1996-09-10 , ,. . , ':' RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 10,1996 NEXT MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 7,1996 AT SCHLATHAUS PARK AT 6:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Committee was held September 10, 1996 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. ' The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Ralph J. Holt. Others present were Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Bernie Reimer, Recreation Director, Committee Members James Chappas, Joseph Ennesser, Ronald Friedman, Ellen Korz and Stephen Miller. The minutes of the August 6, 1996 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Friedman seconded by Mr. Chappas with the following correction. On Page #3 where we were discussing I.D.'s " especially the camp staff" should be added. CORRESPONDENCE A request was received from Laurie Patterson for the use of Castle Point recreation area for the purpose of wedding pictures to be taken on Saturday, October 12, 1996 at approximately 3:00 p.m. The Committee approved this request and Mr. Reimer will see that the gate is opened and closed that day. A memo was received from Supervisor Smith regarding the 10' pedestrian right of way from Rosewood Court to Roberts Road. In her memo she requested that the easement be cleared as soon as possible. Mr. Holt mentioned that he was familiar with the area and thinks that it is already staked out. He will have the maintenance guys go over there and see what can be done with the easement. A invitation was received from Mark Laman, President of the Wappinger Soccer Club inviting the Committee to attend their opening day ceremonies for the 1996/97 soccer season. The ceremonies will be held September 7th at 9:00 a.m. at the Airport Park Soccer Fields. It was mentioned that because of the weather forecast, the ceremonies were rescheduled for Saturday, September 14th at 8:30 a.m. Approval has been received from the Wappinger Junior High School for the use of their facilities for our aerobic program on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting October 1 st. They also enclosed a schedule of the dates that the cafeteria would be available/unavailable. A letter was received from Dan Zoller, of Dutchess County Health Dept. Regarding the Supervision Investigation of the Off Site Swimming at Deer Hill. His letter mentioned that his Department has completed its investigation into reports that supervision of the Castle Point group while at Deer Hill may have been unsatisfactory. Mr. Reimer went into detail about the proposed allegations and we felt that the allegations were inappropriate. It was decided that a letter be sent back to Mr. Zoller stating that it is our understanding that no formal allegations were made and that these proposed allegations were blown out of proportion. The impact of this has caused concern to us. We agree that the actions of some of our counselors were not up to our expectations early in the program but we took immediate action to take care of the situation. Weare not aware of any interviews that took place regarding these allegations and are concerned that this had to go in writing. Mr. Reimer will draft up a letter to be sent to Mr. Zoller. A letter was received from June Ellen Cioppa, Youth Programs Analyst for the Dutchess County Youth Bureau. She thanked Mr. Reimer for spending time with her on August 7th to discuss the swim lesson program. She found all the paperwork to be in order and the program to be operating satisfactorily. It was suggested that a copy of this letter be forward to Mr. Zoller. A memo was received from Supervisor Smith regarding Community Day which was held September 8, 1996. In her memo she requested use of the speaker system that could be used with a car battery. She requested that this system be left in the shed at Schlathaus. She also requested that the event be posted on the community sign at Schlathaus. Mr. Reimer took care of posting the sign and the system was left in the shed for that day. A suggestion was received from a resident on upgrading the handball court at Spook Hill Road. This paperwork will be copied for Mr. Miller to review. The application, certificate of insurance and a check in the amount of $50.00 was received from the Chelsea Fire Company for the use of Castle Point Recreation Area on September 14, 1996. They are scheduling fireworks at approximately 8:00 p.m. that night. Approval was received from Sheafe Road School for the use of their facilities for the Boys and Girls Basketball program. This program will start in January 1997. Several requests have been received for the use of Robinson Lane Rec. Fields as follows: September 12, 1996 - September 14, 1996- September 14, 1996 Troop 56 Tim Fisher State Troopers 6:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. ? No one on the Committee has been notified if or when Little League is holding a Fall Ball 2 Program. Mr. Holt mentioned that he has called Gail Provost regarding this and ifhe does not hear from her by tonight, these requests will be okayed. Mr. Chapp as mentioned that his children have signed up for the Program. We think that Little League has to be reminded that the fields belong to the Town and that we have to be notified when they are using the fields. Troop 56 will be given SB #2, Mr. Fisher will be given Holt Field and the State Police will be given SL 1. Mr. Friedman will notify Little League Officials of these usages. It was mentioned that if the State Police use the fields that we let them know that there are no bases out there. OUTGOING LETTERS 1. Thank you letter to "Friends of Parks" for the $300. grant for the new gas grill. 2. Thank you letters to the following for their support of the summer program: Kim Lawrence of Fun Central, Mike Cornell of Splashdown, Jack Bannello of Hoe Bowl Holiday, Mike Garrett of Ben & Jerry's, Brian Moody of Mobile Office Concepts, Paul Trefz of McDonalds.. 3. Letter to Irving Miller of the Road Runners Club re: Race on Sept. 8th. 4. Letters to the following for donations for the Halloween Party: Pizza Hut, Ben & Jerry's, Old Country Buffet, K.F.C., Hudson Valley Renegades, 5. Memo to Supervisor Smith regarding the water at Schlathaus Park. 6. Memo to Town Board requesting P.O. for backhoe work at various parks for pea gravel placement. 7. Memo to Town Board that Mr. Friedman will be acting chairman while Mr. Holt is away. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Mrs. DeLisa handed out a report on the Senior activities for the month of August. This report is attached to these minutes. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Reimer mentioned that "OJ" will be returning to lead the aerobics classes at the Wappinger Jr. High starting in October. Walter Leczinski will also be returning to lead the indoor volleyball program at Myers Comers School. Tonight is the last night of the outdoor volleyball program at Pye Lane as it is getting dark too early. Mark Caprara mentioned that he would be unable to run the Adult Basketball program at the Wappinger Jr. High School but gave Mr. Reimer several names of people who might be interested. As reported in last month's meeting, Wappinger Jr. High has notified us that we will be unable to start the program until 7:30 in the evening instead of 6:30 but Mr. Caprara felt that would not be a problem and suggested that we continue it and hopefully we will be able to stay a little later. Mr. Reimer mentioned that the Schlathaus Race will be held on October 5th at Schlathaus Park. The Town supplies the trophies and the pumpkins that are used as prizes. They will also need a table and a couple of chairs. 3 He has sent in an application to the Myers Comers School for a rain site for the Halloween Party. December 8th has been set as the date for the Christmas Party at Schlathaus Park. Mr. Reimer asked if we would want to have the Evergreen Chorus for our entertainment and this was approved. Mr. Ennesser mentioned that we will have to find the microphone stands. We will ask Mr. Tompkins to check at the bam for them. Mrs. DeLisa reminded us that we will need a Santa for the (3) three parties (Villa Borghese on December 6th, Town Party on the 8th and the Elks Christmas Party on the 12th). Mr. Friedman will ask Mr. Teny Fisher to do this and ifhe is not able to do it we will ask Mr. Hany Straley. Mr. Reimer mentioned that he has been in contact with "The Woods Tea Company. and they indicated that they would be willing to do a winter concert for Y2 price. A discussion was held regarding this and it was decided to table this to a later meeting. SOCCER Mr. Chapp as indicated that soccer would like to use the sound system for their opening ceremonies on September 14th. He will obtain a key to the shed at Schlathaus so that he can pick it up. He also requested that soccer receive a key to the big gates at Airport Park so that if an emergency vehicle needs to gain access that they will be able to open the gates. Mrs. Roe will see that one is available. He mentioned that the bridges over the swales two are gone and one has the railing broken off of it. Mr. Holt mentioned that the maintenance guys were over there cleaning out the swale and he would have them check on the bridges to see if they can be fixed or replaced. Mr. Chappas mentioned that the electric was not in and Mrs. Roe said that the permit had not been completed. Supervisor Smith has to approve the installation as the Town is the owner of the building. Mr. Chappas mentioned that the road into Regency Drive has a lot of holes in it and he mentioned that the residents complain about the dust from the access road. It was our understanding that Mr. Foster was going to fix the road. Mr. Friedman mentioned that he has heard from a couple of the residents that during the summer they can't sit out in their yard because of the dust created from the road entrance. They mentioned to Mr. Friedman that they had asked Mr. Foster about this and was told that he did not have the money or the time to pave it. It was suggested that Mr. Chappas compose a letter to be sent to the Town Board regarding this and mention that we would like to blacktop this road. There was not money specifically earmarked for this in the 1996 budget but there are several things that we will not be able to complete this year and we would like to use those funds. Mr. Holt said that he would have the maintenance men get an estimate on blacktopping this roadway or approximately 300'. Our estimate is that it might cost around $3,000. 4 Mr. Chappas asked if 2 or 3 bleachers could be moved over to Airport Park. Mr. Holt mentioned that he would speak with Mr. Tompkins about this. He also asked if we could put a couple of tables by the concession stand. Mrs. Roe indicated that she had received a call for paint to line the fields. We only have a little left in the line item for the marking chalk and the paint so we will have to determine how much marking chalk is needed and then we will be able to order the paint. BOAT RAMP Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the grant we applied for in April has been rejected. When he talked to Albany, they mentioned that we are not a member of the Hudson Valley Waterfront Revitalization Program. They will send us some infonnation on that program. A letter will be sent to the Town Board infonning them of the grant rejection and ask for direction on the boat ramp project. PEA ORA VEL WORK Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he a did a study comparing the excavating verses using 6 x 6 timbers on the surface and the second method was horrendous. He indicated that the best way to do the pea gravel is to excavate. ROAD RUNNERS RACE Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he went to Robinson Lane on Monday after the race and he found the area left in superb condition. It was the best he has seen it after a function with that many participants. The maintenance personnel mentioned that it was spotless. ROBINSON LANE Mr. Friedman mentioned that the area by field 7 and 8 has finally been cleared from the area where the new parking lot is. Mr. Holt mentioned that the guys have seeded the bank area. CASTLE POINT ELECTRIC Mr. Friedman asked if we have heard anything regarding the Castle Point Electric if we are able to do use these funds for the foundation for the building instead of waiting for approvals for the electric poles.. 5 HALLOWEEN Mrs. Korz mentioned that she is having trouble getting in touch with Paul Trefz of McDonalds regarding the donation for the Halloween Party. She mentioned that she wrote a letter and has called several times but he doesn't return her calls so she doesn't know ifwe have the pumpkins to give out or not. It was suggested that she send another letter saying that it is getting close to the party and we would like to know if we can count on their support. We know the children look forward to this. A discussion was held regarding the haunted house and we will have to get in touch with Miss Gutzler to find out what dates she wants to hold it. It was suggested that we do Friday, Saturday and Sunday but Mrs. Roe will contact her regarding this. SPOOK HILL Mr. Miller mentioned that he would review the plans which were submitted at this meeting for upgrading the handball court at Spook Hill.. He also mentioned that he thought that something should be done with the parking area. It needs to be blacktopped or at least some item 4 put there. He also felt that we should have done a better job of weed wacking around the playground equipment this past summer. It was mentioned that when the pea gravel work is done the weeds won't be such a problem. Mr. Miller said that we should look at the fence by the parking area. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Holt mentioned the following: 23rd. 1. The P.O. for the pea gravel will be acted on at the Town Board Meeting on Sept. 2. The new slide is in the bam and is to be installed at Quiet Acres. As soon as we get the P.O. for the excavation for the pea gravel we will have it installed. The old slide will be fixed up if possible and put in at Angelbrook. 3. We are still trying to get some information on the Briar Lane and Rymer Properties. We need to know where the markers are so we can get into the property. We need to get a copy of the maps. 4. The tractor that we ordered in the Spring has not been delivered yet. Pine Plains notified us that it has been completed but to date they have not received it. 5. We need to get a letter to the Town Board regarding the purchase of doors for the lean to building in the back of the bam. 6 A discussion took place regarding the three pieces of equipment that we put in the 1997 budget. Supervisor Smith said that she would look into the surrounding towns to see if th,ey have that type of equipment. To date we have not heard anything regarding this equipment. A suggestion was made that since the grant was denied for the boat ramp that we request permission to use the Parkland Funds to complete the dock proposals. The following is our interpretation of the Parkland Fund. In today's environment every Town when dealing with a developer is given the option of taking 10% of the land addressed by the developer or in the case of the Town of Wappinger the following: For 1 thru 5 lots, no fee. For 6 thru 9 lots, $1,500 per lot For 10 or more lots, the Planning Board shall determine whether to require the reservation of land, or payment of $1,500 per lot. The Recreation Committee will seek to take the land as their first option. There will be time when dollars are more appropriate, but this option will be taken only after close scrutiny of the property being developed and only after discussions with our Planning Board. There will also be occasions when the Committee would prefer to take work from the developer instead of land or dollars. In all cases the action must be deemed to be what is best for our Town. It is hoped that the Recreation Committee would have the right to choose the option they prefer and pass this on to the Planning Board as their recommendation. It is also our understanding that the parkland funds should be used for the upgrading of our parks and should not be used for the purchase of equipment. There was a question regarding alcoholic beverages in Town parks. The Mid Hudson Road Runners had a sponsor of Budweiser for their race and they wanted to ask for a waiver for the alcoholic beverages. Mr. Irving Miller was told that they could not get a waiver that it is a state law. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Ennesser seconded by Mr. Chappas. Peggy Roe Secretary 7 BILLS PAID DURING SEPTEMBER 1996 A-1620AO CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & ELECTRIC Robinson Lane 7690-0760-00-0 347.18 Tennis Courts 7690-0425-00-0 216049 Schlathaus Park 7808-0400-01-9 40.69 All Angels Road 7808-0405-00-0 89.72 A-1620Al FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS Robinson Lane 227-3494 20.84 NYNEX Quiet Acres 297-7780 30.38 Schlathaus Park 297-4752 23.34 Martz Field 297-9928 53.61 Spook Hill 297-9861 56.21 Barn-Montfort Road 297-3692 40.57 A-71 10.2 A-71 1004 A T & T WIRELESS Castle Point 325-9630 62.05 A-I Fence Company 2,500.00 D. C. Sheriff Lee Myles Lee Myles Lee Myles Pine Plains Ford Tractor Petty Cash AmeriTech AmeriTech N. & S. Supply N. & S. Supply Milton Alley Agway Milton Alley Agway Dan Zag Royal Auto Parts Hutchinson's Equipment Corp. Hutchinson's Equipment Corp. 315.33 226.32 59.95 68.91 34.79 11.24 1,490.00 1,275.00 47.04 25.82 36.00 47.60 29.88 21.65 41.22 B. & H. Tire Service 18.00 Enviro-Clean Porta Potty 116.00 Brighton Ventures, Ltd. 192.00 Keil Equipment Co., Inc. 57.66 Dutchess County Sheriff 68.55 Milton Alley Agway 44.85 Ira D. Conklin 48.60 Ira D. Conklin 25.1 0 Pine Plains Ford Tractor, Inc. 31.12 Pine Plains Ford Tractor, Inc. 1,518.00 B & H. Tire Service 23.00 Enviro-Clean Porta Potty 116.00 Enviro-Clean Porta Potty 58.00 Enviro-Clean Porta Potty 58.00 Enviro-Clean Porta Potty 58.00 A-7140A Canterbwy Tours 600.00 A-7620A Coffee System 52.00 Hobby Hut 49.64 Hobby Hut 49.35 Petty Cash 85.90 Poughkeepsie Journal 27.30 B-73 10.2 Miracle Recreation 1,994.00 B-7310A Petty Cash S. & S. Arts & Crafts 1.36 2,220.94 A-2001 Maryhattie Amundson 25.00 \ SEPTEMBER 1996 REPORT TO THE RECREATION COMMISSION FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1996 SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER August activities at the Senior Citizen Center included the regular schedule of arts/crafts, oil painting, exercise, line dancing, photo club, videos, bingo, puzzles, creative writing, cards and games. The Center was closed Aug. 2nd for paving of the parking lot. On August 15th over 85 seniors enjoyed an Hawaiian Luau at the Holiday Inn in FishkilL The day included a hula contest, music by Johnny Dell, great food, raffle prizes and lots of dancing and fun for all. All came in Hawaiian dress, everyone had a lei (made at the Center for the occassion. It was a great day!!!! The Blood pressure screening and stress management was cancelled. Both girls planning on doing this were sick. This will be rescheduled at their earliest convenience. The Creative Writing class is still very small but so far enjoyable to those participating. There are a few interested in joining in September. The trip to Saratoga was a big success. So far all the Senior trips have had great reviews. Many have commented on how enjoyable Regina makes the bus trip as well as looking after everyone. There are 199 memers registered at the Center and 184 on the waiting list. ITEMS TO BE NOTED: I. Linda Soto, our new craft teacher is working out very well. A good worker, very pleasant and the seniors really like her. 2. September activities include a 3 Center Bowling Party at Holiday Hoebowl, Jim Torisi from NY Life on Medicare and Medigap Insurance and Dr. Sorrentino on dental and denture care. The Walking Club will have its award luncheon on the 27th. 3. The Center's annual Craft Fair is scheduled for Oct. 25th. 4. Requests for donations for the Elks Christmas Party have been mailed. SEPTEMBER 1996 TOWN OF WAPPINGER SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER: OPEN 10:00A.M.-3:00P.M. 20 Middlebush Rd., Wappingers Falls, NY. 12590 Phone: 297-3670 Director: Kathi DeLisa MON. FRI. TUES. WED. THURS. 2 I _I LABOR DAY HE CENTER IS CLOSED HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY DAY! ! ! 9 I _I o : PHOTO CLUB!!! O-Noon: arts/crafts OON: LUNCH 2: 30-3: cards/games 6 I I HOLIDAY HOEBOWL BOWLING PARTY!!!! fIlE CENTER IS CLOSED! !HGN UP WITH ItATHI!!! Z3 I I 10: PHOTO CLUB 10-Noon: arts/crafts N'OON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 30 IASK A STUPID IQUESTION DAY!!!! 10: PHOTO CLUB 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOQN: LUNCH 12:~0-3 cards/games I 3 I I 4 I 5 110: CREATIVE I 6 I I I I I I I WRITING! ! ! !! I I 110-Noon: OIL PAINTING I 10-11: EXERCISE 110-11: EXERCISE 110-11: LINE DANCING I 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts 110-11: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts I INOON: LUNCH INOON: LUNCH 111: Ji. Torisi on I NOON: LUNCH I 112:30-3: cards/games 112:45-2: BINGO!BINGO! IKedigap Ins/Long TermI12:30-3: cards/games I I INOON: LUNCH 112: 30-3: VIDEO I I I 112:30-3: cards/games I 110 ISWAP IDEAS DAY! 111 110-Noon:BLOOD 112 I I 131 I I TRIP TO MYSTIC I I PRESSURE i & STRESS I I I I 110-Noon:OIL PAINTING I KANAGBKENT 110: CREATIVE WRITING 10-11: LINE DANCING 110-Noon:arts/crafts 110-11: EXERCISE 110-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 110-11: arts/crafts 110-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12: 30-3: cards/games NOON: LUNCH INOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 12:30-3: cards/games 112:45-2: BINGO!BINGO! 18 I 119 I I I I 10-11: EXERCISE 110: CREATIVE WRITING! 10-Noon: arts/crafts 110-11: EXERCISE NOON: LUNCH 110-Noon: arts/crafts 12:45-2: BINGO! BINGO! INOON: LUNCH: 112:45-2: BINGO ! BANGO ! I 26110:CREAtIVE WRITE 27 IWALKING CLUB I 110-11:EXERCISE ILUNCHEON!!!! 10-11: Arts/crafts 10-11:LINE DANCING 11:DR.SORRENTINO ON 10-Noon:arts/craftsl DENTURE/DENTAL CARE NOON: LUNCH NOON: LUNCH' 12: 30-3: cards/games 12:30-3: cards/games 17 I I 10-Noon: OIL PAINTING 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 24 I I 10-Noon:OIL PAINTING 10-Noon: arts/crafts INOON: LUNCH 112:30-3: cards/games I ISEPTEIIBER BIRTHDAYS 113 Bea Lipsio 114 Mary DelaSantra I 20 REGINA WALDRON 121 Connie Martin 123 Etta Elsasser 127 Mary Egan I 20 I REGINA'S I BIRTHDAY! ! ! ! ! 10-11: LINE DANCING 10-Noon: arts/crafts NOON: LUNCH 12:30-3: cards/games 25 I I 10-11: EXERCISE 10-Noon: arts/crafts INOON:LUNCH/BIRTHDAY I PARTY!!!!!!! 112:45-2: BINGO! BINGO! I 110 Betty Corl I I HAPPY BIRTHDAY I 1 I I TO ALL! ! ! ! ! . ~ , tv ..A.l? l? I N G-:E R. S:ENIO'R NEWS By Kathi DeLisa, Direotor SEPTEMBER 1996 Ah! September!! A marvelous month with beautiful weather, 0001 nights, warm days and a touoh of autumn in the air. A month to gather ourselves together and ready ourselves for our annual Craft Fair!!! Ha! Fooled ya! You thought I was going to say "gather together for another party," didn't you? Well, be assured, the parties will follow. In faot there are very busy days ahead: Craft Fairs, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas. Many parties ahead! So before we disouss September news lets do first things first. Time to gather your talents and orafts and get things ready for our Craft Fair. The Craft Fair will be held on Fri., Oct. 25th in the large meeting room from 10a.m. to 2p.m. Regina and Linda will be giving you some holiday crafts for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas to work on. Plus there are some projects I am asking them to make more of and others that we need no more of. They will also be asking you to work on specific projects or to finish up projects. So thank you in advance for your cooperation. As you all know there is a lot to pulling this together and we couldn't do it without all of you who help so much. Last year was a great sucoess! Let's make this an even better year!!!! Suggestions are welcome anytime! Raffle tiokets will be available soon. Once again, we will be asking each of you to take a minimum of 5 tickets to sell. It takes ALL OF YOU to help make this a success. Raffle tickets are the one thing that EVERYONE CAN PARTICIPATE IN. Others also contribute by their crafts, crocheting, knitting, baked goods, cleaning up, etc. besides buying or selling their 5 raffle tickets. Remember, craft sales plus your dues make it possible for luncheons, parties and much more. Please do your part!! Thank you! Since you'll all be working so hard, we'll have 1 4 'lC"" on Thursdays at 9:30a.m. Don't be shy! There is no pressure, no grades, just interesting and fun. Try it! Ronnie Badowski has offered to lead this Creative Writing Class. It will include short stories, or poetry or even "Writing Your Memoirs." Ronnie has been writing for several years as a hobby as well as semi-professionally. Creative writing can be fun. Ronnie can help you organize your thoughts for writing. Remember when you told your children a story at bedtime? We all have a story to tell. It can be a true story or fictitious. So think about it. Ronnie will help you put your thoughts on paper. If you are interested in this let me know or come in on a Thursday morn and try it! GO FOR IT! As soon as the balance of T-shirts come in, I will schedule a T-shirt day. You know, a day that we have a sort of, kind of , a day to celebrate, a day when we all wear our T-shirts, aaa, aa, you know a T-SHIRT PARTY DAY! WANTED! Suggestions for our Thanksgiving Luncheon. Remember the restuarant must be able to accommodate about 85 or more people. Also start thinking about your 1996 Halloween costume! And mark your calendar for Dec. 6th. Santa has a party planned. More next month! The Wappinger Lions Club" needs old eyeglasses or hearing aids. If you have any you no longer want or need, bring them to the Center. I will see to it that they are given to the Lions Club. Enjoy the poem by Ed Glick and Sue Bush. The Creative Corner was started so you all have the opportunity to share your creative writing, thoughts, drawing or cartoon. Come on Seniors, let's see what your thoughts are! Need help? Join the Writing Class! Don't be shy! Share your thoughts and creativity with us!! !!I will include these in the newsletter. We have many talented seniors at the Center. Some do crafts, some paint or draw, some write poetry and/or stories, some have wonderful and creative ideas. You may submit your "writing" or even a drawing or cartoon to me at any time. Please do not submit preprinted articles etc. from other sources. I am sure we will all enjoy reading or seeing the creativity of our fellow seniors. In regard to paying dues. Many of you are now paying your dues on a yearly basis and for that your Treasurers thank you. "This has made bookkeeping much easier and efficient. Many hav~ chosen to do this as they cannot be at the Center every week and want to participate in our special events. Yearly dues is $25.00. Many of you pay on a 3 -, .... CREATIVE CORNER BUT IT' 5 50 COZY HERE BY EDWARD GLICK Cassies got to go This I surely know But its so cozy here I'll stay in bed my Dear She will have to wait I'm going to get up late. I've got some work to do That is nothing new But its so cozy here I'll stay in bed my Dear. The job will have to wait I'm going to get up late. The day is cold and wet Might even snow just yet But its so cozy here I'll stay in bed my dear The snow'will have to wait I'm going to get up late. I cannot face the day I'll look the other way But its so cozy here I'll stay in bed my Dear. The day will have to wait I'm going to get up late. ,I have an old time friend Who's near his very end But its so cozy here I'll stay in bed my dear My friend will have to wait I'm going to get up late. 5