from Splashdown, Holiday Bowl, Fun Central, Ben & Jerry's and WPDH. The swim program went well this year with an all new staff. There were no negative comments from the playground staff and the communication with Deer Hill was much improved from last year. Mr. Holt would like the members to think about doing away with the C.I.T. program and possibly rotating the playground directors for the 1994 season. He also said that we should go to the Board of Health after gathering facts and find out what they want us to do and why all Town's are not required to adhere to all the stipulations and rules that they reqUIre us to do. They are really making it too expensive to run the program. Mr. Friedman suggested that we gather the facts about Minutes 8/9/93 Recreation Commission Meeting Page 3 what they are requiring us to do and what Town's are not required. We should then set up a meeting with Dave Ruf and Peter Mack of the Health Dept, and a representative of the County Executive's Office to layout all the information and ask why they are picking on us and not the other Towns. SPOOK HILL Mr. Friedman mentioned that the graffiti is still on the bridge and building and that the roof is getting worse. Both need to be fixed as soon as possible. Mr. Vorndran mentioned that as soon as Little League is finished that will be done. ROBINSON LANE Mr. Friedman said that after the Eastern Regionals are over he would have time to meet with Mr. Vorndran and go over to Robinson and do some test holes to see where the water is. If conditions are right we could then go ahead with plans for the infiltration pits. He will work on this and evaluate the situation. The test holes will be below SL2 and Memorial Field. Mr. Miller noted that the Eastern Regionals started today with a very nice opening ceremony. The fields are in great shape. The electric is out to the scoreboard along with the phone lines. The games are scheduled for 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. The new sign is up at the park entrance and it looks good. Mr. Miller said that he hasn't had time to get with Gary Mensching regarding the truck body for soccer but now that the Regionals are underway and everything is slowing down a bit he will take care of this. CASTLE POINT Miss Gutzler mentioned that when she was at Castle POint that there were card games and game pieces left on the tables and candy wrappers and dixie cup spoons on the ground. The counselors should make sure that everything is put away before leaving. She also noted that the tables are in bad shape from the arts and crafts. Maintenance will have to paint them. Since there are lots of bees around the trash cans, Miss Gutzler suggested that we place a small dumpster there or at least try and get covered receptacles. HALLOWEEN PARTY The date set for the Halloween Party is October 24th at 1:00 p.m. Miss Gutzler, Mrs Korz and Mrs. DeLisa are working on the party and are trying to organize a Haunted House at Schlathaus. Mrs. Korz has contacted several people for entertainment and suggested a group called "Let Us Entertain You". Their cost is $125. for approximately 45 min to 1 hour. She will get the paperwork in to Mrs. Roe so a P.O. can be obtained. Letters have also been sent to area businesses to obtain donations for prizes. It was decided that we would not have Mr. Renta's group perform this year. Minutes 8/9/93 Recreation Commission Meeting Page 4 TENNIS Mrs. Korz said that the tennis clinics are going well. Mrs. Roe mentioned that she has a couple of complaints about the lights not being on at night and that the nets were not in good shape (too low, holes etc.) It was suggested that the lights be put on the timer to go off at around 10:00. The reason they were not on was to try to cut down on the vandalism. The maintenance will also check the nets to see if they should be replaced. VOLLEYBALL Mr. Rider received a quote of $35.00 for the leather volleyballs from Anaconda Kaye. It was suggested that we get a P.O. for 3 new balls. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Holt noted the following: 1. The budget requirements for 1994 have been submitted to Supervisor Smith. We have included items in the budget for Rymer Subdivision, (should we receive this property in 1994), Airport Park and White's Property. After speaking with the supervisor and Comptroller these items may come from Parkland Funds instead of the 1994 budget. We have also included Mr. Weber as a full time maintenance and nominal raises for the part time personnel who did not get a raise in 1993. 2. The Castle Point well has been held up because we need to have an engineering study done before we can proceed. Supervisor Smith will take case of getting this on the Town agenda. 3. White's Corners property is still at a standstill. Evidently they want to put in 6 houses instead of 4 and the Town is not willing to do this. 4. We want to go forward with the pole building at Montfort Road. A letter will be written to the Town Board requesting permission to purchase $7,000. worth of wood and to forward with the construction. 5. Another letter will be written to the Town Board regarding Airport Park. We need to remove the stones, do some grading, seeding and rolling in order to have something for the Spring of 1994. Since we do not have money for this in our 1993 budget we will have to request the funds to come from. Parkland. We will also need to speak with the soccer people to see if their engineer can come up with some plan for the layout of the fields and how else they can help us. 6. Vandalism has been bad this year at Spook Hill and Martz Field. They have painted the words "New Born Criminals" with pictures of guns etc on all the walls at Martz Field. They have sprayed the building at Spook Hill and have torn off the roof. A suggestion was made that maybe we could do murals and Mrs. DeLisa volunteered to oversee such a project. Maybe we could give the kids something constructive to do - do graffiti but with a plan. We will think on this and discuss it further. How do we reach the kids that need this? . Minutes 8/9/93 Recreation Commission Meeting Page 5 7. We did provide clay for Robinson Lane with Little League's support. They will be paying for half of the clay. At the same time clay was delivered to Castle POint with the Wappinger Men's Softball League donating $700. towards the clay. 8. We are also proposing to do Martz Field this Fall with the new clay. Next year we should do 2 more of the fields at Robinson Lane. Mr. Friedman suggested we do at least 1 of the girls fields. 9. We did hire a new person, Steve Tompkins, a plumber by trade but he can also do carpenter work, electrical work and as a farmer can run the tractors. 10. The gate for Robinson Lane will be put up soon. Mr. Miller suggested that maybe we should decide on how we want to layout the entrance and decide if we want to make any changes before it is installed. 11. We have done a lot of improvements at Robinson Lane and we haven't had to spend a lot of money as Central Hudson and Sylvan Lake Telephone made large donations towards the project. Mr. Holt noted that the cable that was installed would be capable of carrying electric for lights to the fields. Mr. Holt mentioned that Mr. Eastwood was saying that Central Hudson would like to light a field at this end of Dutchess County. They did one in the NOrthern part of the County already. Some type of rental deal would be worked out for the equipment. They would come in and put up the poles and lights and do the maintenance and we would have to pay the electricity. Mr. Holt said that he had no idea what the cost would be but he is interested in discussing the prospects with him. 12. We have not heard anything further on the clay for Castle Point. Last we knew it was in the hands of the D.E.C. 13. Mr. Miller will be Acting Chairman for Mr. Holt while he is away on vacation. 14. A suggestion was made to change the meeting nights. We will discuss this further at the September meeting. The Christmas Party was set for December 5th at Schlathaus Park. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 on a motion by Mr. Miller seconded by Mrs. Korz. Peggy Roe Secretary ~ AUGUST 1993 REPORT TO THE RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 1993 SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER July activities at the Senior Citizen Center included the regular schedule of art/crafts, oil painting, exercise, lie dancing, videos, cards and games. The Center was closeu on the 2nd and 5th for Independence Day. Mike Garrett of Ben & Jerry's provided ice cream on the 14th for National Ice Cream month. The Seniors had a selection of three different flavors. Everyone enjoyed the special treat. On the 21st, the seniors joined the playgroud children for the "Turtle Frog Music Show" at Schlathaus Park. It was fun for all. After the show, the seniors had a picnic on the grounds. We had hot dogs, chips, soda and watermelon for dessert. The seniors were delighted with the house and grounds and are looking forward to moving there during the expansion to the Center. The Heart Assoc. provided blood pressure screening on the 17th. Diana Weibrecht from the Office of the Aging was at Town Hall to answer questions and help seniors with the agency's services. The trip to Lake George on the 13th was a great success. One of our seniors had an accident while doing exercise on Friday the 16. Peggy Ryan tripped and fell. She cut her head near her eye, bruised her arm and broke her glasses.. After administering first aid, I took her to Medicus for treatment. She was treated with stitches to the cut and x-rays were taken to make sure no bones were injured. A formal report was given to the Comptroller's office. Peggy is okay, and has healed from her wounds. There was an average of 35 seniors per day at the Center. There was an average of 19 seniors on Monday. There are 184 seniors registered at theCenter and 89 seniors on the waiting list. ITEMS TO BE-NOTED: 1. The expansion bids were accepted at the Town Board meeting on July 26. Therefore, the seniors will be moving to Schlathaus Park in August. The Center will be closed on Aug. 10, 11, 12, 13th to enable the Recreation Maintenance Crew to move everything, and to reorganize the Center at Schlathaus. The Center will r~open at our new location on the 16th. Exercise classes will remain at Town Hall. 2. On Aug. 19, the Seniors will hos~ a picnic at Schlathaus for the Fishkill Senior Center. Susan Schlach, Director of Fishkill Seniors and I have planned a barbeque, games and raffles for the day's event. Both Connie Smith and Joan Pagones have been invited to attend. 3. The Town sponsored trip to Aqua Turf is on Aug. 25. 4. The Heart Assoc. will provide blootl pressure screening at Schlathaus on the 17th. AUGUST 1993 TOWN OF WAPPINGER SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER: OPEN 10:00A.M.-3:00P.M. 20 Middlebush Rd., Wappingers Falls, NY. 12590 Phone:297-3670 Director: Kathi DeLisa MON. TUES. WED. THURS. FRI. 12 INAT'L SMILE WEEK!' 3 (SMILE!! I 4 IFRIENDSHIP DAY! I 5 I SMILE!!!!! I 6 I SMILE!!!! I I SMILE!!! 1_' '_I SMILE!!! I I 11:DIANA W./OFA!!I I 110-Noon: arts/crafts lOlL PAINTING CANCELLED10-ll:00: EXERCISE 110-11:00: EXERCISE 110-11: LINE DANCING 1 INOON: LUNCH 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110~Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts I 112:30-3: cards/games INOON: LUNCH INOON: LUNCH INOON: LUNCH INOON: LUNCH I I 112:30-3: cards/games 112:30-3: cards/games 112:30-3:cards/games 112:30-3: VIDEO!! I I I I ( I I I 9 I 110 I I 111 1 121 113 I I I I I I I I I I I LINE DANCING I 1 I EXERCISE CANCELLED!!! I EXERCISE CANCELLED!!! I CANCELLED! ! ! 110-Noon: arts/crafts I CENTER CLOSED TO (CENTER CLOSED TO ICENTER CLOSED TO ICENTER CLOSED TO INOON: LUNCH I ENABLE MOVE TO IENABLE MOVE TO IENABLE MOVE TO IENABLE MOVE TO 112:30-3: cards/games I SCHLATHAUS ISCHLATHAUS ISCHLATHAUS 'SCHLATHAUS I ( I I I 116 IWELCOME TO 117 lOlL PAINTING 118 (10-11:EXERCISE 119 IEXERCISE CANCELLED 20lLINE DANCING AT I I SCHLATHAUS!!!!! I I CANCELLED "AT TOWN HALL I IPICNIC AT I I TOWN HALL I 110-NOON:BLOOD PRESSURE-AT SCHLATHAUS: I SCHLATHAUS WITH I~T SCHLATHAUS: 110-Noon: arts/crafts I AT SCHLATHAUS 110-Noon: arts/crafts IFISHKILL CENTER!! 110-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH 110-Noon: arts/crfts I NOON: LUNCH IYOU MUST SIGN UP WITHINOON: LUNCH 112;30-3: cards/games INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games IKATHI BY 8/17!!1 112:30-3: cards/game I I 12: 30-3: cards/~ames I I I I 231 124 , 125 I TRIP TO AQUA TURF 126 110-11: EXERCISE 127' LINE DANCING AT I 1 1 I 1 110-11:EXERCISEATI I AT TOWN HALL I 'TOWNHALL I 110-Noon:OIL PAINTING I TOWN HALL IAT SCHLATHAUS: I AT SCHLATHAUS: 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts I AT SCHLATHAUS: 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts I INOON: LUNCH INOON: LUNCH 110-Noon: -arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH INOON: LUNCH 1 112:30-3: cards/games 112:30-3: cards/games I NOON: LUNCH I BIRTHDAY PARTY!!! 112:30-3: VIDEO I I I I 12: 30-3: cards/games 112: 30-3: cards/~ames I I I 301 '.311 IAUGUST BIRTHDAYS: 22 Tina Tesan WE NEED 3 CAKES FOR I I_I I_I I 1 Carmela Vrendenburg 23 Gil Bardy THE BIRTHDAY PARTY! r 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: OIL PAINTING I 2 Christine Brooks 26 Angelo Ianuale PLEASE SEE KATHI IF I INOON: LUNCH 110-Noon: arts/crafts I 3 Fortuna Iazzetti 27 Millie Grosso YOU WILL VOLUNTEER TOI 112:30-3: cards/games (NOON: LUNCH I 3 Florence Bidwell 30 Anna Gaglione BRING ONE! THANK YOU I I 11.?: 30-3: cards/games 110 Jim Orefice FOR YOUR HgL~' , I I ( 1 I ~~~~I~~~~ S~~IO~ ~~~S By Kathi DeLisa, Director AUGUST 1993 READY! SET! GO! The bids for our Center expansion were approved at the Town Board meeting on July 26. So away we go! I have been told construction will begin very shortly. Therefore, we will be moving out of Town Hall and over to Schlathaus Park. The Center will be closed on August 10 through August 13 to enable maintenance and us to move everything over to our temporary location. The Center will reopen at Schlathaus on Monday August 16 at 10:00 a.m. There will be a few handicapped parking spots for those who have difficulty walking. A ramp has been built for those who have difficulty with steps. Other parking areas will be pointed out as the week continues. There is parking at the entrance on All Angels Hill Rd. and also parking behind the house across from Meadowbrook Farms. I realize this is a big change for all of you and me too, but I trust you will all be patient and cooperate as we make this transition. Please note exercise will be cancelled the week we are closed. It will resume on Aug. 18th and will continue to be held at the Town Hall. For those of you who exercise, I hope you will then come to Schlathaus and join us in arts/crafts, videos, coffee and cookies, and other activities. . Now don't moan and groan! But, you can complain, we need to get that complaint jar filled so we can contribute to a new refrigerator and other things we may need. It is very nice at Schlathaus. There is a lovely shaded grove with picnic tab~es for us to get fresh air. There are separate rooms so those participating in different activities will not interfere with the arts 'and crafts. There is a TV so we can still have a video. And a very nice size kitchen. There will be a few rules. You must be more careful with scraps, yarn pieces and litter in general. As you know, I have been after everyone to ~lean up after themselves. Many of you have taken for granted that someone else will clean up your mess and it is getting out of hand. If you ~ have lunch garbage, cups or other debris, please put-it in the wastebasket. If you use something, put it back where it belongs. If you dirty something, clean it up. The kitchen must be kept clean AT ALL TIMES! Do not expect someone else to do this for you. We all need to work together and each do their share instead of leaving all the work to just a few. I hope you will voluntarily clean up after yourself. If not, other alternatives are: each table will be assigned a week to clean up their area and other areas or each take a turn cleaning up the tables and other mutual areas for a week. So please be more considerate and clean up after yourself. Lecture is over! Let's get on to other August activities. Remember when the Fishkill Center invited us for a Bingo Day? Well, it is our turn to reciprocate! Susan Schlach, Director at Fishkill and I have scheduled a picnic for our two Centers at Schlathaus on Augus~ 19th. Fishkill seniors will bring salads and desserts. We will provide the hot dogs and burgers and soda. There will be lots of food, raffle prizes and games. They were excellent hosts to us, let's do the same for them. If you would like to attend this picnic, you must sign up with me by Aug. 17 and get your ticket. There will bocce and horseshoes for those who wish to play. Come on guys! See if you can beat Fishkill at these games. Both Susan and I hope to continue doing activities together. It gives us all an opportunity to meet new friends and have fun too! If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Diana from the Office of the Aging will be at Town Hall on Thurs. Aug. 5. If you want to meet with her, please let me know. There will be blood pressure screening at Schlathaus on the 17th from iO-Noon. Those of. you going to Aqua Turf on the 25th will still catch the bus at either Town Hall or Zion. Our birthday party will be Aug. 26. Help! I am looking for someone who will volunteer to be our "Sunshine Person." This person would be responsible for sending get well cards to anyone out sick, a "thinking of you" card "to those who have, moved out of the area or into Adult Homes. Anyone interested, please see me. And thank you! We are still looking for anyone interested in joining a photo club. Please see me if you are interested. In regard to the Metropolitan Museum, I have spoken to Dag at Canterbury Tours. He is looking into a smaller bus that we can afford. I will keep all of you who are interested informed. For those paying dues by the month, August dues is $2.50. A big hug to all of you!!!!! P.S. The Complaint Jar is moving to Schlathaus with us. Tee Hee! " BILLS PAID DURING AUGUST 1993 A-1620.40 CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & ELECTRIC Tennis Courts #7690-0425-00 Spook Hill Park 7810-1572-04 Myers Corners/All Angels 7802-1962-00 Old Myers Corners/Stage 7802-1960-00 Long Court 7851-1550-00 Gazebo 7512-0470-00 6.59 23.34 14.79 13.53 20.23 13.35 A-1620.41 NYNEX MOBILE COMMUNITCATIONS Castle POint - 474-5098 34.91 A-7110.2 Chris Bar Electric 1,350.00 A-7110.4 B. & H. Tire Service Royal Carting A-I Lawnmower Milton Alley Agway NYCOMCO Dan Zag Royal Auto Grossman's Davies Hardware Davies Hardware Grossman's Grossman's H. G. Page Pine Plains Ford Tractor Premier Fasteners Company Premier Fasteners Company Service Merchandise Urey Hardware Brighton Ventures NYCOMCO 57.00 703.74 32.60 376.88 135.00 40.42 22.02 44.95 7.20 41. 29 140.99 117.76 11. 69 43.55 50.40 79.88 45.63' 733.24 67.50 A-7140.4 Amy Russell Heart & Soul Switch in Time Steve Johnson 67.38 775.00 800.00 1,000.00 B-7310.4 Serpent Survival American Red Cross E.M.S. Associates Amy Russell Caldor Guardian Trailer Rentals Caldor Caldor Amy Russell Enviro-Clean - Robinson K-Mart Petty Cash 640.00 440.00 39.55 40.73 27.93 100.00 35.90 26.00 21.40 150.00 28.54 ~il Q~ ~. Bills Paid During August A-7620.4 Coffee System of Hudson Valley Jamesway Roberts Boice Paper Co. Hobby Hut The Rent -All Center Petty Cash 36.00 102.57 41.00 94.90 7.93 33.01